Star-source Legend

Chapter 1524: Special ability

"Damn, what kind of trick is this."

It was nothing at the beginning, but in the next instant, Randy felt that the energy in his body was losing a little bit at this moment, which made Randy want to get away for the first time. However, the long whip in Yunxia's hand, There is another name, which is to beat the whip.

Of course, this was not the magic whip in the hands of Jiang Ziya, the Taoist sect of God, but only a copy of it.

However, in fact, the materials of the two sides are not much different. Even the magic whip in Yunxia's hand has various magical functions. The comprehensive ability is not seen to be much worse than the magic whip in Jiang Ziya's hand.

At this moment, under Yunxia's control, the entire slap of the whip also increased the binding power to Randy, making Randy feel that his body was about to fall apart.

And Randy, although it is a mechanical race, since it is a metal life, it contains life energy, and as long as it has life energy, then Yunxia's means can work.

The way of life, on the surface, has a powerful recovery effect, and even proficient in the way of life can extend one's life. However, in fact, there is a powerful ability to embark on the path of life, that is, to deprive the opponent of the life force to a certain extent, so that his life span is reduced. Even if Yunxia’s strength was higher than Randy’s just now, One moment is enough to extract one-tenth of its life energy.

As a super genius of the mechanical clan, Randy has a better understanding of the situation of many people in the human and monster clan. However, in the face of Yunxia, ​​he only knows that he is good at the way of life and his recovery ability is second to none. However, the way of life Randy knew little about the most powerful ability.

At this moment, because he was too confident, it can be said that Randy regretted it.

After discovering that he couldn't get rid of the bullwhip after trying so many times, Randy finally had to use his own unique ability, which is also the most powerful feature of Blue Gold.

The most urgent thing is to get away. Otherwise, if you postpone it like this, it is estimated that Randy's own energy will be directly drained by Yunxia, ​​and the other party will directly draw Randy's life force.


In the next moment, in Yunxia's surprised expression, a powerful breath burst out from all over Randy's body. Then, Randy's whole body looked like it melted, and it turned into a The group of blue liquid, and then, the group of blue liquid also flowed not far away in an instant, and finally, directly gathered, and once again returned to its previous form.

This is a super power of blue gold, liquefaction.

It can be said that Yunxia had never thought of this.

"Yunxia, ​​I didn't expect your long whip to be so powerful, but now that I have escaped, I want to see what you can do to threaten me."

Feeling his own physical condition, Randy also said in a condensed voice at this moment, looking at Yunxia's expression, he has also become extremely vigilant from his previous arrogance.

Because at this moment, after recovering his own state, Randy also found that his comprehensive strength was much less than before. Some parts of his body seemed to be rusty. Obviously, it was caused by the special strength of Yunxia before. of.

Metal rust is just like normal aging of human beings. And Randy himself was made of blue gold, and if he wanted to replenish his own consumption, he needed to find the rest of the blue gold to fuse and repair himself.

Otherwise, this kind of rusty part will be irrecoverable throughout his life. It will even affect his future promotion.

It can be said that in Randy's mind at this moment, he is determined to kill Yunxia, ​​otherwise it will be difficult to dispel the hatred.


I saw Randy's right hand in the depths, and then, a blue big sword that was more than three meters long appeared in his hand, and then the whole person attacked Yunxia.

In an instant, Randy had already come to Yun Xia's front, directly facing Yun Xia's head, and struck out with a sword.

However, Yun Xia was very wary of Randy. Seeing that she was free of her own magic whip, Yun Xia also withdrew the whip in an instant. When Randy's voice just fell, her mind moved and she left. On the spot, he arrived at Randy's sideways position, and immediately after that, the whip in Yunxia's hand also swung out at Randy in an instant.

In the next moment, I saw that the whip in Yunxia's hand had also successfully entangled the big sword in Randy's hand, planning to pull it out directly.

However, Randy seemed to know Yunxia’s thoughts. After Yunxia’s magic whip encircled the huge long sword in her hand, the whole person suddenly stepped on the ground with one foot, and his left hand immediately caught Yunxia’s attack. The whip, then pulled hard.

Suddenly, the powerful force directly pulled Yunxia and flew towards Randy's position.

Immediately afterwards, Randy's left and right arms turned into a huge muzzle in an instant. In an instant, the energy was flooded, and it was shot directly at Yunxia.

The huge laser contained powerful energy, and the counter-shock force alone made Randy himself unable to resist a few steps backwards to stabilize his figure.

All of this happened in an instant. At this moment, Yun Xia obviously had nowhere to borrow in the air. In the end, Yun Xia could only do her best to condense the energy of her whole body and wrap herself layer by layer.


In the next instant, the laser also completely enveloped the clouds, and the terrifying energy also burst out directly at this moment, and everything around it was completely gone at this moment, making the scalp numb.

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