Star-source Legend

Chapter 1526: Accurate judgment

"What, that guy turned out to be Randy? Let me just say, with your strength and Peng Jun's words, it's impossible to put it in such a situation.

Randy, that is the strongest of the younger generation in the mechanical clan other than Bruce. It is estimated that among us, only Hades and Hong Lie are sure to defeat him.

However, I am the master, and my own strength has reached the middle stage of the Dao Sage realm. The combination of my spiritual thoughts is not worse than the strong ones in the later stage of the Dao Sage realm. Therefore, even if I cannot defeat him, and The confrontation can still be done, not to mention the cost of this guy playing against you. "

Hearing what Yunxia said, Mia only realized the identity of her next opponent. It can be said that if he was alone, he might really retreat temporarily.

The so-called shadow of the famous tree of man, Randy's comprehensive strength can be said to be a super genius who can rank in the top ten among the young generation within one hundred thousand years of the entire universe.

Although Mia is very confident about himself, he has already been resurrected once. Although his current strength has reached the middle stage of the Taoist realm, because of the resurrection, all aspects of comprehensive strength must be flawed compared to before. In the face of Randy, he was not sure of winning.

"Yunxia, ​​leave it to me next, how are you doing now, can you act? If you can, go see Peng Jun's situation, and then take him away from here.

Let me charge you a little interest first. "

However, in front of Yunxia, ​​Mia didn't want to be too timid, which is also a common problem for all men.

Especially at this most critical moment, in the face of Randy, running away is a fool's behavior, and it will only let him break one by one in the end.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Give me some time to recover a lot. At that time, the two of us will join forces and it will be enough to deal with him. You only need to be able to hold on to him for a period of time. Here you are, I'll see Peng Jun's situation. Remember to be more careful."

Hearing what Mia said, Yunxia nodded and reminded.

After that, Yun Xia endured her own body injury and headed towards where Peng Jun was.

For Yunxia, ​​who has understood the way of life, as long as it doesn't directly endanger her own origin, she can quickly recover after spending some time.

At this moment, even if Yunxia didn't control her, the life energy in her own body was still repairing her physical injuries little by little.

It's a pity that everyone's pubic space is currently in a banned state, otherwise, it only takes up to an hour, and Yun Xia is confident that she can return to her peak state.

"You're Randy? Long admired the name."

After Yunxia left, Mia also looked at Randy and said.

"Mia, the super genius of the Golden Soul clan, I have also heard of your name, but I remember that you just died a while ago, how can you be able to cultivate to the realm of Taoism again in such a short time? In the mid-term, it is admirable.

However, I don't think you can threaten me now. Since you are going to get ahead, then just so, leave the token in your hand to me. "

Looking at Mia, although Randy was relatively wary in his heart, he even gave birth to the meaning of retreat. After all, in the previous battle with Yunxia and Peng Jun, Randy’s own consumption was not small, and he paid a certain amount. The price used Lanjin's unique liquid state once. At this moment, Randy's own strength can only be used at the peak state of the seventh floor. Facing a controller at the same level, to be honest, Randy does not have to The grasp of victory.

However, being timid before a fight is not Randy's style, so Randy looks very strong at the moment.

"Oh? Really? Randy, it's the time like this, you're still full of big heads. Although you defeated Yunxia and Peng Jun and injured them seriously, I think your own consumption must also be Isn't it small?

I remember that your body was mutated from a fancy metal like blue gold, and like your patriarch Golden Soul seniors, they all have the ability to liquidize.

Although I don't know Yunxia that much, I know that her weapon is a magic whip. As long as it is displayed, the opponent will not be able to break free unless it is one level higher than her.

Your performance is intact now. Obviously, you should have used this method. Now, your strength is at most less than the seventh level at peak state. Facing me, I don’t want to retreat, and I’m still talking here. In that case, Let you **** method today. "

Hearing what Randy said, Mia also smiled lightly and said confidently.

It can be said that before participating in the Tri-Clan Trial, Mia also had a detailed understanding of a lot of information about the Monster Clan and the Mechanical Clan. This is not a few of the many geniuses participating in this time. Can understand more in detail than he knows.

Especially the soul structure of the mechanical clan is very peculiar, and many methods of the spiritual teacher have little effect on it, so Mia paid more attention to the mechanical clan.

As the apprentice of the head of the mechanical clan, Randy is Mia's focus.

Therefore, at this moment, Mia also accurately judged Randy's current strength based on his own inference.

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