Star-source Legend

Chapter 1528: Leave the place

"Mia, this is the master weapon that Senior Chu Huang gave you? It is indeed infinitely powerful. Randy's own body is blue gold, and his defense power can be said to be very terrifying, but in the end it still allows you to penetrate directly. Guy, if you lose an arm, even if you recover, your strength will eventually drop."

At this time, Yun Xia also helped Peng Jun to walk over. Looking at Randy's broken arm that fell to the ground, Yun Xia was also very surprised by the power of the Extinction Sword.

"Yes, the master magic weapon that Master gave me is called the Deity Sword. It is one of my hole cards. I will not use it easily, because even with my current strength in the middle stage of the Taoist realm, if I use my full strength, I will eventually At most, it can last for five minutes.

Only after reaching the ancestral realm, can I truly use it and exert its most terrifying and powerful power. You must know that there are more than 20 ancestral realm-level existences who die under the Desire Sword. Among them, there are three or four super existences reaching the late ancestral realm.

Hope I will not bury it. In my opinion, Divine Sword is more suitable for Zhang Fan. "

Hearing what Yunxia said, Mia also spoke at this moment, her expression full of pride.

"This is the Sword of Extinction? My God, that's no wonder. I remember my master used to talk to me about some of the top treasures in the universe. Among them, Sword of Extinction is a kind of horror. The killing weapon was juxtaposed with the Star Spear used by a senior named Xingyang 300 million years ago.

Palace Master Chu Huang is willing to give you the Extinguishing Sword. It seems that you also have a very important role in his mind.

As for Afan, he has his own opportunity. I heard him say that the Heaven Splitting League master seems to have given him a top-level master weapon called Phantom, which is said to be obtained from the chaos area.

So, you don't have to think about him, and if you really want you to give him the Extinction Sword, I think you must also be reluctant, ha ha. "

Upon hearing Mia's introduction, Yunxia was once again surprised by the name of this weapon.

"I know that guy will not lack anything. After all, the Universe Alliance is the richest in the entire universe, and Zhang Fan’s master, as the leader of the Universe Alliance, and the number one man in humanity, can naturally help Zhang Fan find a suitable one. His master is the magic weapon.

In any case, I saved the lives of both of you today. When I return to Huixing, the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Thousand Immortals, I have to invite me to the Shenxian Pavilion for several feasts.

How is it, what is your current state? "

Hearing what Yunxia said, Mia also found that she was worrying. And, as Yun Xia said, if he were to give Zhang Fan the Sword of Destruction to use, he would not be very willing.

At this moment, no longer thinking about it, Mia also looked at Yunxia and asked.

"I'm okay, it only takes about half a month to fully recover, but Peng Jun's state, even with my help, is estimated to take at least one or two months.

Facing Randy's full blow, it was already quite difficult for Peng Jun to recover his life. "

Yun Xia was also born at this moment and replied, her expression full of happiness.

"That guy is worthy of being a super genius of the mechanical race. Just a single blow made me hardly able to fight back. I thought that after entering the realm of Dao Sage, this trial should have a certain degree of persistence. In the end, it now seems that facing your existence at this level, the Dao Sacred Realm is not enough at the early stage.

But anyway, I still have to thank you this time. If you hadn't arrived in time, I might have stayed here forever.

I, Peng Jun, owes you my life. "

Looking at Mia, Peng Jun also said with emotion at the moment, and the whole person's mood seemed a little depressed.

"Don't be so polite, this is what should be done, not to mention that Zhang Fan and I have a good relationship, just because we are on the same side, I can't die.

Let’s not talk about it, the most important thing is, let’s leave this area early. The movement just now is not small. If it attracts the attention of the other two races, with the current state of the three of us, it is really dangerous. Up. "

Waving her hand, Mia also looked at the two and suggested at the moment.

"Hmm, well, originally the two of us planned to stay in this area and wait for Afan. Looking at it now, we can only change the place first."

Yunxia naturally knew that staying in place was very dangerous, and she agreed with Mia's suggestion.

"Oh? Listen to your tone, can Zhang Fan have the means to find you?"

Just as he was about to set off, Mia asked with surprise when she heard what Yunxia said.

"Hehe, this is what Afan told me before coming to the Tri-Clan trial, but his method can only be aimed at one person, and I am not very clear about what it is.

But I believe that since he said so, he must be confident enough. Therefore, after I joined Peng Jun at the beginning, I originally planned to stay in this area and silently wait for A Fan to arrive, but Randy unexpectedly discovered it. "

Looking at Mia, Yunxia also replied with a smile.

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