Star-source Legend

Chapter 1536: Close

However, at this moment, Mia was very anxious, because he was almost unable to feel the breath of Yunxia and Peng Jun. Under Qing Ming's powerful attacking power before, the locations of Yunxia and Peng Jun were also affected, and the two were also directly submerged by the collapsed cave.

However, Mia also knew that she had no ability to help the two of them now. In the face of the furious Qing Ming, the possibility that Mia wanted to rush out was infinitely close to zero.

"Mia, your strength is indeed good. If I were in the middle stage of the Dao Sage realm like you, perhaps at the beginning you relied on the means of the master and the spiritual teacher. In a short time, I cannot do anything. your.

However, now that I am in the late stage of Dao Sage realm, all abilities have completely pulled you away, and your ability to injure me is beyond my expectation.

Everything ends here, now you, there is no possibility to stop me, after you die, I will take good care of them both. "

At this moment, Qing Ming also looked at the opposite Mia and said.


As soon as the voice fell, Qing Ming dragged his huge body and rushed towards Mia. Then, terrifying flames also sprayed out from the dragon's mouth, completely sealing Mia in a fixed place. Range.


In the next moment, Qing Ming's huge tail also swept over at Mia.

That kind of feeling, as if someone was attacking with a towering pillar, it was impossible to fight against.

But there is no hope of escape, facing Qing Ming's attack, the only thing Mia can do at this moment is to mobilize the strength in her body to form a line of defense as much as possible to resist.

However, at this moment, Mia discovered that when Qing Ming's huge tail was about to approach him, it immediately stopped for a moment, as if he was directly anchored.

In the next moment, Mia saw an extremely anticipated figure appearing in front of him. At this moment, she placed one hand on Qing Ming's tail with ease, staring at him with a smile on her face. .

" guy, finally came, my goodness."

When seeing this person, Mia was relieved and felt extremely grateful. At the same time, her expression was extremely excited at this moment.

This person is not someone else, but Zhang Fan who rushed here.

"Haha, thanks for your hard work. I also noticed Yunxia and Wei Xia, so I rushed here at full speed. However, the distance between me and you was too far before, so I was delayed for some time. Fortunately, it’s not too late. First go find Yunxia and Peng Jun, take them to find a safe place, and wait until I get rid of this **** guy."

Looking at Mia, Zhang Fan said with a smile now.

In the next instant, Zhang Fan's entire complexion changed from sunny to dark in an instant, and the terrifying killing intent was directly diffused from his body.

When he was about to come here before, Zhang Fan also saw Yunxia and Peng Jun being submerged, and he had a clear picture of Mia's situation. It can be said that if Zhang Fan is late for a while, maybe The three of Mia will eventually die in Qing Ming's hands.

Especially when Zhang Fan felt the state of Yunxia and Peng Jun, the whole person was already in anger. Whether it is Yunxia or Peng Jun, they are both very important to Zhang Fan, Qing Ming, it can be said that he has already violated Zhang Fan's negative scale.


In the next moment, after Mia left, Zhang Fan immediately slapped Qing Ming's body with a continuous palm.

After that, Zhang Fan suddenly punched out his whole body. Suddenly, among the stunned expressions of Mia in the distance, Qing Ming’s huge body, which was several thousand meters long, flew out fiercely. It fell on the ground and smashed a big hole.

Although he knew that Zhang Fan's strength was terrifying, Mia did not expect that Zhang Fan's strength had reached such a very exaggerated level. You must know that the opponent is the first genius of the young generation recognized by the Monster Race.

"Damn it, Zhang Fan, it turned out to be you? How could you have such a powerful power? Could it be that you had hidden something when you entered the trial land before?

But how is this possible? Our patriarch clearly saw that your strength is only the mid-level peak of the Dao Sage realm. With your strength, how could it be impossible for him to notice. "

At this moment, falling on the ground, after Qing Ming saw the person who shot, the whole person was also extremely shocked.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

However, at this moment, Qing Ming also discovered that there was a continuous sound in his body, and then, the huge pain directly caused Qing Ming to fall into madness.

It can be clearly seen that at the tail of Qing Ming's huge body, there are blood holes close to one meter in size at this moment, and blood is flowing horizontally at this moment. Obviously, this is the credit of Zhang Fan's previous palm.

And the reason why it works internally is also because what Zhang Fan displayed is that a martial skill called "Floating Cloud Palm" learned on the earth at the beginning, although not very advanced, but now that Zhang Fan's current strength is even the most ordinary All of his martial arts are very powerful.

In an instant, Zhang Fan swung out hundreds of palms. With Zhang Fan's strength, it can be said that the effect of these hundreds of palms caused Qing Ming to be injured seriously, which seriously affected his strength.

Especially since the injuries caused by Mia using the Extinguishing Sword before him have not recovered, and the injuries have been added to them, Qing Ming also has a retreat in the first place.

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