Star-source Legend

Chapter 1539: Shocked Mia

"You mean before you came here, Yunxia and the others were injured because they met Randy from the Machine Race?"

Zhang Fan also asked in a deep voice at this moment.

"Yes, if it weren't for Randy, with Yunxia and Peng Jun's combined strength, it would be impossible for ordinary Dao Sage realm people to help them.

It's a pity that Randy's realm is higher than me, and he has reached the mid-term peak of Dao Sage realm. Even if I used the Excalibur Sword, I only left one of his arms in the end, and finally let him escape.

After that, I originally planned to take Yunxia and Peng Jun to find a safe and hidden place to heal her injuries, but I didn't expect that Qing Ming would already be hiding in the dark. "

Nodding, Mia also explained.


Hearing what Mia said, Randy was already on Zhang Fan's kill list.

This is not just a place for trials. After arriving outside, Zhang Fan will also directly look for opportunities to go to the mechanical clan to kill Randy.

"Don't say more, Afan, come on, Yunxia and Peng Jun are in a very bad situation now, especially Peng Jun, who had been seriously injured long before I came, and now it's almost exhausted. , Maybe you have a way to restore him."

Mia also spoke directly at this time.

"Haha, Mia, don't worry, although their injuries seem to be serious, but for Zhang Fan, it is not a problem at all. If you don't believe it, you see."

Hades also spoke to Mia calmly at this moment.

Hearing what Hades said, Mia also turned his attention to Zhang Fan's body, and kept looking at him. Although he knew that Zhang Fan's strength was very strong, the injuries of Yunxia and Peng Jun were too serious and there was no suitable treatment. If the pill or treasure is combined, it will have no effect at all.

However, in the next instant, Mia's eyes were almost staring straight out.

Because he saw a bottle of life water in Zhang Fan's hand for an instant, and then he carefully supported Yunxia and poured the life water into her Yin Tao's small mouth.

"No, this is for you, and this, Hades, you let Peng Jun take it. With these, I believe it will be enough for everyone to recover in a short time."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan also directly gave Mia a bottle of recovery medicine, and at the same time gave Hades a bottle of life water for Peng Jun to take.

"You, your pubic space can actually be used? My God."

At this moment, Mia also pointed to Zhang Fan with a shocked face and said.

"Hehe, otherwise, why do you think I said that? I was a bit shocked when I first learned that this guy can be unrestricted, because my state at that time was much worse than both of them. Now Look, isn't it still alive and kicking?

Stop making a fuss there, you should hurry up and recover. "

Hades also smiled and said to Mia at the moment.

Of course, Hades was such a cold person, not seeing him in just a few days, it turned out to be like a different person. Not only did he talk a lot, but also smiled on his face, which made Mia even more surprised.

After all, although they were friends with Hades in the past, they have never seen Hades laugh. It can be said that today is simply the sun coming out from the west. A series of things make Mia feel her own brain at this moment. It's about to crash.

After that, Mia didn't ask much, she took the recovered treasure for the first time, and sat cross-legged on the ground to start healing.

"Ahem... Ahem... Afan? Am I dreaming?"

At this time, Yunxia, ​​who had taken the water of life, also regained consciousness because her body had recovered a lot. When she saw Zhang Fan who was supporting her, she was very surprised.

"Hehe, Yunxia, ​​it's me, you are not dreaming, and fortunately I arrived in time, otherwise it would be really dangerous."

Looking at Yunxia, ​​Zhang Fan said softly now.

"Huh, just be here, yes, don't worry about me, look at Peng Jun, his condition is much more serious than mine, if it weren't for my life energy to wrap his heart, maybe Peng Jun It has long been unable to support."

At this time, Yun Xia also thought of Peng Jun for the first time, and the whole person also appeared a little worried and said to Zhang Fan.

"Hehe, don't worry, Peng Jun will recover soon. My pubic universe can be temporarily unrestricted, so if you have enough resources to help everyone, you don't have to worry.

It's really thrilling to say, if you eat it for a little while, it is estimated that you and Mia will not be able to hold on.

As soon as I entered the trial ground, I moved towards you at the fastest speed. However, the distance between us was too far, and we rushed to it at full speed. In addition, I helped Hades to recover in the middle. It took ten days to reach it.

Fortunately, you are all right, otherwise I really cannot forgive myself. "

Zhang Fan also explained to Yunxia at this moment.

"Great, if your dantian is not restricted, this trial will give us an absolute advantage to a certain extent. At least, once one of us is injured, we can recover immediately.

However, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. Once the news is revealed and the Monster Race and the Machine Race know, they can completely deny it. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Yunxia also seemed very excited, of course, she reminded her immediately.

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