Star-source Legend

Chapter 1543: Zhang Fan's plan

And just after Hong Lie left the place for about half a day, Zhang Fan and his party arrived near where Hong Lie was before.

"Huh? Is this Hong Lie's breath?"

At this time, relying on his strong mental power, Zhang Fan also felt the aura of Hong Lie for the first time, and the whole person also seemed quite agitated. Then the whole person disappeared in the same place for an instant, and finally came to where Hong Lie was. Near the entrance of the cave.

"It is indeed Hong Lie's breath, and it should not have been long since he left. Look, there are still some bloodstains here. It is estimated that Hong Lie should have suffered some injuries, so he stayed here to heal his injuries. After he recovered, he left directly.

It is estimated that only the three people of the Monster Race, Bruce of the Mechanical Race and the absolute overlord of this area, the three-headed dragon, can hurt Hong Lie here.

According to my estimation, Hong Lie was probably injured in a fight with the three-headed dragon, because I couldn't feel any demon or mechanical aura here. "

At this moment, Mia also came close to Zhang Fan and made a random judgment.

"Anyway, this is good news. In this way, Mia, you just follow Hong Lie's breath to find him. In half a day, if Hong Lie doesn't advance at full speed, you can still use your mental power. Able to find him first.

As for us, we went directly to the location of the three-headed dragon and solved it.

After you find Hong Lie, just come directly to meet up. "

Zhang Fan also made a direct decision at this time, and ordered Mia.

"Well, okay, then I will go to Hong Lie, you have to be more careful, how to say that the three-headed dragon is also a half-ancestral existence, you must be more vigilant."

Nodded, Mia did not refuse. After reminding everyone, she disappeared in place and followed the direction of Hong Lie's disappearance.

"In this way, I will approach the three-headed dragon first for a while, and you will stay around for the time being to be on guard. Once you find people from the other two races, if you can solve it, you can solve it as soon as possible. If you can't, then Directly activate the spiritual imprint I left on you, and I will return it as soon as possible."

After Mia left, Zhang Fan also looked at Hades and said.

"Hmm, well, Afan, you must be more careful."

Yun Xia also said with a look of concern.

"Hmm, don't worry, with my strength, it should be no problem to solve the three-headed dragon. The only thing that is more worrying is that the movement may be too loud, which will attract the attention of the other two races in the distance.

I'll pass first. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan's figure moved, and he lased towards the three-headed dragon like lightning. As for Yunxia, ​​the three of them were also directly scattered in the surrounding area, and began to deploy some basic warning methods.

It can be said that if there were only Yunxia and Peng Jun, Zhang Fan would not worry about acting alone, but with the presence of Hades, it can be said that as long as the three remaining kings of the younger generation of the monster race are not coming at the same time, basically The above all have a certain resistance ability, at least they can persist until Zhang Fan arrives.

"What a big guy, he deserves to be the overlord of the monster race. Even if his blood is very thin, he is capable of reaching the half-ancestral level. If you even practice for a period of time, you may not have a chance to survive the ancestral calamity. Step across the ancestral realm."

At the same time, a few minutes later, Zhang Fan, through his strong mental power, was the first to see the huge three-headed dragon who was holding his huge body at this moment and in a dormant state.

It can be said that no matter where it is, seeing the existence of this kind of overlord level will make Zhang Fan feel very shocked.

"Old Xing, you said this kind of guy, can I subdue him? If I can subdue it and cultivate it, it would be very cool to be a mount."

At this moment, Zhang Fan couldn't help but directly said to Old Star Xing.

"Hehe, you kid dare to think, although your current strength is basically invincible under the ancestral realm, but if you want to deal with this big guy, it will cost a lot.

Although its comprehensive wisdom is not as good as that of the real monster race, at this level, it is already similar to the wisdom of normal humans to a certain extent. Moreover, the three-headed dragon was the overlord of the universe in a certain era before the spirit race, even if the one in front of you Only the blood in the body is not so deep, and its comprehensive strength should not be underestimated.

If you want to subdue it, you must directly suppress it with your own strength, and then you can directly use the soul seal that I taught you on the earth.

At that time, it will be able to completely tame it. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's question, Xing Lao also said with a smile. Of course, Xing Lao didn't object to Zhang Fan's desire to use him as a mount.

After all, although spaceships are currently universal in the universe, riding on mounts is also a normal means of traveling among the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing or some other planets.

Moreover, Zhang Fan himself can use the power of the original source, and at that time, it will be enough to increase the power of the blood of this three-headed dragon to a certain extent, allowing it to have the opportunity to set foot in the ancestral realm, and it is even possible to upgrade to a higher strength.

"Hey, since that's the case, then I'm not polite. To be honest, I'm really looking forward to such a windy mount when I think about it."

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan also said with a smile, the whole person is gearing up at the moment.

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