Star-source Legend

Chapter 1548: Surprise harvest




At this time, after discovering that there had been no movement for a long time, the three of Hades, who were a little worried, also came directly to Zhang Fan's front. Looking at everything around them, the few people could be said to be very shocked.

"Afan, where is the three-headed dragon?"

At this time, Peng Jun also looked at Zhang Fan with a puzzled look and asked.

"Hehe, I have already subdued it, and temporarily income into my own little universe."

Zhang Fan also replied with a smile at this moment.

"Huh? What are you talking about? How long has it been since you actually subdued the three-headed dragon? You know, the movement that you just broke out made me think which two powerful ancestors were fighting. , It's terrifying. The aftermath of power alone made the three of us have to hide hundreds of miles away and defend with all our strength. If this is close, it is estimated that all three of us were seriously injured.

Sure enough, you guy is more terrifying than I thought, and now, you are invincible under the ancestral realm. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Peng Jun's eyes almost stared out at the moment, and the whole person looked at Zhang Fan as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

"It’s invincible under the ancestral realm. I didn’t really recognize this before. Now, looking at the movements of the battle between you and the three-headed dragon, especially when you look unharmed at the moment, it seems that I have to admit it. Facts out.

I thought that after reaching the late stage of Dao Sage Realm, even if there is a gap with you, it is not without the ability to resist. Looking at it now, unless I fully display the celestial eye supernatural power of our celestial eye clan, can I make you pay attention to a certain degree. , Can't threaten you at all.

I didn’t believe in the legend of the Son of Destiny that my master told me. Now, I also think that you should be the Son of Destiny. "

Hades also said with a wry smile at the moment.

"Hehe, what son of destiny, I have never believed in this, and I want to ask senior Hongjun when I have time, you know, the identity of this son of destiny seems to me how mysterious, in fact It also brought me a lot of trouble secretly.

I have always believed that my destiny is in my own hands, and that I can have the current strength, and most of them rely on my own ability to get to where I am today. Of course, my luck may be relatively good. So a few.

However, if all hope is really attributed to fate, then I guess I will not be able to get to this point.

Not to mention this, I also asked the three-headed dragon just now, in its lair, there are at least thousands of tokens. No wonder before I came in, my master told me that if I had the ability, I would try my best to solve the three big monster kings.

It can be said that if we search for thousands of tokens normally, we will not be able to collect them in a few years. "

Hearing what Hades said, Zhang Fan also expressed his own thoughts and retorted first.

He doesn't care about the identity of the son of destiny. If this big hat is rushed to his head, it will eventually cause him no small trouble.

After all, his current strength is only comparable to those of the half-ancestral realm. Compared with the real strong, it can be said that there is still a long way to go.

At the same time, Zhang Fan also informed the three of the good news he had received.

"There are so many tokens? Doesn't it mean that after the three monster kings are solved, at least they will be able to get more than three thousand tokens?

However, this is actually because your strength is too great. After all, in normal terms, except for you, it can be said that no one who has entered the trial ground this time can deal with the three alone. The existence of this level of dragon head.

Let’s go without delay. Let’s rush over. There was such a big movement just now, in case it attracted the attention of the other two races, it would be troublesome. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Hades couldn't help but be surprised.

Afterwards, the four also rushed to the three-headed dragon's lair, planning to collect all the tokens directly to avoid encountering other situations.

After all, although Zhang Fan seems to be very powerful, the battle with the three-headed dragon just now consumes a lot of mental power and energy. If you encounter Bai Jun, Zhu Xian'er of the Monster Race, or Bruce of the Mechanical Race People are no small trouble.

None of these people are simple generations, especially the mechanical race. In terms of continuous combat capability and the weapons they carry, they can threaten Zhang Fan to a certain extent.

The three-headed dragon’s old nest was probably under the ground about a hundred miles away from the battle site with Zhang Fan. There was a super cave specially dug by the three-headed dragon.

Entering inside, it can be said to be very spacious, with the vertical and horizontal heights reaching more than 10,000 meters, and it feels like the ground is completely hollowed out.

Among them, in addition to finding more than 1,500 tokens, they also found a large number of precious animal bones, as well as many geniuses who can play a good role in improving the Taoist realm. It can be said that The harvest is full.

Afterwards, the four of them stayed nearby and waited silently, because Zhang Fan also sensed that Mia was moving towards their location through the spiritual imprint left on Mia, and the distance between the two was only Hundreds of thousands of miles.

At Mia's speed, it can be said that it will take more than half an hour to return here.

And since Mia has already returned, it means that he has successfully found the enthusiasm. In this case, at least, their high-end forces have basically gathered together, and they can be completely fearless in any situation.

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