Star-source Legend

Chapter 1551: End of trial

The human race and the monster race can actually be combined, because the monster race, especially the top ten races, all have a certain illusion ability, and their appearance looks completely the same as a human.

Like the current human dragon clan, it is said that they have the blood of the blue dragon clan, but for countless years, the relationship between humans and monsters has been very rigid, and most of them have been in confrontation. Naturally, want to Coming together is very difficult.

As for the mechanical clan, everyone also considered that there was no need to do everything, so they did not search carefully, allowing many mechanical clan members to survive. However, Randy’s trace has not been found by everyone. I don't know if this guy died a long time ago, or if he was hiding somewhere.

But anyway, this time, Zhang Fan and the others have more than 23,000 tokens in their hands, while Yaozu has more than 5,000 tokens. The rest of the mechanical clan just can’t have them. Two thousand trial tokens.

Once it goes out, this news is estimated to be unacceptable for both the monster clan and the mechanical clan, but this is a fact and cannot be changed.

Moreover, in the outside world, the powerhouses of the three races all know the situation of their geniuses. It can be said that compared to the comfort of the humans, whether they are the powerhouses of the monster race or the mechanical race, they are all Very unwilling, more furious.

Especially on the monster clan side, it can be said that they are geniuses who never expected their monster clan to lose so much, and in the end there is only one Zhu Xian'er left.

Even, it can be said that among the demon geniuses who have not yet died, there is basically no existence that has reached the middle stage of the Taoist realm, and even those in the early stage of the Taoist realm are only a member of the starry sky giant beast family. The rest of Yaozu geniuses had already died a few years ago.

Most of them are relatively ordinary monster geniuses at the pinnacle of the ethereal realm.

However, although they were not reconciled, they had all taken the soul blood oath before the trial of the three races began, and they couldn't violate it at all. At this moment, Qingfeng and the others were also a little worried about this.

As for the mechanical clan, Bruce’s death also made Jin Ying very angry. After that, Randy also died directly. There are still many powerful mechanical clans who were destroyed. It can be said that the genius of the remaining mechanical clan is basically There is no possibility of turning over.

This also means that the ultimate winner will determine the resources and territory that the machine clan can occupy afterwards.

Jin Ying and many other powerhouses can only hope that the remaining mechanical geniuses can have as many trial tokens as possible in their hands. In this case, there may be a ray of life.

Unfortunately, what they don’t know is that the total number of tokens in the hands of the rest of the mechanical clan is only more than 1,000, which means that the mechanical clan has to hand over resources and territory close to the eighth floor. This is what Jin Ying would never want to see.


"Huh, it seems that if you want to break into the ancestral realm, you need to wait to return to the universe alliance."

At the same time, in an open area of ​​Qiyunxing, Zhang Fan and the others were all gathered together, densely packed with more than a thousand people.

At this moment, Zhang Fan is also in the center.

As early as many years ago, Zhang Fan stopped making moves, always trying to break through to the ancestral realm.

In the past, Zhang Fan not only subdued the king of alien beasts and handed it to Hong Lie, the remaining king of alien beasts was also directly killed by Zhang Fan and swallowed, plus the devouring ability that Zhang Fan discovered at first. After solving many powerful alien beasts, they swallowed all the physical strength of these alien beasts. It can be said that Zhang Fan's strength has also been raised to the extreme of the realm of Dao Sage. Even Zhang Fan's comprehensive strength at this moment is no longer inferior to the general ancestor. The strongest.

It is a pity that Qiyunxing may have limitations, or the timing may be immature. Although Zhang Fan has accumulated enough in all aspects, it has always been unable to attract ancestral calamity.

Before Zhang Fan was also thinking about using Qiyunxing's terrifying repressive power, perhaps he hoped to make Zu Jie a little easier and save his power. Looking at it now, this is unrealistic, and eventually Zhang Fan had to give up.

"How about it, Afan, can't it?"

At this time, Yunxia, ​​who was guarding Zhang Fan's side, also asked in a soft voice with concern.

At the same time, not far away, Hong Lie, Hades, Mia, and others, all turned their attention at this moment.

"No, the suppressive power of this strange cloud star is very terrifying. If you force a breakthrough here, it will easily have a counterproductive effect. Wait until you return to the Universe Alliance."

Shaking his head, Zhang Fan also said directly.

"Well, it can only be this way. However, I think this is also a good thing, otherwise, if you break directly here, after you get out, the monster race and the mechanical team think that we are cheating here, and don't admit it, ha ha.

The trial is over in less than a week, let's explore it next, or stay where it is. "

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's question, Yun Xia also asked immediately.

"Stay here for the time being. We have already got enough tokens. There is no need to waste time and experience. If you force it too hard, it will only be counterproductive in the end.

After a while, I will directly open the ban, so as not to cause suspicion when I get out, Yunxia, ​​you and Hong Lie help me protect the law. "

Looking at Yunxia, ​​Zhang Fan also said.

"Hmm, yes, don't worry."

Hearing Zhang Fan's instructions, Yunxia also came to Hong Lie and the others, and she quietly spoke about the situation to several people. Suddenly, Hong Lie and the others actively formed a circle and guarded Zhang Fan in the center.

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