Star-source Legend

Chapter 1567: Everyone swears

"It turned out to be like this. Anyway, now that Senior Xingyang is recovering again, the pressure on us people will be much less. Senior Xingyang, you must have heard what we said before, the person who did it to you , Is it really cold sky?"

At this moment, after hearing the description of Old Xing, everyone basically understood, Hong Jun also asked immediately.

"Well, according to my inference, it should be Leng Tianqiong no doubt. The destruction of Leng Tianqiong is not so powerful normally, but if there is Chaos God Demon Seizing the House, the situation is completely different. Up.

After we entered the channel of gods and demons, although all the chaotic gods and demons we saw were different in appearance, basically all the auras of chaotic gods and demons were full of tyrannical killings or dark and dark, and since you are all I have already issued the soul blood oath, it is naturally impossible, especially according to the cracking sky, at that time you were all supporting me together, but Leng Tianqiang disappeared.

I know you must be wondering why you didn't say that the Titans are invincible. It can be said that if you talk about the understanding of the Titans, there is no one in the universe that can surpass me.

The exercises cultivated by the Titans, including martial arts, and the roads they walked are all upright and honest. Unless the strength is much greater than that of the Titans, otherwise, any soul body who wants to get close to the Titans will not have a good end, naturally. This can be excluded.

As for the monsters and mechanical races who reached the late stage of the ancestral realm at the time, except for those who were solved by me and restrained by me, the strength of the patriarchs of the gluttonous family with the closest aura was only in the middle stage of the ancestral realm. There is no threat to me at all.

Combining the results of previous investigations by Cracking Sky and others, it can basically be determined that Leng Tianqiong should have been the one who shot me at the beginning. "

Hearing what Hongjun asked, Mr. Xing also directly explained his inference at this moment.

It can be said that the possibility that Leng Tianqiong is the person behind the scenes is basically 100% confirmed.

"Damn it, since you said that, Senior Xingyang, the person who shot is almost certainly Leng Tianqiong. Originally, with our five strengths, we were not completely sure of taking it down, but now some Senior is here, it can be said that unless Leng Tianqiong's strength reaches the half-sovereign realm or even higher, he will not be able to escape.

Sooner rather than later, we must act as soon as possible to get rid of this trouble. I don't know why, I always feel that the crisis is getting closer and closer, and the time left for us is running out.

Moreover, if the cold sky is really taken away, then there may already be some flaws in the passage of Gods and Demons. Once it opens a gap in the seal, then our situation will become very difficult.

After all, that seal is at least at the level of Venerable Universe, and even created by a great existence beyond the realm of Venerable Universe. Once it is destroyed, with our strength, it cannot be repaired at all. "

At this time, Jin Yuan also said angrily. It can be said that Jin Yuan would not doubt 100% of what Xing Lao said. After all, Xing Lao's position in their hearts is really very important.

Without the old star, how could they have their today.

"Hmm, don't worry about this for now, and then you still need to make a detailed plan. Today, there is another purpose to make Cracking Sky worry you all.

Now I ask you, are you willing to trust me 100%? "

Waving his hand, Old Xing also looked at Jin Yuan and the others with a serious face and asked.

"That is natural. Although you have always been willing to let us apprentice, seniors, in our minds, you will always be the person we respect most and our teacher.

Now that we can have the current achievements, to a large extent, it is also because of your predecessors.

For you, we naturally believe it 100%. "

Jin Yuan was also the first to express his position at this moment.

"The same is true for me, trusting you 100%." ​​Hongjun ancestor is also the first time. Although Xiao Ran didn't speak, his firm expression looking at Xing Lao indicated everything.

As for the remaining three, Xing already knew their thoughts a long time ago.

"Very well, since that's the case, then I will tell you a big thing, so I believe that no matter what decision you make afterwards, you should be acceptable.

However, the premise is that I need you to swear the Oath of Chaos to ensure that what you have heard and learned today will never be revealed to anyone other than us.

Including Xiao Ran, you are the same.

Before, Split Sky and Chu Huang had already met me, and they had issued the Chaos Oath.

I trust you and I naturally, it doesn't have to be so, but people's hearts are unpredictable, the importance of this matter is beyond everything, I have to be careful. "

Hearing Jin Yuan and Hongjun's statement, Xing Lao also leaked a satisfied look. At this moment, he looked at everyone with a serious face and said.

"Well, although I don't know what it is, but if you can make you take it so seriously, Senior, then it's okay to make this Chaos Oath."

Without too much consideration, Jin Yuan agreed directly at this moment.

After that, Jin Yuan, Hongjun, and Xiao Ran also solemnly swear that they will never reveal everything they have seen, heard, and known today to anyone other than them, otherwise they will The soul is annihilated, and it will never be turned over.

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