Star-source Legend

Chapter 1582: Disappear


In an instant, Zhang Fan burst into a terrifying aura, and immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan directly rose into the sky and left the plane space.

At this moment, Zhang Fan appeared in the sight of everyone for the first time. Seeing Zhang Fan intact, it can be said that everyone felt very shocked.

"call out!"

At this moment, the second purple thunder of Rank Nine Ancestral Tribulation was also known instantly, and it was also at this time that Zhang Fan understood the power of Rank Nine Ancestral Tribulation.

For the first time, Zhang Fan directly sacrificed the phantom of the master of the gods. Suddenly, the phantom was less than half a meter in length, and under the control of Zhang Fan’s spirit, it reached a length of tens of thousands of meters. This purple thunder crashed away.


Suddenly, the two sides collided together, and a terrifying explosion erupted. It can be clearly seen that under the bombardment of this purple thunder, the phantom, which has grown countless times, flew out directly, and finally returned to its normal size. , Hovering slowly by Zhang Fan's side, didn't it seem that he had suffered any harm? Zhang Fan also relaxed a lot.

However, although the huge purple thunder eventually disappeared, the terrifying power still made Zhang Fan feel a little dizzy at the moment. After all, manipulating the phantom requires instilling mental power into it.

The mental power is a special application method of the soul body. In the face of the terrifying power of thunder, generally speaking, it is at an absolute disadvantage. Zhang Fan can finally persist, which has exceeded many people's imagination.

However, Zhang Fan discovered one thing at this moment, that is, according to his feelings, the power of this thunder power is definitely not so easy that he can resist it.

However, although the power exploded by this thunderous force eventually acted on Zhang Fan's body, it did not have the slightest destructive power. On the contrary, the rich life energy also submerged Zhang Fan directly once again, letting Zhang Fan At the same time of doubt, his face was surprised.

If even the Rank Nine Ancestor Tribulation cannot threaten him, then the sense of crisis he felt before is naturally not the Rank Nine Tribulation Ancestor Tribulation, it is likely to appear after he crosses the Tribulation.

However, once he waited for him to successfully cross the Tribulation, if all his strengths burst out, no one in the current universe could kill him with a single blow.

Of course, Zhang Fan seemed to relax a lot at this moment. In fact, Zhang Fan had always been very vigilant and did not dare to be careless, because at this moment he was not sure whether every thunder power would be so easy.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"

And at this moment, it was also discovered in the worried expressions of many people, as if Zu Jie had been provoked. Suddenly, a series of huge purple thunders appeared at the same time, directly bombarding Zhang Fan, terrifying. The breath of's is filled with the void, and hundreds of miles of space cracks appear directly, and the horrible suction is also released from it, which looks extremely frightening.

In an instant, Zhang Fan's whole person was directly submerged, and it was as if he was conscious. With the fall of the power of these thunders, immediately, the remaining purple thunders followed one after another, all of them looked like a brain In venting his anger, he bombarded directly.

And under this horrible energy, even people at the level of Sky Splitting dare not explore Zhang Fan’s movements with spiritual thoughts, otherwise it is likely to directly cause damage to spiritual thoughts, spread to the soul, and directly disintegrate. Open.

However, compared to everyone’s shock, Zhang Fan at the moment faced so much power of thunder that he didn’t feel much at first. Even, because his life energy was too strong, Zhang Fan’s whole person was directly wrapped into a huge energy light. cocoon.

However, when he arrived later, Zhang Fan found that there was a problem with his previous guess. Zu Jie was not always watching him, as if he was paralyzing him first, and then attacking him when he was unprepared. The power of the last few waves of Thunder is full of destruction, without a trace of life energy appearing.

And in the face of such a terrifying thunder power, it can be said that Zhang Fan is too late to resist, and the whole person will be bombarded to shatter, even the soul aura disappears in an instant.

Just when all the breath of Zhang Fan disappeared, the entire gloomy sky returned to normal in an instant. At this time, Cracking Sky and Old Star, as well as many of Zhang Fan’s friends, all turned towards Zhang Fan’s location for the first time. The location rushed past.

However, when they arrived at the location where Zhang Fan was, everyone found nothing except the phantom of the controller who fell on the ground, and all of them suddenly showed sadness.

"Impossible, why did Afan leave us like this? This must be fake, it must be a joke. Afan, where have you been, Afan..."

At this time, Liu Ruyan and her daughters also followed Nuwa to the front. When they saw everything in front of them, it can be said that the three women also felt that they were about to faint in an instant, especially Liu Ruyan, who was even more crazy at this moment. Looking around, constantly shouting.

However, in response to them, there was only a breath of fresh air.

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