Star-source Legend

Chapter 1594: Uniform cold sky

Everyone can clearly see that the chaotic beast at this moment may be very seriously injured or may be a visual effect, so it looks a lot smaller.

At the same time, the huge chaos closed his eyes tightly, and the whole body seemed to be crushed, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

But no matter what, the huge threat is resolved by Zhang Fan, which means that the entire universe is safe. At this moment, the hearts of the three clans are extremely complicated.

At the same time, from this moment, Zhang Fan also became the first person in the entire universe.

It can be said that as long as there is Zhang Fan, the entire human race will always be suppressed over the monster race and the machine race.

"What a terrifying Xeon supernatural power, not only did the powerful blow of the Chaos Beast not have any effect, but Zhang Fan was directly about to crush it into meat sauce.

The most rare thing is that Zhang Fan's current strength is only in the late Ancestral Realm, and has not reached the true Ancestral Realm peak. Once it is improved, his own strength may hopefully approach the real Universe Venerable infinitely.

From this moment on, with the existence of Afan, the overall strength of our entire human race is truly beyond the Yaozu.

After all, Afan alone was enough to destroy the Yaozu directly. "

At this moment, the position of the many powerful human beings, the Lord of the Five Elements Palace Jin Yuan also said with emotion at this moment.

"Who? Come out for me! I've seen you a long time ago."

But at this moment, suddenly Zhang Fan in the distance let out a low drink, and then Zhang Fan grabbed it with one hand. Suddenly, a big hand that covered the sky emerged and directly grabbed it at a certain position in the void of the universe. .

At this moment, among the unexpected expressions of the three clans, a man wearing a black robe with a very sinister face appeared on the spot. At this moment, his eyes were full of Surprised.

"It turned out to be Leng Tianqiong? How could this guy lurking there?"

At this time, Cracking Sky also spoke directly, his expression full of doubts.

"It turned out to be Leng Tianqiong? Very good, I just happened to ask you to settle the account, but I didn't expect to jump out by myself. As one of the strongest of the human race, he does not cope with the disaster with everyone, but hides in a sneaky manner There, I don’t know what the purpose is. People like you are not allowed to stay. Today, I will kill you directly in front of everyone."

Zhang Fan also felt very surprised when he heard his master say that this person was Leng Tianqiong, but when he thought that Leng Tianqiong had almost truly fallen, Zhang Fan was also angry at this moment.

Suddenly, the power of terrifying thoughts also appeared directly, covering Leng Tianqiong completely in an instant, and a series of powerful mental attack methods were all brain effects on Leng Tianqiong's soul body.

"Huh? Why is your soul body not yourself, but a monster?"

At this time, after Zhang Fan entered into the sea of ​​consciousness in Leng Tianqiong through his own powerful mental power, he also discovered that Leng Tianqiong’s soul body was not his own appearance, but one that seemed to exude a chaotic aura. The sharp-mouthed fangs looked a bit like a monster beast like a bat, which was very ugly.

However, at this moment, the eyes of this monster beast were full of fierce, bloodthirsty aura, which made Zhang Fan very uncomfortable.

When asked by Zhang Fan, the expressions of Splitian and others changed, revealing such a look as expected.

"A Fan, take him down first. Leng Tianqiong was taken away by the Chaos God and Demon hundreds of millions of years ago. The appearance of his soul body you see also proves this.

Controlling it directly is very important for us to understand the situation in chaos. "

At this time, Lietian heard what Zhang Fan said, and it was the first time he spoke to Zhang Fan.

"Okay, then I will control it first."

Nodded, Zhang Fan did not hesitate anymore at this moment. Suddenly, a powerful mental power burst out, causing an impact on this soul body. At the same time, in the outside world, Zhang Fan also directly controlled his own devouring power, constantly suppressing it. With the cold sky.

At this moment, Zhang Fan's mental power can be said to be the first person in the entire universe. Under the impact of Zhang Fan's mental power, even if the strength of this chaotic **** and demon is strong, his consciousness is plunged into chaos at this moment.

Subsequently, Zhang Fan also directly used the means to inhale it into the spatial black hole he created.

"I am Tianyun, and I am also a cosmic Venerable who has always been responsible for guarding this universe. If you want to learn more, just come to this coordinate.

Remember, don't disclose any information about me to others. "

And just when Zhang Fan was about to return to the crowd, a gentle voice came directly, which shocked Zhang Fan. Of course, it was more exciting.

Venerable Universe, that is Venerable Universe. It can be said that Zhang Fan never dreamed that he would actually see a Venerable Universe, and this person was probably the golden armored giant who taught him the universe.

"Master, this is over now. Suddenly, I have something to deal with. I need to leave for a while. Because the movement is too loud, the void in this area has been damaged. So I need to trouble everyone to deal with it. Wait until I get back.

The Chaos Fierce Beast was just an accident according to my inference. The real catastrophe has not yet arrived, so it still needs to be handled carefully. "

Zhang Fan also spoke directly to Cracking Sky at this moment, and then the whole person tore a spatial crack directly, stepped into it, and disappeared.

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