Star-source Legend

Chapter 1607: Xinglao's proposal

"It turned out to be like this, hey, I hope my master can be safe."

Hearing what his brother said, Zhang Tenglong was shocked in his heart at the moment, and he was even more worried about his master's mad fighting.

As his brother said, Leng Tianqiong will swallow all the disciples who have reached the peak strength of the Dao Sage realm to strengthen himself, so if his master and him go out, it is probably more miserable.

The current Zhang Tenglong can only hope that his master will be safe and sound, and at the very least hope that he can leave some marks, so that he can be resurrected.

"Okay, don't think too much, life and death are destined, each has a chance. On your master's side, I think that in such a short time, Leng Tianqiong will only control it at best, and there is no time to swallow it.

For the powerful in the late Ancestral Realm, the peak of the Dao Sage Realm looks relatively weak, but it takes a long time to swallow it. As long as it leaves a trace, even if your master is dead, I am too Can bring it back to life.

Let's go, our family hasn't seen each other for so long. I have a lot to say to you. Go in first. "

Lightly patted his brother on the shoulder, Zhang Fan was also comforting at this moment, and then he greeted everyone back to the residence.

After a while, Yunxia, ​​who received the news, also rushed over. Seeing Zhang Fan, she seemed very happy.

Moreover, he knew that Zhang Fan was also planning to marry her when he came to the door of Shenxiao Daomen this time, and the whole person was like a little daughter-in-law, sitting beside Zhang Fan's parents, a little shy.

"Hehe, after all, this is the first official family reunion since we left Feilongxing in more than 50,000 years. Of course, here, on behalf of our family, I welcome Yunxia to join.

As Yunxia, ​​willing to marry Afan is a blessing for him. If he bullies you in the future, you can tell us and see how we can deal with him. "

At this moment, Zhang Fanyi and his family were all sitting together, and Zhang Shun looked at Yunxia and spoke. Yunxia was also very moved.

"Dad, are you too optimistic about your son? It's too late for me to love them, so how can I bully them. Yunxia, ​​after the wedding with you, our family is going on a cosmic trip, striving to be able to visit All over every corner of the universe.

Over the years, I should spare some time to spend more time with you. "

Zhang Fan also looked at everyone at the moment and said.

Afterwards, the whole family talked and laughed, and until the evening, Yunxia also left first. After all, she hadn't officially passed the door, so it was a bit wrong to stay directly.

As for Zhang Fan, he spent all night indulging in the gentle countryside. It can be said that this is a rare relaxation for Zhang Fan in such a long time.

On the second day, Old Xing also came to Zhang Fan and the others.

And Zhang Fan's parents were very grateful to Xing Lao after they learned of Xing Lao's identity, and at the same time they became a little restrained.

After all, there would be no Zhang Fan today without Xing Lao, especially Xing Lao, who was a superb figure more than 300 million years ago. Even the existence of the Sky Splitting level respects Xing Lao, and they naturally would not. exception.

"Hehe, after all, we are considered to be a family, so don't be so restrained. Just like Afan, you can call me "Old Star". I like it, kind.

Afan, your master and I also discussed with Hongjun and Nuwa yesterday. The wedding of you and Yunxia will be set in three days. At your request, this time, it will not be a big deal, but I think, People who should be invited still need to be invited, such as the patriarchs of the top ten races of the Monster Race, the two old patriarchs of the Suzaku clan and the Xuanwu clan, the Golden Shadow on the mechanical clan and Barton, etc., are all invited. As for On our human side, just invite your acquaintances.

what do you say? "

Old Xing also looked at Zhang Fan and asked at this time.

"Hehe, Mr. Xing, looking at the arrangement, I don't want to disturb too many people because of my affairs. Just invite people who are familiar with it."

Zhang Fan also did not object, and directly agreed.

"Okay, then I will discuss with Hongjun and the others. You also need to prepare well here. Three days later, the wedding will be held. Of course, many people don't know Ruyan. This time, my suggestion is you Holding a wedding with Yunxia, ​​Ruyan and other four people will also let many people know the identity of the four, so as not to bump into them in some places in the future."

Xing Lao also immediately suggested.

"Yeah, that's fine. For a long time, many people may have known about my relationship with Yunxia, ​​but Ruyan and the three of them don’t know much. I even heard that there are some young children at the Shenxiao Taoist who plan to Pursue them like smoke.

By this wedding, I also intend to inform the world of their identities, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble. "

After thinking about it, Zhang Fan knew what Xing Lao said was reasonable.

After all, until now, many people still subconsciously think that Zhang Fan is single, and they are not very clear about the relationship between Liu Ruyan and Zhang Fan.

Therefore, Xing Lao's proposal is very necessary.

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