Star-source Legend

Chapter 1609: accidents

"Really? Haha, this is great. For a long time, although I have been busy practicing, what I am most worried about is that if the chaotic black hole can't disappear, the earth can't enter the universe safely.

Now that the chaotic black hole disappears, and with the guardianship of Uncle Jian, you and Uncle Luan, everything will go smoothly.

I will hold a wedding at Shenxiao Daomen these two days. Because the time is too tight and I don't plan to do it in a big way, I didn't notify you and Uncle Luan. After waiting, I will return to the Milky Way to visit you.

At the same time, having been away from the earth for so long, it is time to go back and see how the earth has changed today. I think this is also the wish of many people in Shenxiao Taoist School.

As for Feilongxing, Uncle Jian, you did the right thing.

Although I am from the earth, in Feilongxing, I have arranged everything, including all kinds of precious resources, there will be no shortage of them, everything depends on themselves, and I cannot always want to rely on me to take shortcuts.

If some of them perform well, then I let them enter the Cosmic Alliance or other holy places, but that's fine. "

Hearing what Jian Yu said, Zhang Fan was also very excited at the moment.

"By the way, Uncle Jian, whoever entered the Flying Dragon Star, is there a warrior with the surname Pang? This person is called Pang Long. He is one of my elders. After all of us came to the universe, he also stayed on Earth. Responsible for everything in Tenglong Pavilion, I have been unable to return to the earth because of the chaotic black hole, let alone know the news on the earth."

Zhang Fan asked for the first time.

After all, fifty thousand years have passed. Based on the situation on the earth when they left, the talent of the elder Pang Long was not very high. Whether there is a chance to break through to the realm of the star is not known. This is what Zhang Fan has always worried about. .

"Pang Long? I haven't heard of this name? At present, among the flying dragon stars, a person named Yunyang is in charge. His talent is very good. He has only reached the cosmos for less than 15 years. At the peak of the Star Jubilee Realm."

When Zhang Fan asked, Jian Yu was also puzzled at the moment.

"What? There is no news about Pang Long? It shouldn't be? I remember when I left, two spaceships were left behind, one of which was left to Elder Pang Long.

It seems that something has happened. When I finish dealing with the affairs here, I will go to Feilongxing first.

Hope things will not be what I imagined. "

Hearing what Jian Yu said, Zhang Fan's entire complexion became extremely cold in an instant, and at the same time, the terrifying aura was also involuntarily released, making everything around him seem to be frozen.

"Okay, Afan, don't worry, I will investigate afterwards. Maybe it's because I have a bad memory, maybe I didn't remember the person's name.

I’m here to wish you a happy wedding in advance. When you return to the galaxy, remember to notify me. "

Feeling Zhang Fan fell into silence over there, Jian Yu's heart also changed, and now he hurriedly said with relief.

"Okay, trouble Uncle Jian."

With that said, Zhang Fan just hung up the call.

However, Zhang Fan at this moment, the whole person is not happy anyhow, full of worry.

"Afan, what's wrong with you? His face is so ugly."

At this moment, Liu Ruyan also came over with a plate of cleaned fruits. After seeing Zhang Fan's complexion, he asked very concerned at this moment.

"I just received a call from the Master Jianyu Star. He said that the chaotic black hole outside the solar system has disappeared, and contact with the earth has been made. Moreover, the warriors who reached the star state on the earth have all come to the universe. It was sent to Feilongxing.

However, he and I inquired about Pang Lao, and he said that he had never seen Pang Lao.

I think it's very possible that after we left the earth, there were some changes, and I even have a feeling that Pang Lao may have died soon after we left the earth.

When the wedding is over, I plan to return to Earth in the first battle to investigate everything.

Finding Pang Lao, everything is easy to say, if you can't find Pang Lao, then I think some people who are overpowered will have to pay the price. "

Having said this, Zhang Fan's eyes were also full of coldness.

"What? There is no news about Pang Lao? How is this possible? Before we left, we gave Pang Lao all the authorization.

Moreover, if he really can't break through to the realm of the Star Lord, he can also take the spacecraft to the universe to find us to meet. On the manor of Luangyu Star, we have long left behind. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liu Ruyan also understood why Zhang Fan's mood was not high.

He is a person who knows Zhang Fan very well. It can be said that the elder Pang Long took great care of Zhang Fan at Gulan Academy, and he has always been highly respected by Zhang Fan.

At the beginning Zhang Fan also intended to let them leave together, but for the sake of the stability of the entire planet and not wanting to burden Zhang Fan and the others, Pang Lao also voluntarily applied to stay. He also promised that as long as the situation on the earth is stable and after it is on the right track, he will take the spacecraft and enter Luangyu Star to search for them.

Nowadays, Feilongxing has gathered a lot of people from the earth, but there is no trace of Panglong, let alone Zhang Fan, Liu Ruyan's complexion at this moment also looks very heavy.

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