Star-source Legend

Chapter 1634: Lin Tianyou's worries

"You said, now that Master Zhang Fan's strength has become the first person in the universe, can't we walk sideways in the entire universe? Moreover, because of the adults during this period, we have also received a lot of resources. It can be said that with these resources, it is more than enough for all of us to rise to the ethereal realm."

Tenglong City among the flying dragon stars, in the most central hall at the moment, a dozen figures are also gathered together, very excited and excited to plan their own future.

"God, how do you feel that you are unhappy? Is there something on your mind?"

At this time, someone also saw the headed young man dressed in black, very handsome and with short silver hair looking worried, and asked directly.

"It's okay, I just thought of some things before, so I feel a little irritable."

At this moment, the man also said with a strong smile. However, everyone can see the worries deep in their eyes.

And this young man, Lin Tianyou, is also the person in charge of Feilongxing now, and now his strength has reached the ethereal realm, looking at the entire Qianlong Star Region, he is one of the best masters.

"I know God, you must have thought of killing Pang Lao by mistake, and Sun Yan and Wen Quan also died because of our relationship.

However, this matter has been so long in the past. After our screening, we can be sure that all those who knew this matter were resolved. Even if Master Zhang Fan returned to Earth, nothing could be found.

Therefore, your worries are unnecessary.

Let's get ready to welcome Master Zhang Fan and them back to Flying Dragon Star. Especially this time, the earth has directly recovered to the size of the emblem star no less than ten thousand yuan, which is really incredible. "

At this moment, a burly middle-aged man also walked to Lin Tianyou's side, patted his shoulder and said.

"Hey, you are too naive. For the ancestral realm powerhouse, it is not too difficult to resurrect a person. At the beginning, we killed three people, but we did not wipe out their souls.

For an existence of Master Zhang Fan's level, it would be extremely easy to resurrect the three.

I don't know why, but my right eyelid has been jumping wildly for the past two days. Perhaps, this time we are not waiting for anticipation, but for trial. "

Sighing, Lin Tianyou also spoke at this moment, and the whole person seemed very worried.

It can be said that Lin Tianyou has been thinking about this issue since he came to Flying Dragon Star, but he has always been in a fluke mentality.

After all, many people, including him, have always felt that people cannot be resurrected from the dead. This is the rule of the universe. However, when he came to the universe, came to Feilongxing and came into contact with the universe network, Lin Tianyou also knew that even if a person died, the ancestral realm powerhouse would be able to resurrect him. To be able to bring back Pang Long, Sun Yan Wenquan and others, after all, how could he completely wipe out his soul in the first place?

"What? It can be resurrected? So, what should we do? If we really find it out, all of us are responsible. Or, should we run?"

At this time, hearing what Lin Tianyou said, some people were also very worried.

"Chi...Run? Where do you think you can go? The universe may be endless for us, but for an existence of Master Zhang Fan's level, there is no difficulty in finding someone at all.

We can only hope that Master Zhang Fan can understand the reason for our conflict at the beginning and not directly impose the death penalty on us. Otherwise, our only ending will be to be directly obliterated, even the soul mark cannot be retained. "

Hearing what this person said, Lin Tianyou also sneered, looking at this person with an innocent look and said aloud.

For an instant, everyone felt terrified at this moment. They finally came to the Flying Dragon Star and had everything they had always expected.

Once you really lose it like this, even your own life will end, which is not acceptable to everyone.


"That's the Flying Dragon Star. After so many years, I heard that the Flying Dragon Star has changed a lot. But at this moment, some people among the Flying Dragon Stars are already frightened?"

When the spacecraft approached Feilongxing, Liu Yun also said aloud at this moment.

"Some things are unforgivable, even if they were conflicts caused by differences at the beginning. They should be clear about the relationship between Pang Lao and me. Under such a premise, they still have a dead hand. Then they need to pay for it. cost.

Let's go, let's go directly in. "

Hearing what Liu Yun said, Zhang Fan said indifferently at this moment.

After that, he stepped out of the spaceship first and lased towards the Flying Dragon Star.

Others followed suit.

Feilongxing today is destined to be turbulent and unable to be calm.

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