Star-source Legend

Chapter 1636: Tragic situation

At this time, Sun Yan and Wen Quan also walked in and just saw this scene.

Suddenly, all of them showed complex colors.

"Old Pang, two seniors, you are still too kind. You must know that these people are the ones who put you to death in the first place. If you don't have a trace of your soul to remember to keep, I guess I can't bring you back to life.

Moreover, you have seen the changes of the earth before. The Dragon Pavilion that I founded by myself, had to be destroyed personally because of what they did. Can you understand this feeling?

After entering the universe, I understood a truth. That is, anyone who dares to hurt anyone I care about, then no matter how much the price is paid, I will kill them all, without mercy and no room for negotiation.

If these people choose to forgive today, what about the future? In the future, I will go to Chaos for a long time. If they do not repent and hurt you again, then I will be beyond reach.

Therefore, for any hidden danger, even the slightest bit, I would definitely rather kill the wrong, not let it go, let alone these people, which hands are not covered with innocent blood. "

Looking at Pang Long and Sun Yanwen, Zhang Fan said with a serious expression at the moment.

"That is, the two seniors, Elder Pang, if you were on earth, if you pleaded, then maybe Afan would really let them go.

However, after entering the universe, we don't know how many such scenes have been seen.

It can be said that if you let them go today, you will still be hurt in the future.

As for the Lin Tianyou just now, I can also see that his qi talent is good, but the unwillingness and fierceness deep in his eyes do not know if you have seen it?

I can assure you that if Afan is merciful today and let them go, once they find an opportunity in the future, they will definitely not hesitate to take action against you again for their own benefit.

This kind of white-eyed wolf, it is the best choice to solve them directly. "

At this moment, Hong Lie also walked in, looked at several people and said.

"Well, we also know that Afan is right to do this, but it may be because they are older, or it may be because they were once considered to be grown up by us personally.

It's just like my own child. Although I don't care about nurturing, or even draw a sword, but how to say it is still a child in our eyes, and for a while, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan and Hong Lie said, Pang Lao also nodded at the moment and said with emotion.

"Pang Lao, I actually gave them a chance just now, but when I saw some scenes, I didn't intend to show any mercy.

You can come with me now, and then you will know why I did this. "

Zhang Fan also said immediately, and then led the crowd towards the depths of Tenglong Pavilion.

After a while, Zhang Fan led everyone to a place that seemed to be very hidden. Afterwards, Zhang Fan also directly forced a shot and broke it open. Suddenly, everyone was surprised by what he saw. Old self is even more tearful.

This is a huge steel cell that looks dark and dark. On the wall, there are silhouettes hanging on it at this moment, all covered with scars, and even the face is invisible.

However, two of them are so familiar to everyone.

"Damn it, Afan, why didn't you just tell them and just solve them, it would be too cheap for them?"

At this moment, Hong Lie also gritted his teeth and said.

Because at this moment, the scarred person hanging on the wall can be said to be the person they are most familiar with and the person who is very important to Zhang Fan.

These three are Yuntian, Yuan He, and Peng Dali from Qianlong Military Academy.

They had also taken the initiative to request to stay in Flying Dragon Star, and did not follow everyone to the door of the gods.

Before, Zhang Fan had seen this through his mind, so he was indifferent to Pang Lao's plea.

And Lao Pang and the others now understand how ridiculous it was that they and Zhang Fan begged Lin Tianyou and the others.

At the moment, I can't wait to slap myself twice.

Because these three are all partners who came to the universe together. Yuan He was the leader of the underground alliance on the earth at the time, and he was very supportive of Zhang Fan over and under. And Peng Dali, the principal of the Earth Qianlong Military Academy, Zhang Fan even called him Grandpa Peng.

Among them, for Zhang Fan, the most important is Yuntian.

Because Yuntian is Zhang Fan's guide, and even a respected elder, in Zhang Fan's mind, Yuntian's status is equal to or even surpassed by his own Grandpa Xu.

Now, the three of them are like being nailed to the pillar of shame, dying, no matter who they are, they are unacceptable.

At this moment, Liu Ruyan and the others saw the appearance of Yuntian and the others, and they were all crying, because the three of them at this moment had already lost their hands and feet, even their ears were cut off, and their eyes were also alive. Come out, completely become a waste.

Thinking that the three of them might have endured tens of thousands of years of pain and torment, everyone felt very uncomfortable. And Xing Lao, at this moment, it is also possible to imagine how painful and self-blaming Zhang Fan is in his heart.

No one knows the importance of these people to Zhang Fan better than Xing Lao, especially Yun Tian, ​​in Zhang Fan's mind, they are no less than an elder who exists in his parents. Now that he is suffering this boundless pain here, it can be said that Zhang Fan's previous shots are already merciful.

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