Star-source Legend

Chapter 1643: Inform everyone

Of course, Chu Ying didn't keep asking, because since it was something that had already been decided, it was absolutely impossible to change. This was Zhang Fan's character.

Three days later, Liu Ruyan's three daughters gave birth to their children safely. Among them, Liu Ruyan and Gu Qian gave birth to daughters, and Saoya was the son. In this case, Zhang Fan would have two children. Female.

It can be said that the smile on Zhang Fan's face has not disappeared since the birth of the child.

Among them, the daughter born to Liu Ruyan is named Zhang Yuan, the daughter born to Gu Qian is named Zhang Chuman, and the son born to Suoya is named Zhang Heng.

The nicknames of the three are also very good, called Xiaoyuan, Xiaoman and Aheng respectively.

In the order of the four children, Zhang Minghui is the eldest, Zhang Yuan is the second, Zhang Chuman is the third, and Zhang Heng is the oldest.

Among them, Zhang Minghui's talent will not be mentioned, it has already shocked everyone.

And the talents of the remaining three people can be said to make people have to say that Zhang Fan's own life level is powerful.

It can be said that Zhang Yuan’s children have inherited Zhang Fan’s advantages to a certain extent. They have the talents on the Space Avenue. Although their strength cannot be compared with Zhang Minghui, they are all born with the power of a martial artist in the mid-Star Sun realm. .

Among them, Zhang Heng is the most gratifying. Zhang Fan can clearly be sure that his youngest son has inherited his talents on the avenue of devouring him, and he may even have the chance to successfully practice "Xuantian Devouring Spirits".

Especially for the four children, perhaps because Zhang Fan himself is the controller, the strength of the newly born soul body is very strong. It is basically certain that when the four people grow up in the future, there is a great possibility that they will become spiritual minds. Teacher, plus Zhang Fan's own teaching, maybe all four of them will become masters.

What makes Zhang Fan most amused is that, because of his own children, his master splits the sky, they can say that they are all rushing to receive their own door to train them.

No way, the talents of a few children are too powerful.

Of course, it is impossible to accept disciples, and that would mess up the seniority. In the end, Zhang Fan also proposed to let everyone unite to teach his children, so that he is the strongest.

As for Zhang Heng's words, Zhang Fan has two hundred years to train him. In Zhang Fan's mind, for these two hundred years, Zhang Fan also intends to see if Zhang Heng can practice the Xuantian Devouring Spirit Jue.

If he could cultivate, then Zhang Heng's future would not be much different even if he could not match him.


Two hundred years have passed in an instant, and Zhang Fan's four children have all grown up.

In the past two hundred years, combined with the time mystery, it can be said that the strength of the four Zhang Minghui has reached a very powerful level. Now, all four of them are in the middle stage of Dao Sage realm.

Had it not been for Zhang Fan to ask the four of them to solidify their foundation, it is very likely that with the provision of powerful resources, the four would directly reach the pinnacle of the Dao Sage realm.

But even so, everyone felt very shocked.

Only two hundred years have passed, and the four of them have become powerhouses in the Dao Sage realm. If this is the past two thousand years, twenty thousand years, then it may be an ancestral realm.

Of course, this is also because Zhang Fan’s children started very high, with the fruits of life provided by Zhang Fan, as well as the instillation of original energy, and the careful guidance of many top powerhouses. It can be said that even a fool can improve their strength. It will not slow down much.

The only thing that makes Zhang Fan a pity is that Xuantian Zhulingjue's cultivation is too difficult, or he can only do it himself. No matter how many times Zhang Heng tries, it will not help.

Finally, in order not to waste Zhang Heng’s talent for devouring one, Zhang Fan directly asked Tianyun for help, and obtained a step called "Swallowing Heaven and Earth" from Tianyun. It is said that this is the inheritance method of the Chaos Clan, and then he asked the dark Tianzun made a move to help transform it.

In general, although this exercise is not comparable to "Xuantian Devouring Spirits", it is still sufficient for Zhang Heng to cultivate to the realm of the Universe Venerable.

After arriving at the realm of the Universe, everything he needs can be created by his own perception.

Today, the deadline is the last day, and Zhang Fan is also planning to leave. Before, in order not to affect the mood of everyone, Zhang Fan had never told too many people that he was leaving, only the two of Xing Lao and Chu Ying knew.

Just now, Tianyun was also sending another message, because today was the last day and it was time to leave.

Therefore, Zhang Fan also called everyone together, intending to inform the news.

"I called everyone here today because I have to say something. I think you should also know that I still have the last five pieces of star source fragments to collect, so I have to go to the three forbidden places to find them.

However, for some unspeakable reasons, five pieces of star source fragments have already been found, and I, in order to break through Dao Universe Venerable and even higher, must leave for a while.

Leaving this time may be short or long.

However, one thing I can guarantee is that when I return, it means that the crisis of our universe and even the entire chaos has been resolved.

Xiaohui, Xiaoyuan, Xiaoman, A Heng, the four of you, are the ones that make me most uneasy and make me feel a little guilty.

Of course, in fact, I am very content now, at least before I left, I saw you four grow up a little bit, and now have the strength.

You have to promise me that during the time I am away, you must practice hard and don't make your mother angry. I hope that when I come back, I can see your achievements. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also informed everyone that he was leaving, and then the four children who looked at the words instructed.

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