Star-source Legend

Chapter 1650: One hundred thousand years of change

"You, you just want to face and suffer. Who doesn't know that you and Ye Hua are actually not dealing with each other on the surface in many cases. If one party has something, the other party will definitely rush to support them as soon as possible.

Light and darkness are opposites and coexist, and neither is indispensable.

When you truly understand this truth, then your strength will be one step closer.

I have observed that your strength should not be far away from the next breakthrough. During this period, you should hurry up and improve your strength. After all, we don't have much time left.

If you need anything, just come and find me. "

After glaring at Bill, the City Lord of Hope also said immediately.

"Hey, thank you City Lord, then I will leave first."

Bill knew that what the other party was saying was the truth, but there were certain things he still had to fight over. It was not a matter of face, but from the day he set foot on the road of bright, he was destined to be unable to change this situation.

Light and darkness, yin and yang are opposed to each other, and this is something that no one can change.

That's why he and Ye Hua didn't deal with each other at any time, but in fact the two sides cherished each other.

Seeing Bill leaving, a look of envy flashed in the expression of the city lord of the city of hope.

After all, on the road to the strong, it is so rare to have an opponent and constantly inspire oneself to move forward. And he himself hasn't improved in any way for several epochs.

I don't know if there is a chance to reach the legendary state of emperor.


Time flies, it has been a hundred thousand years since Zhang Fan left with the sky clouds. These hundred thousand years have not changed much for many powerful men in the universe.

However, for Zhang Fan's family, these 100,000 years have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Especially Zhang Fan's four children, now looking at the universe, they are all famous legendary geniuses.

Among them, Zhang Fan’s youngest son Zhang Heng and eldest son Zhang Hui, after 100,000 years of cultivation, have already reached the peak of their early ancestral realm, while their second daughter Zhang Yuan and third daughter Zhang Chuman have also reached the ancestral realm. .

Zhang Fan's younger brother Zhang Tenglong, after 100,000 years of cultivation, has now reached the peak of the middle ancestral realm, and it is only one step away from stepping into the late ancestral realm.

In particular, Zhang Fan’s four wives have all broken through to the ancestral realm at this moment. Counting Zhang Fan who has become the first person in the universe, it can be said that the Zhang family has become the first family in the entire universe, even if it is. The Universe Alliance is incomparable.

Of course, all this is attributed to the fruits of life left by Zhang Fan. The powerful strength also saved everyone a lot of training time. Even Zhang Fan's parents are now in the middle of the Taoist realm.

Nowadays, a large family has already moved to the center of the earth, and, with the support of strong financial resources, it has also directly built a huge city. I don’t know if it is intentional or unintentional. The name of this city is named Supreme City.

Moreover, the name is the result of their discussion together.

Although one hundred thousand years have passed, the Supreme City is still under construction. According to the original plan of Old Star and the others, the size of the Supreme City is the smallest and not inferior to the headquarters of the Universe Alliance, and it will be around. Arrange a powerful barrier, covering the entire Supreme City.

At present, the owner of the Supreme City is Zhang Fan's family. At the same time, more than 20,000 years ago, the Shenxiao Taoist gate was officially transferred to the earth.

After that, the remaining sacred sites also moved their headquarters to the earth.

As for the Shadow Pavilion, because he wanted to look at the passage of the gods and demons, he just established a branch temporarily.

After that, the top ten of the monster race, as well as the mechanical race, have also gradually transferred many of them to the earth. It can be said that the entire earth has officially become the only center of the universe.

Of course, the reason why both the Monster Race and the Machine Race moved to the earth was because they knew that after Zhang Fan returned, they would directly restore the Star Source Continent and let it merge with the earth.

The entire earth has a total of five supercontinents. Among them, the most central one belongs to humans, and the other four belong to the Monster Race and the Mechanical Race.

Of course, the most central continent is also called the Supreme Continent. No matter it is resources or any other aspect, it is not comparable to other continents.

However, the Demon Race and the Mechanical Race are already very content with this. After all, compared to the Demon God Star and the Mechanical Star, it can be said that the restored Earth is perfect in every respect.

"Hey, I don't know when my father will come back."

At this moment, in a palace in the Supreme City, Zhang Fan's family members are all gathered together. At this moment, Zhang Minghui also said aloud, his expression full of thoughts of his father Zhang Fan.

"Yeah, it's been 100,000 years. For such a long time, I don't know where my father is and whether it's safe or not. It is really worrying."

Zhang Yuan also said crisply at this moment.

Zhang Chuman and Zhang Heng on the side also nodded at this moment, so why not worry about them.

Of course, Zhang Heng has the mind clone given by Zhang Fan. Although 100,000 years have passed, the mind clone is very stable, which can at least prove that his father is safe for the time being.

Unfortunately, this matter cannot be told to others.

"Your father believes that he will come back soon after handling the matter. He is not an impenetrable person. For us, I believe he will not do some extremely risky things, just wait patiently.

With our current strength, let alone one hundred thousand years, millions of years, and millions of years. "At this time, Yun Xia also looked at Zhang Heng and said gently.

Of course, my family knows their own affairs. It's easy to say, but in fact, I have to say that they miss Zhang Fan. They are only a lot more wives than their four children.

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