Star-source Legend

Chapter 1664: Changes after fusion

"Give me, Rong!"

At this time, under Zhang Fan's control, the majestic energy swept the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing, making it a little closer to the earth, and in the end, the two sides were directly squeezed together.

Because of Zhang Fan's arrangement in advance, the power exploded by the two sides squeezing each other will not have much impact on the life that was originally living on it. At most, there is a sense of dizziness and oppression.

However, at this time, Zhang Fan discovered that the repulsive force that erupted between the two parties when the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing and the Earth were merging far exceeded his imagination.

And this is the key to the integration of the two parties.

Once Zhang Fan himself can't handle this repulsive force, he will probably fall short in the end, and even cause huge damage to the earth and the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing. This is definitely not what Zhang Fan wants to see.

"It seems that it can only be so."

At this moment, Zhang Fan also thought of a little.

Immediately afterwards, at this moment, Zhang Fan's body also released the breath of the star source in an instant, directly wrapping the earth and the ten thousand yuan immortal Saint Emperor Huixing directly.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan was also surprised to find that the repulsive force, a little bit reduced, eventually disappeared.

And using this time, Zhang Fan is also increasing the strength in his hands, allowing the two sides to blend perfectly.

Two huge planets, normally speaking, converge with each other as if they were about to collide. However, under Zhang Fan’s control, the things that were worried about did not happen, and it was obvious that the earth was like a huge mouth. Generally, swallow the 10,000 Yuan Saint Emperor Huixing a little bit to strengthen oneself.

The whole process lasted a full week or so, and finally the Ten Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing and the earth were perfectly integrated. In appearance, the earth has not changed much, the only change is the size of the earth, which has increased by more than half. The area of ​​land in the earth has also increased a lot compared to before.

The human beings originally belonging to the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing are the same as usual, and they don’t feel much change. The only change is that the energy in the air has increased a lot than before, and they are very comfortable, especially many strong. At the same time, the reader found that his bottleneck seemed to be loosened, and took the time to retreat.

After a full month, Zhang Fan also shot one after another, integrating the mechanical star, the demon star, and other fragments that originally belonged to the star source continent directly and perfectly with the earth.

At this moment, the size of the earth is more than three times larger than before, and it has become the only center of the entire universe in a true sense.

After Zhang Fan swallows and fuses all the star source fragments to increase his strength to the extreme, he can separate the star source and let it converge on the earth. At that time, the earth will truly become the universe. The origin of the continent.

Moreover, the rules of the entire universe will also become complete, and the barriers of the universe will not be as weak as before. At least, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary cosmic masters to break into Zhang Fan's universe.

During this period of time, because the area of ​​the earth is too large, Zhang Fan also directly shot and arranged some arrangements around the earth. With his own powerful energy, Zhang Fan directly took the earth as the center and built a strong enough to radiate The powerful starry sky array surrounding hundreds of thousands of light-years, as long as the opponent's strength does not exceed Zhang Fan, then it will absolutely not be able to harm the earth in a real sense.

It can be said that Zhang Fan originally thought that the integration would not be so smooth this time, but the development of the matter also relaxed him a little overall.

"The Earth today is much larger than the original Star Source Continent, and the energy here is also very abundant. During the period when Afan you merged, many warriors who were originally in the bottleneck period have made breakthroughs. , So that the overall strength of our universe is once again improved. This is a good thing."

At this moment, everyone gathered together and chatted with each other.

"The earth today is not really the origin continent, because the star origin is in my hands. The reason why many people can improve is also because I have released a lot of origin aura to wrap the earth.

In the future, if I swallow and fuse all the star source fragments, then my strength will also be directly improved to at least the mid-term or even late-stage of Tianzun. At that time, I can completely separate the star source, or create a source out of thin air to merge onto the earth.

At that time, our universe will be the most complete. "

Zhang Fan also spoke at this moment.

"Yeah, but in that case, will it have any impact on your strength?"

At this time, Cracking Sky also asked.

"No, the effect of the power of the source is to make me ascend to the realm of the **** of heaven, and as long as I get to the realm of the **** of heaven, although the source of the source is detached, the power will be empty for a period of time, but the realm of the **** of heaven is not It will fall. As long as there is enough energy to replenish, it will not cause much impact overall."

Shaking his head, Zhang Fan also said at the moment.

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