Star-source Legend

Chapter 1667: temporary decision

"Haha, in the past 450,000 years, everyone’s performance has been very good, and I finally didn’t let my efforts in vain. With your current strength, I think, unless a universe appears on the side of the Monster Race or the Mechanical Race The existence of the venerable level, otherwise it will never be a real threat to us.

The only pity is that if the origin of our universe is not missing, perhaps Xing Lao, or Master and several other seniors, may have the opportunity to attack the Universe Venerable, because you can basically have perfect control of your own avenues.

This can only be done after I absorb and fuse all the star source fragments, and then escape. Hope you will not blame me for this.

After such a long time, I should also be ready to set off to the three forbidden areas. This time, as I said before, I, Mr. Xing, Master, and Grandpa Hongjun, and my four children will go together. The rest of you, go back and digest the gains from this period of time. .

Of course, I still have to remind everyone that we can’t just suppress the monster race and the machine race directly because our strength here is improving. In that case, we will be no different from the previous monster race. .

You only need to hold on to the principle that people don’t offend me and I don’t offend others. If the Monster Race or the Machine Race are really dishonest, then you are free.

Let's go, let's all go out, after all, the time here, I will arrange it in general, and try to keep him there. In this case, it can be regarded as providing you with an excellent cultivation environment. "

At this moment, looking at everyone in front of him, Zhang Fan also reminded him.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, everyone nodded seriously. Then, they walked out of the time mystery one by one.

After about a few hours, Zhang Fan also successfully completed the arrangement, transforming this time mystery, and it can survive for a long time.

Moreover, this time mystery is also full of rich original power, especially energy, which is more than three times richer than the outside world, and it can be directly used as the best place for human cultivation.

"Everyone will go back temporarily. I will let you know when we leave. Hong Lie, Hades, you two will stay here for now and accompany me to a place later."

After eating together, Zhang Fan also said to everyone, and then let Hong Lie and Hades stay.

"Afan, where are we going?"

After the others left, only Zhang Fan, Hong Lie, and Hades were left in the huge living room. At this moment, Hong Lie looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Hehe, let's go to the Yaozu side to visit a few old friends. As for Hades, I asked you to go with us, also because I found a treasure that further activates your bloodline, and then I am cooperating with the few I got. This kind of thing is enough to raise your bloodline to a level no less than Hong Lie, infinitely close to the top Supreme bloodline. Hong Lie is the same for you."

Looking at Hong Lie, Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"Old friend? Could it be Xiaojin Xiaohuo and Brother Niu?"

At this moment, Hong Lie also seemed very pleased. After all, there are only a few monsters who can be regarded as old friends by Zhang Fan on the Yaozu side, who left the earth and entered the universe with everyone.

Among them, Xiaohuo is the green luan on the earth. Xiaojin is the giant giant ape on earth. As for the Niu brother in Hong Lie's mouth, it was the Niulongjiao in the sea at the time. At the same time, there was a little spirit with the blood of Jiuying on the side of the Yaozu.

"Haha, yes, it is Xiaojin and the others. To be honest, I haven't seen them for so long, and I don't know how they are doing. After all, as their master, I am a bit irresponsible.

This time, on the side of the monster clan, I also intend to further enhance their strength. At the same time, during the forbidden land trip, I also intend to bring them. I hope that they can stand at the peak of the monster clan. "

Zhang Fan replied with a smile now.

"Well, with Xiaojin Xiaohuo's talents, I don't think it's too difficult. I've been to the Yaozu before, but that was before you came back this time.

Because of your relationship, Xiaojin Xiaohuo and the others have been intensively trained on the Yaozu side. They have their own territory. I think their respective strengths should have reached the early stage of the Ancestral Realm.

Of course, compared with their ancestors, there are still a lot of gaps, all of which are due to the limitation of blood. "

At this moment, Hong Lie also nodded and said.

"These are not a problem for me now. Let's go, let's start early now. This time it is estimated that it will take a short time for the Yaozu side, because the blood of you two wants to improve. It is necessary to collect a lot of treasures, the most important of which is the blood of ten thousand demons.

You two don't resist, I will take you directly to move. "

After saying a word, Zhang Fan moved his hands, and suddenly, a black hole in space appeared in front of everyone. Then, a group of purple-gold masks also enveloped the three of Zhang Fan and disappeared into the black hole in space. The space black hole is also directly closed.

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