Star-source Legend

Chapter 1679: Find the Four Holy Beasts

"Hehe, anyway, thank you Sir. Sir, your willingness to let Xiaoyu follow by yourself can be considered as a solution to one of our concerns. Otherwise, if you really watch him suffer that kind of pain every day, I should Patriarchs and elders feel uncomfortable."

After hearing what Zhang Fan said, Qingfeng also thanked again.

"Xiaoyu, remember, follow Master Zhang Fan, be obedient, and come back to see me and your father when you have time."

At this moment, Qingyang and his wife also finished their explanation, and finally reminded their children.

Although Qing Yu was also very unwilling to give up, he also knew that this was an opportunity for him to truly get rid of hidden dangers, and he absolutely couldn't give up.

Then, after a few simple words, Zhang Fan directly took Qing Yu into the Star Source Debris Space and hurried towards the White Tiger clan.

For several hours of continuous effort, Zhang Fan also stayed in the Four Sacred Beasts for a while, and he took away a young member of the Four Sacred Beasts, and then returned to the Supreme City.

To a certain extent, Zhang Fan had his own consideration in finding Qi Four Saint Beasts.

The earth is now infinite, so according to Zhang Fan's own thoughts, the entire earth, and even the entire universe, at least need to be guarded by the four sacred beasts, just like in myths and legends.

If things go on like this, it will be possible for many people to truly accept the monster race and achieve coexistence.

At least, for now, although humans, monsters, and machine races seem to be harmonious with each other, they are all relatively vigilant. After all, the long-term hostility has long entrenched the minds of many people.

At the same time, the existence of the four sacred beasts is also Zhang Fan's back hand for the entire universe.

At least, within this ten-thousand-year time limit, Zhang Fan is confident that the four divine beasts he has searched will become the most powerful among the monster race.

"Qingyu, Bai Li, Zhu Rui, Xuanlong, the four of you, in your respective clan, are all considered members of average talent. However, I know that your potential has not really exploded yet, and ordinary people cannot pass. This sees your future.

I picked you out and followed me. There is no other purpose. The only purpose is hope. After I train you up, I hope you four can regard yourself as the guardian beast of the entire universe. Look.

I hope that the future will be treated equally in your eyes.

Of course, this is not to make you forget your own clan, but that you need to do your duty as a guardian beast. I don’t know what I mean, can you understand it? "

At this moment, Zhang Fan brought Qing Yu out in a hurry, and also said directly with a serious face.

"My lord, we can do it."

Qing Yu replied loudly first. The others also nodded.

The only embarrassing thing is that the other three are able to transform into a human form, only Qingyu has always maintained his ontological form.

"Very well. Next, I will personally transform your four bodies, relieve the troubles, and let you improve quickly. You don't have to belittle yourself. I was able to select the four of you because I can see your potential. , As long as you are properly trained, you all have the hope of reaching the rank of the Lord in the future.

Now, you follow me. "

Looking at the four people in front of him, Zhang Fan nodded very satisfied, and then led them directly to a seemingly huge square.

Then, in the shocked look of the four Qing Yu, Zhang Fan shot again and again, directly creating a huge time mystery covering a very wide area, basically including the entire huge square.

All this, from the beginning to the completion, is less than ten minutes before and after. At least, they have never seen anyone who can surpass Zhang Fan on this point.

"Hehe, all of you go in. This is a time mystery with a time ratio of two thousand times. In the future, this will also be the place for the four of you to practice temporarily.

I believe that with my help here, the strength of each of you will show rapid growth. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at everyone and said.

"My God, Master Zhang Fan, you are too powerful. The most powerful time mystery that I know of in our universe has always been established by the ancestor Hongjun of the Daomen of Gods. It has reached a ratio of two hundred times, so that many people are I am very envious of Shenxiao Daomen.

Now you can arbitrarily set up such a large-scale time secret realm, and it is still two thousand times, my God, is this the power of the Universe? "

At this moment, the Xuanlong of the Xuanwu clan also spoke.

Although Xuanlong was considered a direct descendant in the Xuanwu clan, his strength had been in the Xingyang realm for nearly three thousand years, and had long been planned by the Xuanwu clan as a talented rank.

However, there is one thing about Xuanlong that makes Zhang Fan very interested, that is, Xuanlong is different from ordinary Xuanwu divine beasts. It has the three attributes of ice, fire, and earth. The only trouble is that they can’t master these three well. Attribute, leading to its inadequacy.

As for Bai Li from the White Tiger clan and Zhu Rui from the Suzaku clan, the difference from Qingyu and Xuanlong is that their talents are both top-notch in their respective clan, which can be said to be the future of the two clan. hope.

Of course, after knowing that Zhang Fan needed them to be the guardian beasts, the patriarchs of the Baidi and the Suzaku clan did not hesitate to let them follow Zhang Fan.

They know very well that with Zhang Fan's strength, following Zhang Fan is far more promising than staying in their own clan.

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