Star-source Legend

Chapter 1696: Parting

Afterwards, Zhang Fan once again brought out a lot of delicacies. Of course, they are all fast foods. They are ready to use. They cannot be compared with what is made today. But for Turner, any kind of His eyes are all delicious.

"Come on, Afan, drink. Today is my happiest day in several epochs. Not only did I meet your friend, but I also tasted the wine and delicacies from the outside world again. It is worth celebrating."

Opening a jar of fine wine again, Turner also filled himself and Zhang Fan at this moment, drinking happily.

And this time, the two of them have been drinking for three full days, and those Turner’s subordinates, that is, several venerable abyss demons, are also the first to taste the wine from the outside world. They tasted there carefully, with excitement and surprise in their eyes.

After that, Zhang Fan and Turner also exchanged ideas with each other. After a full month, Zhang Fan decided to leave with everyone.

It can be said that staying in the abyss of **** this month has gained a lot from everyone, including Zhang Fan himself.

In general, everyone was very satisfied with the journey to the abyss of hell.

"Brother, I have to leave. This month, thanks to your care, I have a lot of control over my own strength and increased experience in battle. Next, I have to take them to two other forbidden areas to explore. After a while, I won’t stay much longer. If I have time later, I will come to see you again.

By the way, brother, I want to ask you, that is, is the person holding you here a Venerable named Tianhua? "

As farewell was imminent, Zhang Fan also looked at Turner, who was looking at him, and asked.

"You actually know Venerable Tianhua? That's right, this universe was originally merged by Venerable Tianhua, but it broke away later. At that time, I was already being held here.

Could it be that Afan, you still have a relationship with Venerable Tianhua? "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Turner also seemed very surprised at this moment.

"Speaking of which, Venerable Tianhua is my uncle. Unexpectedly, you were actually imprisoned here by my uncle. However, my uncle went to Hei Tianyu several epochs before, and now There is no trace now, so this should also be the reason why you were imprisoned here and unable to get out.

Of course, from another aspect, my uncle should be still alive, otherwise if you really were killed in the black sky, you could have gone out long ago. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at Turner with a complicated expression and said.

"My God, it turns out that there is still such a relationship. However, Venerable Tianhua went to the Black Sky Territory? Isn't that seeking death? That place, it can be said that even the most powerful City Lord of Hope in the universe enters the city. It may not be possible to come out alive.

Before sealing me, Venerable Tianhua told me that in order to improve himself, he would go to a place, but he didn't expect to go to Heitianyu.

To be honest, if I knew the news at the beginning, I would be very excited, because I had a lot of grievances against Venerable Tianhua, but now, I don't know why, but I am a little worried.

This feeling is really strange. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Turner also seemed very surprised at this moment, but when he thought that Venerable Tianhua had gone to the Black Sky Territory, his heart was a bit tangled and complicated.

"Hey, why am I not? To be honest, I have never met my uncle. After all, if I really don’t count the time I practiced in the time mystery, that is, I have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years. That's it.

It’s no secret, this time, the entire chaos will face a catastrophe, because the seal between the black sky and chaos is already showing signs of loosening, and I will go to the black sky soon. One is to see if the uncle can be rescued, and the other is to prevent the birth of the king among the chaos gods and demons.

Originally, I could break through to the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, but my mental state cultivation was not enough, so I also came back specifically to use a period of time to improve my mental state cultivation.

In this way, after I was promoted to the realm of the Celestial Lord, there would be no problems. "

Seeing the extreme difficulty, Zhang Fan also sighed at this moment, it seemed very complicated, and he told something.

"The seal is loose? Afan, are you sure?"

At this moment, upon hearing what Zhang Fan said, Turner's complexion also became extremely solemn in an instant.

Zhang Fan nodded with a heavy face at the moment.

"My God, this is not a trivial matter. The Black Sky Territory, as the first forbidden place of the entire chaos, can be said that anyone who goes there has no chance of survival.

It is said that there are only one hundred and eight chaotic gods and demons that reach the level of the gods of the universe, and the chaotic gods and demons that reach the rank of the cosmos are at least several times more than those of our chaotic powerhouses, let alone under the noble ones. The Chaos God and Demon.

Generally speaking, there are two situations after the seal is loosened. One is that the seal itself has been damaged by our side, and the other, and the most likely to happen, is that the chaos gods and demons begin to appear among the chaos gods and demons.

This is the most terrifying.

Because, the true king of chaos gods and demons is no less powerful than our legendary emperor-level existence, and the city lord of the city of hope is just the peak of the heavenly sovereign, not an opponent at all.

I only hope that this time can be short, at least for the powerhouses in the emperor's realm or other countermeasures, otherwise, the entire chaos will be destroyed.

You are going to the Black Sky Territory this time, and it is extremely dangerous. As a brother, there is nothing I can give you. These are two substitutes, which I obtained accidentally back then. They are a very powerful treasure. It can be said that it is enough. Let you avoid two life and death crises, this is the only help I can give you. "

After confirming that what Zhang Fan said was not a joke, Turner also became extremely serious in an instant, and his heart was extremely solemn.

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