Star-source Legend

Chapter 1709: Cause of death

"Hey, my death involves the most mysterious and terrifying forbidden area of ​​Chaos, and that is the Black Sky Territory. I think, you may not know, among us so-called veteran chaotic powerhouses, there is a legend circulating, that is There is an opportunity to break into the realm of the emperor in the black sky region.

You should understand that at our level, the only thing that interests us may be the further improvement of strength. For this reason, many of us at that time decided to join forces to go to the black sky domain.

Among them, in addition to me, there are Venerable Tianhua, as well as several powerhouses who have reached the mid-term level of the Celestial Venerable. There are seven in total, and they have gone to the black heaven.

And this idea is just a means I left to ensure that my inheritance would not be cut off.

However, the power of the black sky is far beyond our imagination. No matter where they are placed, no one dares to look down on the seven powers of the heavenly ranks, but in the terrifying black sky, the seven of us It's not worth mentioning, there are a hundred and eight chaotic gods and demons who have reached the level of Tianzun, and many of them have reached the middle stage of Tianzun, and even have a dozen in the late stage.

As soon as we entered, the seven of us were targeted, and then we were directly dispersed, each making a living.

As for me, I was besieged by the three chaotic gods and demons of the late Tianzun, and finally died. This is still the message transmitted by the last trace of power when the main body died. Otherwise, my mind clone probably even died. It is impossible to know.

As for the others, they were all under siege. It is estimated that the results are similar to mine.

As for the Spirit-Swallowing Clan, it’s because they were the ancestors of the Spirit-Swallowing Clan, and I counted as enemies, and I was a person who had a grudge, especially when the Spirit-Swallowing Clan took the initiative to invade a universe I have been guarding, so this curse is Punishment for them.

As for the soul buddha, I can tell you very clearly that it is an absolute treasure among the most treasures. Its currently known abilities are very amazing, and if all its power bursts out, I think, Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to call it an emperor **** soldier.

However, I don't know if it is the self-seal of the soul buddha or what is the reason. It can be said that I have tried many times without success.

And for such an important baby, I also don't want it to fall into the hands of other people, so I simply apply my strongest curse power to it, seal it, and then slowly figure it out.

Later, because I wanted to go to the Black Sky Territory, I also made Venerable Tianhua be a good old man and sent back to the Spirit Devouring Clan. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Cursing Tianzun also spoke at this moment, letting Zhang Fan understand everything.

"So, I didn’t expect that Senior, you actually died in the Black Sky Territory. But, are you sure you really died? Maybe there is a turning point? As far as I know, the soul token of Venerable Tianhua is still still there. Intact."

At this moment, when he heard the cursed Tianzun said, Zhang Fan also understood, and then said.

"Oh? I felt the breath of Tianhua guy from you. Obviously, you should come from the top universe that Tianhua merged back then.

As for the soul token being intact, it does not mean that Tianhua is really alive, it can only be said to be alive.

Your knowledge of the Chaos God and Demon is too limited. You must know that in addition to being good at devouring, seizing houses is also one of its most powerful abilities.

Perhaps Venerable Tianhua had already been taken away.

In general, I was the initiator at the beginning, and the fall of a few old friends made me feel guilty. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Cursing Tianzun's complexion also changed, which seemed very unexpected, but he didn't believe that Tianhua could survive under the siege of so many powerful Tianzun-level chaos gods and demons. After all, , Although the strength of Venerable Tianhua is the same as him, he is in the late stage of Tianzun, but he is also "preferentially treated". There are four chaotic gods and demons in the late stage of Tianzun to attack Tianhua, and he has a lot of strength relatively not weak. Chaos gods and demons are interfering.

In such a realm, even the rumored emperor must be handled carefully.

"If this is the case, then it's really dangerous. Don't talk about this, senior, you meant to fight me at first?"

Nodded, Zhang Fan didn't dare to continue thinking. This news was too unexpected and too unbelievable. I believe that if Zhang Fan told his teacher Tian Yun, his own teacher would not believe it.

Finding his elder brother, his uncle, and his teacher, Venerable Tianyun, is the biggest motivation at the moment, and it is also the reason that has been supporting him to go on.

Once you know this news, you may not be able to bear it.

"Yes, playing against each other can be regarded as a discussion, regardless of life and death, I just want to see how powerful the swallowing one is, and it can be regarded as satisfying one of my wishes, so that I will die without regret."

Nodded, cursing Tianzun also spoke at the moment, looking forward to it.

"Well, then I will accompany seniors in a battle, but I think we'd better go to Chaos. Because this universe has lost its origin, it is very fragile, but it cannot withstand the impact of our power."

Without refusal, Zhang Fan also said immediately.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan and the avatar that cursed Tianzun directly disappeared in place.

"Huh!" "Huh!"

After a while, Zhang Fan and the avatar that cursed Tianzun also appeared in a chaotic area outside the universe.

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