Star-source Legend

Chapter 1717: Lift the curse

"Yes, Wuying is for all the people, thank you Master."

At this moment, Wuying who stood beside Zhang Fan also said respectfully.

"Hehe, don't be happy too early. I know that the long curse has made many of you feel extremely oppressed, and your hearts are full of killing and irritability.

In particular, your spirit swallowing clan is improving itself by swallowing various spirit bodies.

However, you have to remember that the universe you live in now is the universe that gave birth to me and raised me. It is a very important place for me. Therefore, after the curse of you is lifted, I hope you can perform your duties temporarily.

At least, I don't want to see you actively hunting and devouring the souls of others.

Specifically how you should cultivate and improve, I will have my own arrangements at that time. For this reason, I will impose some restraints on you, just in case, I wonder if you agree?

If I agree, I will now release the curse. If I disagree, there will be only one way. I think you should all understand how to do it. "

Waved his hand, Zhang Fan immediately looked at the numerous shadowless beasts below and reminded him.


Suddenly, the shadowless beasts below all let out a low groan and nodded suddenly. Obviously, all the shadowless beasts had no opinion on what Zhang Fan said.

"Very well, then I will lift the curse for you. Now, all of you are relaxing your body and don't resist."

Nodding satisfactorily, Zhang Fan also got up right now, and immediately, with a wave of one hand, a burst of purple energy directly radiated from his body, covering everyone including Wuying.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful devouring power also exploded directly. It can be clearly seen that the black rays of light slowly emerge from each shadowless beast, and are finally absorbed and transformed by the devouring force, especially the shadowless, although It can transform a human form, but the curse in its body is even stronger.

As the black cursed rays of light were continuously drawn out of the body, it was obvious that all the shadowless beasts, including Wuying, had an extremely distorted complexion, and they were obviously suffering tremendous pain. , However, everyone’s eyes are full of determination. They know very well that this is an opportunity to completely get rid of the curse. Then they can live a normal life as before, instead of having to bear it every time. Great pain.

"Huh, it's really a lot of physical work."

After three full hours, under Zhang Fan’s powerful devouring power, the entire Spirit Devouring clan’s curse was directly swallowed, and at this moment, there were also various sizes underneath, with colorful tattoos printed on the whole body. It looks like a normal person in appearance.

Of course, Wuying looks the same as before. The only change is that the whole person looks more **** than before, and the strength has also increased a bit compared to before. The whole person's spirit and spirit can be obviously different.

"Thank you master."

Looking at Zhang Fan, who was sweating profusely, Wuying's whole body was also kneeling in front of Zhang Fan, thanking him very respectfully.

"Thank you, sir."

At the same time, the many members of the Spirit Swallowing clan below all knelt to the ground, thanking Zhang Fan.

"Hehe, you are welcome. From this moment on, your spirit swallowing clan is completely free from the troubles of the curse. By the way, Wuying, do you still know the path to the universe?

If possible, I hope you can still return to the universe of all souls, after all, that is your home. "

Waved his hand, Zhang Fan said while looking at Wuying.

"Master, I know this naturally. However, the situation in the Ten Thousand Spirits Universe is not very familiar yet. If I go back, I am worried that with my strength, I cannot protect the safety of the people, so let us stay with you, Master. Be loyal and fulfill your duties by your side."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wuying said with some worry at the moment. In his opinion, staying beside Zhang Fan is the safest.

"Hehe, I know what you think, but I am going to Heitianyu from now on, and there is no need to say more about the dangers there. Taking you with you will only harm you.

And staying in this universe, you probably won't adapt so much. After all, the rules of the universe here, because you are regarded as outsiders, cannot accept you.

Don't worry, when I return to the Ten Thousand Spirits Universe, I will personally request a senior to help your clan regain the territory and directly build defenses. As long as it is not taken by the late-level Tianzun people, the safety of your clan is enough to be guaranteed.

However, I still have one requirement that I hope you can remember, that is, I hope that the abilities of your spirit swallowing clan will not be used by innocent people. This is the most basic.

If I can return from the Black Sky Territory, there are other arrangements for you. "

Hearing what Wuying said, Zhang Fan naturally knew his thoughts.

However, Zhang Fan also has his own plans, so it is necessary for the Spirit Devouring Clan to return to the Ten Thousand Spirits Universe. In the future, they will be another important part of Zhang Fan's long-planned plan.

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