Star-source Legend

Chapter 1735: Create magic

"Well, like us old guys, in fact, no matter what you do, it will not affect the path we are going to take. Because, after a long period of cultivation, we have formed a long time ago and we have walked out of our own path. This is how to go as far as possible on this road.

However, young people like Hong Lie may not find a suitable direction for them until now, especially with your help, many of them are about to forget how to cultivate.

Every time you encounter a bottleneck, you will appear directly, forcibly using various geniuses and treasures, and your own powerful strength to help them improve. This is not once or twice.

Even old guys like us are about to depend on them, let alone them.

In short, I agree with this decision of yours. After that, everyone should cultivate on their own. After all, the cultivation environment provided by you, Afan, is already sufficient, and it depends on how far you can go in the end.

Of course, if someone’s thoughts in their hearts are just going with the flow, then I’m not saying it, but I don’t think everyone in this room is like that, otherwise they wouldn’t be qualified to sit here, right? "

Nodded, Old Xing also spoke directly at this moment.

"What Master and Xinglao said is what I said. Except for my parents, all of you need to start practicing and improving on your own. After that, I will not force you to help you, at most I will Give you some external assistance.

And, next, for some reasons, I need to retreat immediately. I hope that when I leave the barrier, I will already see that some of you have already officially become the Universe Venerables by their own efforts.

You know, the rules of the universe are now restored to their integrity. As long as you practice normally, you can impact the cosmic venerable anytime and anywhere. And based on what I know about you, as long as it is qualified to attack the Venerable, Venerable Jie, who has the barriers of our universe, cannot truly threaten you. "

Zhang Fan also said immediately.

As for his parents, Zhang Fan wouldn't force it. After all, his parents had never been interested in cultivation. If Zhang Fan hadn't forcibly helped them improve, perhaps by now it would be the star-moon realm.

"What I said today, you can think more about it, and go back now. Remember, only when you walk your own way, you can touch a higher realm, otherwise everything will become empty."

Zhang Fan finally left after speaking to everyone. He believed that everyone should know what he meant.

After that, after Zhang Fan stayed with his family for a period of time, he once again entered a state of retreat, and this time, Zhang Fan still chose to return to the palace of the Dark Heavenly Lord.

Although the Dark Heavenly Lord is not there, the time mystery in the palace has always been running on its own, enough for Zhang Fan to retreat and create his own magical powers.

At this moment, staying in the time mystery, Zhang Fan himself was thinking about what kind of magical power he should create. After all, finding the right direction is the most important thing.

Zhang Fan himself is currently the most powerful one, so he swallows one, followed by a curse, and then a space. After all, Zhang Fan himself relied on space to break through to the Venerable Universe.

In fact, Zhang Fan has an advantage that is far from comparable to others. That is, because he has swallowed all the star-source fragments, Zhang Fan can control any of the three thousand avenues of the entire universe. Anyone who specializes in one is not bad at all, which is where Zhang Fan's confidence lies.

The so-called dare to die, starve to death, this time, since it is to create supernatural powers, Zhang Fan is also impossible to be content with the ordinary, he must create a set of super magical powers that shock the world.

And because Zhang Fan himself is still a controller, Zhang Fan also hopes to integrate his powerful spiritual power into it.

When he was on Earth, when Zhang Fan got the Starlight Sword from Jiange, he created a style of swordsmanship, named Hongchen Yijian.

This is regarded as the basis for Zhang Fan's own creation of supernatural powers. Later, Zhang Fan also used his own characteristics of devouring one to simulate the gluttonous beast and create a sword besides gluttony.

At present, although these two styles seem to be very simple, they also point out a direction for Zhang Fan.

For Zhang Fan, he is also very good at swordsmanship. Since he has a basic foundation, let's start with a little exploration of swordsmanship.

The Chaos Spear in his hand, after he was promoted to Venerable Universe, was made by the Dark Heavenly Lord to help transform it. It can be said that as long as Zhang Fan's mind moves, the Chaos Spear can be transformed into any kind of weapon.

Since he intends to create a set of swordsmanship and the weapon used is also the Chaos Sword transformed by the Chaos Spear, Zhang Fan also intends to call it "Chaos Swordsmanship" by the name of this set of magical powers.

As for "Chaotic Sword Technique", Zhang Fan has already constructed the basic framework, and what he needs to do later is to perfect it. After all, now he is basically standing at the pinnacle of the entire chaos, even the simplest and most direct form requires careful consideration and a little bit of his own insight into it.

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