Star-source Legend

Chapter 1743: Recognize reality

"Just now I was helpless, so I could only think of this way. Now that our spirit swallowing clan returns, I don't know how the two plan to arrange it?"

At this moment, Wuying also looked at the two strong Yordle men in front of him and said.

"This is originally the clan land of your Spirit Devouring clan, and we are just protecting it. To be honest, if it weren't for staying in the clan land, perhaps our clan might eventually be united and annihilated by the other powerful clan.

At the peak of our Yodel clan, there were hundreds of thousands of members, and there were as many as six Venerables alone.

However, several epochs passed, and now we are the only two old guys in our Yordle, and the rest of the members have basically died in the encirclement and suppression of other races.

I don't know how many members of the Lingling Clan today are there? "

Hearing what Wuying said, the headed Yordle also spoke with a painful face at the moment, and then looked at Tun Ling with expectation and asked.

"Speaking of speaking, our spirit swallowing clan is much worse than you. Because of the curse of the gods, our clan has been lingering for several epochs. If we hadn’t met the master, it might not take long for our clan to be completely cursed. Extinct.

Today, including me, there are more than two thousand people in our clan, but I am the only one who has reached the rank of venerable.

Of course, now the curse of our clan has been resolved by my master, I believe that in a short while, many members of our clan will be able to make further breakthroughs. "

Hearing the question from the Yordle headed in front of him, Wuying also answered at the moment.

"Your master? I didn't expect that even the spirit-swallowing clan, who has always been so arrogant, has already recognized the master?"

Hearing Wuying's address to you Zhang Fan, it is obvious that the two Yodels have become relatively despised of Wuying.

Because, they felt that the Spirit-Swallowing Clan was no longer the original Spirit-Swallowing Clan, but just the servants of others.

"I don't know what you two call?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan also took the initiative to ask.

"I am the patriarch of the Yordel clan, my name is Bordeaux, and this is my son, my name is Akya. Since you can become the master of the spirit swallow clan, then I think your strength should be very strong.

Otherwise, it's hard for me to imagine that the Spirit Swallowing clan, who has always been superior, will have the day to recognize the Lord. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the two Yodels also introduced themselves.

"You can't be rude, don't look at your strengths, but if you really anger the master, you are not a finger-pointing opponent, you know, the master is a super power in the late Tianzun, and its power is not what you can do. imagination.

This time, the master's purpose is to send me back to the universe of all souls, and let us the spirit swallowing clan stand on the peak of the universe of all souls once again.

At that time, your Yordels will follow suit. "

Seeing the attitude of the two people in front of Zhang Fan, Wuying also looked a little angry at the moment and shouted.

"What? It turned out to be a super power in the late stage of Tianzun? Isn't that almost the same as Cursing Tianzun? Excuse me, the two of us have eyes but don't know Taishan, and I hope we don't have common knowledge with us."

At this moment, Bordeaux was also taken aback when he heard Wuying's words. At this moment, what I was afraid of was knelt on one leg in front of Zhang Fan and kept apologizing.

As for Akya, his body was trembling constantly, and his eyes were full of fear.

The most powerful thing in the current Ten Thousand Spirits universe is only the middle stage of the Venerable. Even so, the strength of the entire Ten Thousand Spirits universe, looking at the entire Chaos 108 universe, is enough to rank in the forefront.

However, after reaching the realm of the venerable, even the slightest difference is the difference between heaven and earth.

Especially the difference between Venerable Universe and Venerable Heaven is even more unimaginable. Universe Venerables like them, even if they come with another 10,000, they are not the opponents of a Tianzun-level powerhouse, not to mention Zhang Fan's strength, has reached the late Tianzun stage, if you really get angry, you can directly. Easily destroy the entire universe of spirits directly.

Thinking of their previous attitude, Bordeaux and Akeya and his son are also very worried at this moment.

"Wuying, don’t frighten them. If I am really angry, I won’t give them time to speak. I came to the Myriad Souls Universe this time without any other purpose, just because Wuying is following me, Then I have the responsibility to send it back to the universe of all souls and regain everything that has been lost.

I know that you feel that the strength of the spirit-swallowing clan today is not as good as before. However, I think you should be clear about one thing, that is, that you have been suppressed by the curse for so long. Once the curse is lifted, then with the powerful talents of the spirit-swallowing clan, you can say After that, there will be a burst of strength in a short time, including Wuying.

At that time, you will once again look up to the entire spirit swallowing clan.

Fortunately, your performance is pretty good, and you haven't forgotten your original promise. Otherwise, I can't say it personally.

Get up, this matter, I don't have to hold you accountable. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also waved his hand, looking at the two people in front of him condescendingly, and said.

"Thank you Sir, thank you Sir."

Hearing that Zhang Fan was not pursuing their rude responsibilities, the two of them were relieved at this moment and looked very happy.

It was also at this moment that the two of them also recognized the reality, that is, with Zhang Fan, the Spirit Devouring clan will once again prosper, and their Yordel clan will once again lose their freedom.

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