Star-source Legend

Chapter 1765: Best sparring

Zhang Fan is very clear about his own strength, but he will not be blindly confident.

After all, whether it is the evil Tianzun or the other two, they are all super powers who have reached the late stage of the Tianzun, and if they don't use the means of transforming one gas into three cleansings, it is probably not so good to parry.

In one-on-one terms, Zhang Fan was confident enough to solve them one by one.

Although his two clones only had the strength of the eighth level of his own deity, it was easy to entangle the Blood Beast King and Death Celestial Venerable in a short time.

After he solves the evil Tianzun, the entire battle will be in his grasp, and it is only a matter of time to take all three of them.

At this moment, it is equivalent to the six strong men of the late Tianzun fighting.

If it weren't for the special environment surrounding the Scarlet Star Territory, which limited everyone's strength to a certain extent, it could be said that the collision of several people was enough to make the surrounding large areas directly become nothingness.

Even, in order to prevent the power of the collision between the two parties from spreading out, Situ Xingyu and the others took the initiative at this moment, covering the entire Scarlet Star Territory with their own power to prevent the aftermath of power from spreading out and affecting the surrounding chaotic areas.

Not far from the Death Star Territory is a medium-sized universe. If you don't care about it, this medium-sized universe is likely to be affected by a large amount and eventually be destroyed directly, so you don't know how many innocent lives will die tragically.

As the lord of the City of Hope, Situ Xingyu has the responsibility and obligation to protect the safety of human lives in the chaotic universe.

The weapon used by the evil Tianzun is a gray-black long sword, which is full of evil power. Every time it is used, it will even affect Zhang Fan's mood to a certain extent.

With the addition of gallons for more than a dozen epochs, Zhang Fan is not comparable to Zhang Fan in terms of combat experience. Although Zhang Fan's strength exceeds gallons by a lot, the two sides are considered to be a tie based on their own advantages.

As for the other two sides, they are also very intense at the moment.

Although the first and second clones don't have the Chaos Spear, Zhang Fan can do it himself, and the clones can also use them. The first clone is facing the death god, with the power of devouring. The death power of the death **** is directly invalid. The power that the death sickle can exert is perfectly restrained, but it is secretly displayed by the first clone With the power of the curse, it quietly applied to the Dark Heavenly Lord.

As for the other side, the second clone is using the master magic weapon to continuously harass the blood monster king from a long distance, so that it also has to stay in place and deal with it carefully.

In particular, the use of powerful subtle and mysterious skills again and again made the Blood Monster King a little mad. At this moment, it seemed that he was very impatient and was about to enter a state of violent violence.

Seeing this situation, whether it was Situ Xingyu or Ye Hua, everyone seemed to relax a lot at this moment.

They believe that as long as Zhang Fan is given some more time and the three guys are taken down, there will be no problems.

Moreover, this is one of Zhang Fan’s few opportunities to experience himself. The three of them have become very good sparring partners this time. Otherwise, normally speaking, Zhang Fan will explode with all his strength, and he can directly suppress the evil Tianzun directly. Solve the battle quickly.

Although the movement between the two sides does not seem to be big, if this is placed in the rest of the area, any collision will not be imaginable by ordinary people. The power contained in it is strong enough to instantly destroy a small universe.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

There were collisions and bursts of power. It can be said that the two sides seem to be evenly matched at the moment. However, to put it bluntly, it is Zhang Fan himself facing the attacks of the three late stage powers, even Situ Xing. Yu also had to admit that Zhang Fan's true strength already surpassed him.

Up to now, the two sides look similar, because Zhang Fan still has some hole cards not used, such as the "Chaos Swordsmanship" he created, and the curse power he has mastered, etc. If you really use it, it will It means that the three evil Tianzun have no longer the value of sparring.

At this moment, whether it was the evil Heavenly Venerate, the Death Heavenly Venerate, or the Blood Demon King, they all discovered one thing, that is, no matter how they act, Zhang Fan can resolve their attacks relatively easily.

They may not be aware of it in a short time, but they are not fools. It has been half an hour, and the two sides still seem to be difficult to distinguish between each other. Suddenly, they also knew that Zhang Fan was treating the three of them as sparring exercises. It also seemed very angry.

After all, they are all super powers in the late Tianzun, and they have their own pride. Now, the three of them have joined forces, and even one of the younger generations can't beat them, and they have even become others' sparring partners. If this is spread out, it would be too shameful.

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