Star-source Legend

Chapter 1769: The way to control everyone

"Okay, don't think about it so much. For the math, among us, seven of us have reached the late stage of Tianzun, and Afan and I are both comparable to the peak of Tianzun.

Including Tianyun, it has also reached the early stage of Tianzun. After taking those two blood pills, it should be enough to reach the peak of the early stage of Tianzun, and may even break through to the middle stage of Tianzun.

This kind of strength can be said to be more than half of our entire Chaos top strength. If even we are unable to solve the problem, it will be useless to ask more people to go together. "

Situ Xingyu waved his hand at this moment, and then said.

When talking about the blood pill, the expression of the blood monster king looked a little dim, and he sighed in his heart.

It can only be said that his two subordinates were a little overwhelmed, and even directly attacked Situ Xingyu.

Although both are at the Heavenly Sovereign level, the gap between the two sides is like a chasm that is insurmountable. With such an ending, he has no choice.

After losing these two Heavenly Venerate level subordinates, he will go to the Black Sky Territory afterwards, so the remaining blood beasts are estimated to be difficult to resist the arrival of the many powerful chaos.

"Master, can I bring all the blood beasts in the Scarlet Star Territory? In this case, entering the Black Heaven Territory can be regarded as a help. Moreover, our blood beasts are not much different from the Chaos Gods and Demons. The difference is that we will not swallow each other to strengthen ourselves.

Nowadays, there are not many people in the entire blood monster clan. The two Tianzun-level leaders hope that if I leave, the entire blood star field will soon be discovered by the strong in the chaos. At that time, our clan will Completely wiped out. "

At this time, the King of Blood Monsters also asked Zhang Fan cautiously.

"Well, this is up to you, I will not limit it. It is good for you to collect all the blood monsters into your own small universe. Many people in the Scarlet Star Territory often come here. If you find something strange here, it will be remarkable in the blood core. Stimulated by the effect, your clan will become the target of others."

He didn't refuse. Zhang Fan was also very clear about what the Blood Monster was worried about. What's more, now that the Blood Monster is his own subordinate, Zhang Fan would not be so unrelenting if he was left alone.

"Thank you, Master. I will go and collect them into the small universe."

After getting Zhang Fan's reply, the Blood Monster also thanked Zhang Fan, and then left.

In just a few minutes before and after, the Blood Beast King had arranged everything properly. As for the resources and treasures he originally had, he took the initiative to hand over to Zhang Fan.

Seeing that the Blood Monster King was so active, Lucifer and Gallon looked at each other, and they both contributed all of their collections except for their own weapons.

Their lives and deaths are now under Zhang Fan's control. Sometimes, whether to let go or let go, recognizing reality is the most important thing.

After getting a few people's collections, Zhang Fan knew that if he really talked about the background, he was still too far behind. Many of the treasures were things that Zhang Fan couldn't even think of before.

Of course, this is also because Zhang Fan's own cultivation time is short, and the time spent exploring in the chaos is not long, otherwise, with Zhang Fan's strength, it will be relatively easier to get something.

"Teacher, these are blood pills. I have purified them. You can take them now to improve yourself. After that, it's not too late for us to start.

It just so happened that I also used this time to sort out what I learned and other things, and be fully prepared. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also gave the two purified blood pills to Tianyun, and then said.

"Well, it's okay, please wait for me for a while."

Nodded, and as a result, the Queen of Blood Pill, Tianyun directly entered the **** palace of the previous Blood Beast King, and began to ascend.

As for Zhang Fan and the others, they are discussing various suggestions and plans for each other's next trip to Heitianyu. Moreover, using his own devouring one, Zhang Fan has also mastered the five-shaped avenue, the way of death, and the darkness and light during this period of time with the help of everyone.

As for the evil avenue taken by the evil Tianzun, Zhang Fan was not interested.

The evil of human nature is born. If we can successfully overcome our evil, the future will be bright.

In Zhang Fan's view, the evil avenue of the evil Tianzun is not pure, because the evil Tianzun's own character lies in it. In many cases, the evil is just what he thinks.

The Dao of Evil can be regarded as a kind of understanding of human nature. If you cultivate to the extreme, you can do whatever you want.

And Zhang Fan also intends to have the opportunity to comprehend the good together and let the evil Tianzun learn. In this way, the coexistence of good and evil is to ensure that Gallon will not really lose himself one day.

After controlling everyone’s avenues directly by swallowing power, Zhang Fan’s strength has reached a peak. It can be said that under Situ Xingyu’s front, he is no longer Zhang Fan’s opponent. After all, his own avenue Zhang Fan is very Understand, and other people, unless they are all united together, may be able to suppress Zhang Fan in pure strength, but this is all temporary.

Once Zhang Fan understands everyone's avenue very thoroughly, and further improves their own devouring, even if they are united together, they are not Zhang Fan's opponents.

Zhang Fan's performance also made everyone full of confidence in this trip to the Black Sky Territory.

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