Star-source Legend

Chapter 1776: New master

"We are so happy to be praised by the master. Master, after you leave, we have been guarding the entrance of the black sky and chaos for a long time. In this more than 100 epochs, everything here is pretty good. Stable, but, during the recent period of time, there have been some problems with the seal here. The entire Black Sky Territory seems to have received some order. Every once in a while, there will be a large number of chaotic gods and demons impacting the seal, and All of them are completely orderly, not the previous chaos.

We also concluded that perhaps a new king has appeared among the Chaos Gods and Demons. This time, the little masters also intend to gather some power and actively enter the Black Sky Territory to resolve all this.

In fact, we just saw the little master, and we have never had any contact before. "

At this time, having received the compliment from Emperor Cangqiang, Tianyi and Dier seemed very excited as if they were praised by their elders.

"A new king appeared? That seems to be a lot of trouble. If it is not handled properly, a new crisis of chaos is likely to erupt. Today I am too far away from our chaotic world, and I still have big The enemy has to face it, and it will not be possible to go back in a short time, and everything can only depend on you.

Remember, anyway, stay with the green hills, and you are not afraid of being burnt. If you find that the real chaos is unable to cope with the crisis of the dark sky, then go to the chaotic sea from the passage I left you. .

However, I believe that Zhang Fan's strength has also reached the peak of Heavenly Sovereign, and I have practiced my "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Judgment", and set foot in the swallow. There should be a lot of certainty that this crisis can be resolved.

Unless the king of the chaotic gods and demons in the black sky region has grown up completely, otherwise, there is still a certain hope to solve it. "

Hearing what Tianyi said, Emperor Cangqiang frowned and said directly.

"Okay, there is nothing to do with you next. After the specifics, I will let Zhang Fan tell you that you should go out of the enchantment first. I have some things to explain to Zhang Fan alone.

Remember, everything about me is still in the past and must not be disclosed to anyone. "

At this time, Emperor Cangqiang also ordered the two immediately.

"Yes, master."

Although they want to accompany their old master more, after all, they have not seen each other in more than a hundred epochs, but they are very clear that this mark left by their old master, after more than a hundred epochs, It can't last long.

Therefore, his old master must hurry up and explain some things to Zhang Fan. As for the future, I believe they still have a chance to get together again.

Afterwards, the two directly walked out of the barrier.

At this time, Zhang Fan also saw that the entire sealed enchantment was further strengthened under the control of Emperor Cangqiang.

"You are my descendant, then I'll call you Afan, so it looks kind and everything. A lot of things, I know you are very puzzled, because there is still some time now, if you have any questions, just ask directly. Right."

At this time, Emperor Cangqiang also looked at Zhang Fan and said directly.

"Master, you can call me Afan. Many people call me that. I do have a lot of things to ask. First of all, I want to know that since you have already been promoted to the state of emperor, Master, Why not just remove the threat of Hei Tianyu?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked directly at his newly recognized master and asked.

"Hehe, I know you will ask this. Actually, it's not that I don't want to solve it, but I can't do it. Because, after all, the history of Heitianyu's existence is hundreds of epochs earlier than I was born. .

Moreover, the existence of the Black Sky Territory, although to a certain extent a threat to the entire chaos, but there is an important position to prevent the strong of the chaos sea from entering our chaos.

In fact, I also specially cleaned the Black Sky Territory back then. You must know that there were thousands of Chaos Gods and Demons at the Heavenly Venerable level in the darkest Heavenly Domain. Among them, there were hundreds of them who reached the late Heavenly Venerable. Bit.

After I cleaned up, the strength of the entire Black Sky Territory can be said to be only one layer left, and this layer, in my opinion, is still stronger than the power in the chaos, but it is not without resistance. force.

Hei Tianyu's existence is also to give the entire chaos moment a sense of crisis, so as not to slack off. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Emperor Cangqiang answered with a smile at the moment.

With his original strength at the emperor level, if he really made up his mind, he could completely destroy the entire Black Sky Territory, but in that case, it would be equivalent to opening a gap in the entire chaos, which was not what he wanted to see of.

"Master, what is Chaos Sea? Is there a wider area besides Chaos?"

Hearing Emperor Cangqiang mentioning Chaos Sea once again, Zhang Fan was also confused at this moment and asked directly.

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