Star-source Legend

Chapter 1779: Future expectations

"I thought I was already at the top, but I didn't expect that there would be such an unimaginable existence as the Chaos Sea. It seems that my journey will take a long time.

However, no matter what, when the threat of Hei Tianyu is lifted, I will spend some time with my family and friends. Let's consider things later. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also whispered to himself.

From the memory and inheritance of Emperor Cangqiang, Zhang Fan also found the weakness of the Chaos God and Demon. It can be said that Zhang Fan is now confident in resolving this crisis.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan's figure moved directly towards the golden palace not far away.

In the middle of the journey, Tianyi and Dier had already waited silently.

"Little master, have you finished receiving the memory of the old master?"

At this moment, Tianyi also looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Yes, I have accepted all Master's memory inheritance." Zhang Fan nodded and said.

"Hey, anyway, I'm already satisfied to see the old master again. By the way, little master, does the old master have anything to say to the two of us."

With a sigh, Di Er also looked at Zhang Fan with some expectation and asked.

"Two elders, just call me Afan from now on. I don’t dare to call me like that. Master does have something to explain to you, that is, I hope you can cultivate hard and don’t give up just because you don’t have much lifespan. hope.

He hopes to see you two in Chaos Sea in the future. Moreover, from the memory inheritance passed on to me by Master, I also know that the reason why he didn't bring the two of you was because he didn't want the only two people around him who cared the most to encounter any danger.

Originally, he went to the Chaos Sea and planned to return in a short time. As a result, he encountered some situations there, so even now, he can only stay in the Chaos Sea. Returning rashly will only bring trouble to the entire Chaos. "

Looking at the two people in front of him, Zhang Fan also spoke directly.

"We turned out to be the person that the old master cares most about? Anyway, the old master is willing to think so, we two died without regret. Unfortunately, with our strength, we cannot help the old master to share the worries. I hope that the old master can Everything is going well."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the two of them also seemed very excited at the moment. After all, they themselves did not expect that they would have such an important position in the heart of Emperor Sky.

"Don't worry, as long as I can ascend to the emperor's state in the future, I can help the two seniors to strengthen and transform their bodies. At that time, you can once again have a longer lifespan.

And I learned from the memory inheritance passed on to me by Master that there are various powerful treasures contained in the Chaos Sea, as well as opportunities. If one can get one at that time, it may be possible to achieve self-esteem. , It is even possible to have a life span no less than that of the emperor. "

Zhang Fan also said to the two immediately.

"When you say that, the two of us are also full of confidence now. We hope to go to the Chaos Sea immediately. In fact, we already know how to enter the Chaos Sea. However, the barrier between the Chaos Sea and our Chaos, Only the existence of the realm of the emperor can pass, and our understanding of the Chaos Sea is very limited, so we can only stay here and be responsible for guarding the black sky, so as not to destroy the old master’s efforts. .

Let's just call you Afan as you said.

We believe that your talent and strength, Afan, can definitely break through to the realm of the emperor. Therefore, in the future, the two old guys of us will have to trouble Afan, you will take us to the Chaos Sea to join the old master.

We are looking forward to this day.

Let's go, don't talk about this, there will be time in the future, let's go in first. We can just tell you something about Heitianyu, just in case. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Tianyi was also full of expectations at this moment, and then said, the three of them walked into the hall together.

After entering, Situ Xingyu and others also sat together, discussing their plans after entering the Black Sky Territory.

Although everyone was curious about the two people leaving Zhang Fan alone, they didn't ask much.

"Hehe, just now the two of us felt the familiar breath from Afan's body, so we asked separately. Because the two of us have seen people who set foot and swallowed together before, so we are more excited to be able to do it again. I saw someone who had swallowed one."

Tianyi smiled and briefly explained to everyone at this time.

"The two elders have existed for hundreds of epochs, and they have encountered countless strong people, but this is the first time I heard two elders say that they have seen someone who has swallowed one.

Obviously, this person should have an extraordinary relationship with the two elders.

However, this is your private matter, so we won't ask more.

The two elders, everyone is now gathered together. I wonder if you can introduce the situation of Heitianyu, so that it will be convenient for us. "

At this moment, Situ Xingyu also looked at Tian Yi and Di Er and asked directly.

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