Star-source Legend

Chapter 1781: Repair circle

"In this way, just in case, Afan, when you enter the passage, I will take everyone to rush to solve the chaotic gods near the passage. Your devouring power and curse power are very powerful. Therefore, as soon as you enter, you can deploy a layer of protection, which is believed to be enough to directly offset the weakness of the seal."

After thinking about it, Situ Xingyu also looked at Zhang Fan and said at the moment.

"Um, yes, I know the field better. Combining the formation method, I can lay out a layer of absolute defense. Unless the strength exceeds me a lot, it is absolutely impossible to break."

Nodding, Zhang Fan is also full of confidence.

Moreover, in the memory inheritance he got, there was an introduction to the entire seal. At that time, he could fully strengthen the entire seal first, and then add a special field, so that it would be foolproof.

"The responsibilities of the two elders of Tianyi and Di two remain unchanged. They are still staying outside the magic circle, ready to deal with the chaotic gods and demons that may impact.

The flow of time in the Black Sky Territory is no different from that of our Chaos. However, in order to ensure everything, this time, the main purpose of our entry is to solve the kings that may be born among the Chaos Gods and Demons. We only need to solve them, and then we will find a way. Dealing with some chaotic gods and demons at the Tianzun level will be able to retreat.

I only hope that the strength of this newly-born Chaos God and Demon King will not be too exaggerated, otherwise, once those of us are damaged inside, the entire Chaos will face catastrophe and it is difficult to survive. "

Situ Xingyu also immediately arranged and reminded.

Entering the Black Sky Territory is different from going to the general forbidden land, every step requires carefulness.

"Then let's discuss it first, and I will go to the magic circle to learn about it. This will help me to deploy new defenses later, so as to avoid repulsion.

After the seal over there weakens, I will notify you as soon as possible. "

Zhang Fan also spoke to everyone at this time, and then he got up and left.

"Let's go, Afan, I will take you over."

Elder Tianyi also took the initiative to speak to Zhang Fan at this time.

Then he left with Zhang Fan.


"Afan, this is the seal that guards the passage. The entire seal can be pre-turned on its own. Whenever there is an impact from the chaotic gods and monsters, the seal will actively gather energy from the chaotic void around it, and all It is lewdness.

Of course, the entire seal mainly relies on the area we currently see that corresponds to the passage of the Black Sky Territory, which is considered the core area of ​​the entire array.

Normally, the seal in the peak period, even the chaos gods and demons in the late Tianzun period, dare not attack, but after hundreds of epochs, the entire seal has been unable to exert its full power, and many places have been damaged. .

I think that the reason why you took the initiative to come here is obviously intending to fix these defects directly, right? "

A few minutes later, Zhang Fan and Tianyi also came to the front of the seal.

The entire seal covers a very large area. Through continuous exploration of the power of mind, Zhang Fan also found that the entire seal looks very complicated.

If he had not accepted the inheritance of Emperor Cangqiang, there would be no way in a short time.

"Fortunately, I have the memory of the master, otherwise I am really helpless. Of course, my current strength is still far away from the emperor. Even if these defects are repaired and activated, the power of the entire seal will increase by about two layers at most. .\'

Zhang Fan also looked at Elder Tianyi and said.

"Hehe, it is very rare to be able to raise two levels. I heard Xingyu said Afan that you still have the power of cursing? If you combine your power with the power of swallowing, you can force another layer of protection. It can further stabilize the entire export."

After understanding what Zhang Fan said, Tianyi was actually very surprised.

The seal was increased by two levels, and to a certain extent the pressure faced by him and the two of Di Er would also drop by two levels.

Moreover, Zhang Fan actually possesses the power of a curse, which is also a very pleasant surprise for Tianyi.

After all, the curse is a branch of the destiny. With Zhang Fan's current strength, the power that can be exerted is much stronger than the original curse of Tianzun.

"Yes, I was lucky enough to get the memory inheritance of the cursed Tianzun, so I also mastered the power of the curse. Next, I will repair the magic circle further, and then I will arrange the field after all repairs.

After the weak period of the magic circle comes, after everyone enters the circle, I will directly activate the repair place, which is enough to save a lot of time.

Without further ado, then I will start first. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also directly replied, and then when his figure moved, he approached the magic circle, and then began to repair the entire magic circle little by little.

The Emperor Cangqiang himself is a powerful formation mage, otherwise it is impossible to arrange such a powerful formation that can maintain a strong power for more than a hundred epochs.

Zhang Fan himself originally had the foundation of the field, combined with the inheritance of the Celestial Emperor he obtained, it can be said that it is very easy to find the damaged circle.

Of course, although the entire circle is very wide, the most important thing is the range of the channel corresponding to the entire Black Sky Territory. This is where Zhang Fan needs to be repaired most. Any error in any step will cause The entire seal collapsed directly, so this was also a very big challenge for Zhang Fan.

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