Star-source Legend

Chapter 1790: Whereabouts exposed

"It must be my brother, and the one who was robbed of the house must be my brother, Afan, we must hurry up."

At this moment, upon hearing what 49 said, Venerable Tianyun was also very excited, wishing to go to the central area to rescue his brother Venerable Tianhua immediately.

Unfortunately, the situation today is far more serious than he thought.

After all, the one who robbed his brother was the most powerful chaos **** and demon in the entire Heitian realm. It would be impossible to rescue Venerable Tianhua successfully at least in a short time.

"It is indeed necessary to hurry up. At first, we thought that the one who took away my uncle should be only a relatively powerful chaos **** and demon. We didn't expect it to be the newly born king here.

Especially since this king has already controlled most of the chaos gods and demons, this is a very tricky thing. In this way, we can no longer delay.

Forty-nine, in a while, you will take us one by one to the territories where the uncontrolled chaos gods and demons of the Tianzun level are located. We strive to control them as quickly as possible, and then directly mobilize all our forces. Go to the central area. "

Seeing his teacher's anxious and worried look, Zhang Fan said to Forty-Nine at this moment.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan temporarily let the previously conquered chaotic gods and demons stay in place, all of them were taken by Forty-nine towards the other uncontrolled chaotic gods and demons of the Tianzun level.

Time passed, and the flow of time in the Black Sky Territory was the same as the outside world. Unconsciously, Zhang Fan and the others had been in the Black Sky Territory for more than two thousand years.

Because the entire Heitian Region is not small and Zhang Fan's speed is limited, it sometimes takes several years to get from the territory of one chaotic **** and demon to another.

After all, they can't go straight ahead in a swaggering manner. In that case, it's easy to expose their whereabouts.

In the past two thousand years, under the leadership of Forty-Nine, Zhang Fan and others have also successfully controlled more than one hundred powerful Tianzun-level Chaos Gods and Demons. Although the total number cannot be compared with Chaos Gods and Demon Kings, For Zhang Fan and the others, it was enough.

"Now, we finally control all the idle Tianzun-level chaos gods and demons, so next, we also have time to fight the king here.

Judging from the breath of the token given to us by the elder Tianyi, the time left for us is not much.

Therefore, I think that when we all take a break and return to the heyday, we will move directly towards the central area and encounter other Tianzun-level chaos gods and demons. Don’t hesitate to solve them directly or let our strengths compare. It would be good if the weaker chaos gods swallowed it.

What we need now is a balance. If our overall strength is similar to that of the Chaos God and Demon King, then we can free up our hands to meet that guy alone.

I think our chances of success are not small. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan and the others are staying in the area close to the center of the Heitianyu. By Zhang Fan and them, at this moment, in addition to forty-nine, several chaotic gods and demons transformed into human forms, these chaotic gods and demons The strengths are all at the peak of the Black Sky Territory. If you count it, the strength of a single one is not much worse than that of Situ Xingyu. For a long time, these chaotic gods and demons have united to resist the chaos here. God and Demon King.

In order to distinguish them, Zhang Fan also directly gave them a simple name, that is, Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San. After that, most of them are the same as forty-nine, ranked according to their strength.

"Well, after all, it has been delayed for more than two thousand years. It can be said that for us today, we must hurry up and can't leave that guy any respite.

Normally, although the chaotic gods and demons can transform human forms, the internal structure of their bodies is only reduced, and there is no difference in essence.

And if that guy successfully takes away Venerable Tianhua, then once he can get familiar with his physical condition, his strength will be increased crazily. At that time, all of us here will definitely not be his opponents.

This is also the horror of the Chaos God Demon's ability to seize the house. "

Nodding, Situ Xingyu also spoke at the moment.

"Okay, it shouldn’t be too late. We have nothing to hide at the moment. We will move closer to the center for the first time. At that time, you will control all the other Heavenly Venerates of the same kind to contain the other side’s controlling power. The goal is to solve it as much as possible.

Let's go. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan also spoke directly at this moment.

After that, everyone did not hide too much and moved closer to the central area.

Along the way, Zhang Fan and the others directly resolved all the Chaos Gods and Demons they encountered, and soon, the news reached the ears of the Chaos Gods and Demons.

"There is a human power who broke into us? Moreover, those guys were all under control, which is really surprising. Order to go and concentrate on stopping them. I have now reached the most critical step. Don't be disturbed, or you'll lose everything.

After I finished the house, they would no longer be a threat. "

At this moment, in the main hall of the central area, the Chaos God and Demon King also issued an order to a Chaos God and Demon in the late Tianzun.

Suddenly, in the entire central area, all the powerful Chaos Gods and Demons controlled by the Chaos Gods and Demon Kings were all intercepted in the direction where Zhang Fan and the others were. Although in general it did not pose a huge threat to Zhang Fan and the others, it was to a certain extent. This delayed Zhang Fan's speed in reaching the center.

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