Star-source Legend

Chapter 1798: The tragedy of Jinlun


Seeing that the huge purple-gold palm pressed towards him a little bit, the golden wheel could not care about the others at the moment, and roared up to the sky, and then, its huge body, this time, actually increased a lot again, reaching With a giant of millions of meters, this is the ultimate size of the golden wheel in the black sky region.

Moreover, at this moment, in the surrounding heaven and earth, the rich energy continued to converge towards the golden wheel. Suddenly, layers of protective light shields directly enveloped the huge body of the golden wheel.

At the same time, the golden wheel is also mobilizing the power in his body at this moment, and gathers around the body.

Although Zhang Fan's attack looked terrifying, Jin Lun was also very confident in his own strength.

Sometimes, the best defense is offense.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Fan also increased the energy output for the first time. Then, he directly controlled the giant palm and directly pressed down.


Jin Lun saw the huge palm that was bombarding him. At this moment, he also raised his head. Suddenly, a huge purple golden golden wheel appeared around his body, and then roared towards Zhang Fan’s huge palm. Past.


At this moment, the two sides were using powerful methods with each other. Unfortunately, what Jinlun didn’t know was that he underestimated the chaos in Zhang Fan’s palm. At the moment the two sides collided, the chaos in Zhang Fan’s palm was When the different but perfectly coordinated forces burst out, it instantly broke the condensed Dharma phase of the golden wheel. In the end, amidst the incredible look of the golden wheel, it immediately slapped down.

The power of horror erupted at this moment, and everything around it seemed to have turned into nothingness. The ground within a few light-years of it had collapsed more than a few thousand meters at this moment.

In the distance, Situ Xingyu and others who were fighting fiercely in the distance, at the moment Zhang Fan took action, they all retreated quickly so as not to be affected.

It's a pity that Zhang Fan and Jin Lun fought each other too fast. Although they retreated with all their strength, Situ Xingyu and others were still affected. Fortunately, it was only the aftermath of power, and they were all in the late Tianzun stage, but they were only shocked.

However, the state of the Chaos Gods and Demons in the late Tianzun’s late stage is not optimistic. Although they seem to have added one more than Situ Xingyu and the others, their cooperation is not tacitly compatible with each other. The strong at the beginning quickly turned into a disadvantage. From the first six, to now only three are left in the city of reluctance. Under the siege of Situ Xingyu and others, it will be destroyed sooner or later. thing.

As for the battlefield farther away, the chaotic gods and demons controlled by Zhang Fan and the chaotic gods and demons controlled by the golden wheel also fought together, each with their own damage.

Of course, because of Tianyun and Gallon's command, it can be said that they are methodical. It has been successfully reversed from the disadvantage caused by the quantity problem from the beginning, and a little bit of the initiative is taken.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

And what made Situ Xingyu and others most concerned about was the movement of the chaotic **** and demon king's golden wheel at this moment.

Faced with Zhang Fan's horrible blow, I don't know if Jinlun persisted in the end.


At this time, all the ground around Zhang Fan shook violently. In the next instant, a figure finally appeared, officially a golden wheel.

At this moment, the body of the golden wheel had recovered from its main body to its normal state, and its appearance was like Venerable Tianhua.

The corners of his mouth are bleeding, his face is pale, and his light blue robe is about to become a strip of cloth at the moment, and his breath is disordered. Obviously, facing Zhang Fan’s previous blow, the golden wheel was very uncomfortable, and he himself suffered a lot. Injury.

In Zhang Fan's sight, on the ground within the range of his attack just now, there was also a pit with a radius of millions of meters. Among them, the outline of the huge body of Jinlun was very obvious at this moment.

Under Zhang Fan's attack, Jin Lun was completely photographed into a depth of 1,000 meters below the ground. One can imagine the horror of Zhang Fan's attack intensity.

Had it not been for the golden wheel to condense a powerful protective mask in advance, and had a very strong defensive scale, this blow would be enough to make it fragmented.

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