Star-source Legend

Chapter 188: Breakthrough, viscera (middle)

Seeing the red eyes of the King Kong Ape, Zhang Fan knew that his attack just now caused the King Kong Ape to fall into anger, but this was also his goal.

As long as he can survive the rage period of the King Kong Ape, when his power is almost consumed, he has the opportunity to kill him directly.

At this moment, the King Kong Ape was frantically looking for Zhang Fan.


At this moment, suddenly, Zhang Fan descended directly from the sky, and the war spear in his hand slammed into the back of the King Kong Ape directly, making a loud noise.

At this time, the huge body of the King Kong Ape was also staggering, almost unable to stand firmly, and two huge footprints were directly stepped on the ground. It is conceivable that Zhang Fan's attack was powerful.

"Hi! My God, this kid is such a terrifying power!"

Gao Hu, who was not far away, was also surprised at the power of Zhang Fan's strike.

"Captain, I'm back, huh? Who is that person?"

At this moment, Er Mao, who had just placed the three team members, also rushed over. After seeing Zhang Fan playing against the King Kong Ape, he also asked with confusion.

"I don't know who it was. Not long after you left, I was directly severely injured by the King Kong Ape, and then this kid appeared directly.

Judging from his age, he is probably only 18 or 9 years old. I didn't have any hope at first, but now he has become a group with King Kong Ape, and he is not letting go. It is simply a pervert. "

Seeing Ermao, Gao Hu said with some admiration.

"My God, eighteen or nine years old? How is this possible? That's the King Kong Ape, where did this genius come from?"

Hearing what his captain said, Er Mao was also taken aback.

"Well, if you look at it, if he can't hold on, you remember to go up and help contain it. After all, he is my savior."

Gao Hu also spoke at this time.

"Okay, Captain, No, this is the healing potion I brought you, and it should be able to reduce your pain."

Er Mao nodded, and took out a bottle of healing potion to Gao Hu.

"My God, this guy's defense is so terrifying, he deserves to be a King Kong Ape."

Seeing that his own blow didn't work, Zhang Fan was also a little surprised.

Just now, I smashed with all my strength from a height, coupled with the strong inertia of falling, that strength is definitely several times my own strength, but even so, it will at most make the King Kong ape stagger, and it does not cause any substance. The damage, this defensive ability, is comparable to armor above A4 level.

Moreover, the powerful counter-shock force of this blow almost made the spear in Zhang Fan's hand almost fall off, and it took a long time for the numbness in his hand to recover.


Of course, Zhang Fan’s attack was not without effect. At least, the powerful force caused the Diamond Ape to feel severe pain. At this moment, the angry Diamond Ape roared, directly like a large tank, directly towards Zhang Fan. Rushed over.

At this moment, the speed of the King Kong Ape was reaching the extreme, and a white light flashed, and it had already come to Zhang Fan's front.

However, Zhang Fan only had time to block the spear in his hand for the first time, and the whole person was directly knocked out like a kite.

This is the most terrifying strength of the King Kong Ape after the full burst.

Gao Hu and Er Mao who were not far away were very worried.

However, the King Kong Ape obviously did not intend to give Zhang Fan a chance to breathe. After knocking Zhang Fan out, the huge body immediately jumped hard and directly rose into the sky. At this moment, a pair of huge palms once again turned into double fists towards Zhang Fan. Go all out.

If this is hit, that fan is estimated to be dead.

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