Star-source Legend

Chapter 204: Pick up cheap (below)


The Golden Anaconda who was thrown on the ground also shook his head at this moment, and with a roar, he rushed towards the raging giant bear again.

Although his body is huge, his speed has exceeded the speed of sound, and in just an instant, he has come to the front of the raging giant bear.

The huge figure immediately entangled the lower body of the violent giant bear.

After that, he squeezed his body hard, and his powerful strangulation ability was fully displayed at this moment.


The entangled raging giant bear made a roar at this moment because of the pain from below the body. The two huge fore palms are also constantly slapped on the body of the golden anaconda at this moment. The powerful attack power makes Jinsen Many scales on the body of the anaconda were directly shattered and fell on the ground, shed a stream of blood.


However, no matter how fierce the attack of the raging giant bear is, the golden anaconda still ignores his physical injuries, but constantly uses his body to madly twist the raging giant bear, so that the lower body of the raging giant bear is also There was a sound like bones breaking.

Regarding his lower body, although the violent giant bear kept struggling, even many parts of the body of the golden anaconda were either bitten by him or slapped with his powerful palms with all his strength, causing serious injuries. However, The golden anaconda still has no intention of letting go.

In addition, the Golden Anaconda continued to attack him through that big mouth, causing the raging giant bear to be bitten in many places.


At this moment, the raging giant bear let out a roar, and then Zhang Fan found that the body of the raging giant bear had begun to change. His eyes became extremely red at this moment, and the hair of the whole body also changed from the previous gray. , Turned directly into black, and at the same time, the huge body turned out to be a lot bigger again at this time, the height of the combat strength was at least eight meters, and all parts of the body were now stronger than before.

"This should be the raging state of the raging giant bear? Now its strength is estimated to be infinitely close to the lord level, and it is so perverted. At this time, the golden anaconda is probably dangerous."

Seeing the changes of the violent giant bear, Zhang Fan was also very surprised.


Sure enough, at this moment, the huge body of the raging giant bear directly stretched out with full force, directly propping up the body of the golden anaconda, and then, the big raging bear’s larger palms were directly once again. The shot hit the body of the golden anaconda, and there was a fierce collision.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan saw the body of the golden anaconda being slapped by the palms of the violent giant bear directly collapsed, and a large amount of blood was sprayed away under this squeeze.


Zhang Fan could clearly see the painful look in the eyes of the golden anaconda, but the golden anaconda did not let go. Instead, he forcibly endured his own pain and once again increased the strangulation power with all his strength. At the same time, its huge head was also looking for a tricky angle at this time, suddenly one, and one bite on the back of the raging giant bear's neck.

In this way, the two sides continued to entangle, bite, and fly all over the place, without giving way.

After a few minutes, the moment when the raging state of the raging giant bear was about to end, he also threw the body of the golden anaconda directly off the ground, and then he fell on the ground, breathing continuously.

At this time, I saw that the legs of the raging giant bear were broken and could not be supported. The neck, back, belly and arms were all covered with scars, and even the sharp fangs were dropped.

On the other hand, the golden anaconda, at this moment, the body in many parts of its body has completely collapsed, and the golden scales on the body are completely broken in many places. One eye cannot be opened at this moment, and blood is constantly flowing. Caught blind by a raging giant bear.

If it hadn't been for the continuous tongue out in his mouth, Zhang Fan would have thought that the golden anaconda was dead.

In this battle, it is clear that both sides have suffered both losses, and they have temporarily lost their resistance.

And this just gave Zhang Fan, who stayed not far away, an excellent opportunity to pick up bargains!

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