Star-source Legend

Chapter 220: Go to Gulan College (Part 1)

I went to Xu Lao's place before because Zhang Fan wanted to know some information about Gulan Academy.

As he thought, Mr. Xu also believed that the various tests of enrollment should not be a big problem for him, so he planned to wait the day before he enrolled, and then tell him.

However, Zhang Fan could only smile bitterly.

Mr. Xu really looked at him, and he was not afraid of making a mistake by accident.

Moreover, Xu Lao's reassuring to him also put more pressure on Zhang Fan.

On August 29th, at eight o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining brightly. In the eyes of his parents, Zhang Fan left the cultivation villa and came to the warrior guild.

Last night, Zhang Fan gave Li Nian 10,000 points of contribution points from the Martial Artist's House, so that Li Nian could use it to improve his strength and trouble Li Nian to take care of his family.

At first, Li Nian did not agree, but after repeated persuasion from Zhang Fan, he also accepted the contribution points, and promised Zhang Fan that he would take care of everyone and let him rest assured during his absence.

In Zhang Fan’s view, Li Nian’s current strength is still too low. It’s a lot of difficulty to advance to the realm of Wupu by relying on his own training. Ten thousand contribution points are enough for Li Nian to buy a lot. A good thing to enhance strength, I believe that after a period of time, it will be able to break through to the realm of Martial Soul, so as to better protect the safety of everyone.

At this moment, in Old Xu's office, Zhang Fan also saw a figure that made him excited, and that was Yuntian.

"Haha, Uncle Yun? Are you back?"

Seeing Yuntian sitting on the sofa, Zhang Fan also seemed very excited.

After all, Yuntian has also been very helpful to him, and Zhang Fan has always been very grateful.

And he was able to get the enrollment quota of Gulan Academy, which Yuntian paid a lot of price to help him win.

At that time, he had not yet conducted the actual combat assessment of the martial artist.

"Hehe, I have listened to Xu Lao about your things. It's very good. It didn't disappoint me. It's my happiest thing to see your progress now. This shows that there is no problem with my vision."

Looking at Zhang Fan, Yun Tian's eyes were also full of admiration.

After nine deaths from the Hundred Beast Demon Territory, he finally returned. Yun Tian did not return to the Yun family, but rushed to the Martial Artist's Guild for the first time, because he also wanted to see what happened to Zhang Fan during this time. There is no problem with my own vision.

And Mr. Xu also told Yuntian about all of Zhang Fan’s situation after he left, including Zhang Fan’s spiritual teacher status. Mr. Xu did not conceal Yuntian because he knew the position of Yuntian in Zhang Fan’s mind. .

From the time Zhang Fan took the initiative to go out of the city to hunt monsters, and then his strength increased to the viscera level, these have already made Yuntian feel very happy, and after knowing that Zhang Fan has become a spiritual teacher, the excitement in Yuntian's heart is beyond words.

What a surprise, what a surprise, Zhang Fan's growth is far beyond his imagination.

"This is what Uncle Yun saw from me and gave me so much support. It is also because of this motivation that I can have the current strength. Hehe."

Zhang Fan also said flatteringly. The old Xu who was watching was there always smiling and shaking his head.

"Haha, haven't seen me for a while, your kid is more and more able to talk, but I like it. How is it, how are you prepared?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Yuntian also laughed out loud and asked immediately.

"Already fully prepared."

Zhang Fan replied.

"Uh, well, then Mr. Xu, let's go."

Nodded, Yun Tian also said to Old Xu.

"Well, it's not early, and it will take at least two or three hours to rush over. Generally, the test is about 30 minutes in the afternoon. Let's go. Today, we will act as escorts and send him there personally."

Old Xu also said.

Then, Zhang Fan followed Xu Lao and Yuntian out of the Martial Artist's Guild.

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