Star-source Legend

Chapter 246: Nalandi Clone (Part 2)

However, even so, the strength of this virtual clone in front of him is absolutely beyond imagination.

Although his own realm remained at the same level as his own, in terms of combat experience and skills, including the use of martial arts, Nalandi's clone surpassed Zhang Fan too much.

However, for Changfa, this is also a great opportunity to test his current strength.

Nalandi's clone is the best training partner for Zhang Fan. If Zhang Fan can play against Nalandi's clone every day, then his own strength increase is absolutely terrifying.

"I'm ready."

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Fan also said.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan did not hesitate and rushed towards Nalandi with the spear in his hand.

Passive counterattack is not Zhang Fan's character, only active attacks can find opportunities.

"Haha, this kid actually knows how to take the initiative to attack. This alone has pulled many people away. I am very much looking forward to how long the Zhang Fan you brought can last under the guild leader's clone."

In the drawing room of Gulan Academy, seeing Zhang Fan taking the initiative, Gu He, who had been following Zhang Fan, also smiled and said to Old Xu.

"Hehe, I'm actually looking forward to it too. After all, I don't even know what Afan's real strength has reached. In the first test, he didn't exert his full strength. Therefore, with Nalan The fight against President Di's clone should be able to see where his limits are."

Old Xu also said with a smile, his eyes full of expectation, this is what he really sees Zhang Fan's full shot.

"Look, my God, what a terrifying power, the guild leader clone has taken a few steps back, incredible."

At this time, the screen in the living room also showed the battle between Zhang Fan and Nalandi. The first time they played against each other, it surprised everyone and couldn't believe it.

Especially Furukawa, at this time, staring intently at the match between Zhang Fan and Nalandi clone, he didn't want to let go of any details.

At the same time, Zhang Fan felt very surprised in his heart at this moment.

Just now, he rushed towards Nalandi for the first time. The power of his whole body can be said to burst to the extreme, and finally gathered on the war spear in his hand, directly piercing the chest of Nalandi clone. past.

In the face of Zhang Fan’s attack, Nalandi clone did not dodge, smiled slightly, a pale golden field sword appeared in his right hand, and then, in the incredible extension of Zhang Fan, Nalandi cloned the long sword in the hand. The top of Zhang Fan's spearhead was exactly the same.

Although Zhang Fan didn't seem to move, Nalandi's clone took a few steps back, but Zhang Fan knew that his attack was easily resisted by Nalandi's clone. That kind of precise judgment. Zhang Fan also felt tremendous pressure.

"Good strength, you have to be careful."

At this moment, Nalandi avatar said something, and then his figure flashed, and he came directly behind Zhang Fan. Then, the long sword in his hand pierced Zhang Fan's waist like a lightning bolt.

If it hadn't been for the knowledge that the strength of Nalandi's clone was now in the middle of the viscera realm, Zhang Fan would even doubt whether it had been used within reach.

At that instant speed, Zhang Fan asked himself that he could not achieve it.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan still has one of his own plug-ins, which is the power of his own thoughts.

Seeing Nalandi's figure disappeared, Zhang Fan immediately released the power of his mind to find Nalandi's figure. Seeing Nalandi coming behind him, Zhang Fan did not hesitate at all. , The war spear in his hand was directly swept behind him for the first time. With the assistance of Zhang Fan’s power of mind, the direction that Zhang Fan’s war spear was attacking was exactly what Nalandi’s clone long sword was about to penetrate. direction.


With a soft sound, Zhang Fan thrilled to resist this attack of Nalandi clone.

This scene surprised many people in the meeting room.

Zhang Fan's ability to react and predict is beyond their imagination.

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