Star-source Legend

Chapter 249: Speak East and West (Part 2)

Because of the enormous strength, Zhang Fan was completely defeated under this move, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he fell heavily to the ground.

"Remember the skills I said before, and to fight against people, you must learn to combine the real and the false. The true and the false will make the opponent confused, and your attacks will naturally be irresistible to others."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan lost consciousness.

At the same time, in the implementation projection screen in the meeting room, the battle scene between Zhang Fan and Nalandi avatar fell into darkness for a moment.

It surprised many people in the living room.

After waiting for a while, it returned to normal, and in the picture, the figures of Zhang Fan and Nalandi gradually disappeared.

"What happened, what happened just now?"

Many people in the hall were also very confused.

They were staring at the battle between Zhang Fan and Nalandi intently just now, wanting to see how Zhang Fan will respond next, but the sudden change caught everyone by surprise.

After this, in a short period of about 30 seconds, even Gu He and Old Xu frowned at this moment.

"Xiao Wang, go and ask Mu Changfeng, what's the situation?"

At this time, Furukawa's face was also a little unhappy, and he ordered a man in his 30s sitting not far away.

"Okay, Dean, I'll go right away."

After speaking, this person just got up and walked towards the science and technology museum.

At the same time, Zhang Fan also took off the induction helmet, the look on his face was also very puzzled.

At the beginning, Zhang Fan could feel that the Nalandi clone who was fighting against him at the beginning was relatively dull and mechanical, and although he was a bit difficult to resist, he could barely support it for some time.

But Nalandi's sudden guidance to Zhang Fan just now also made Zhang Fan notice a slight change, that is, it feels like Daonalandi's clone has a real soul and comes alive.

Especially the final shot left Zhang Fan with no resistance.

The contrast between the front and the back can be seen by anyone who is not a fool. In this case, there is only one point.

"Just now, it was President Nalandi's own power of thought that acted on the clone."

Zhang Fan also thought of this at this time.

Before, Old Xing and him mentioned that when a person's own strength reaches a certain level, his spirit will also undergo tremendous changes, and it is not difficult for many strong people to think of separating a conscious idea. .

Thinking of what Nalandi said to him just now, Zhang Fan also fell into thinking.

"The combination of strength, speed, and responsiveness is easy to say but difficult to do. At least, Zhang Fan can't fully achieve it now.

However, from the palm of Nalandi just now, Zhang Fan was able to discover that this palm contains many things, and only Zhang Fan can feel it, it has power, speed, and even thoughts. Force is mixed in it. Just now, it was also the force of thought that indirectly affected Zhang Fan's judgment. "

"It seems that there is still a long way to go."

Zhang Fan also said with emotion at this time.

"Teacher Mu, what happened just now? The dean specifically asked me to ask you to see what caused it."

At this time, the 30-odd pair of men before came to the Science and Technology Museum and found Mu Changfeng.

"Well, I don't know the reason. I checked the switchboard just now, but I still didn't find any changes. Therefore, I am also puzzled now.

But I suspect that there is a powerful force far beyond everyone to intervene forcibly, and that's why the scene just now happened. Of course, I just doubt it.

But think about it, there is really only this possibility. Just talk to the dean like this. When all the assessments are over, I will personally go to the dean. Also, although the last 30 seconds of the real-time screen just now has not been seen, it should have been saved. "

Mu Changfeng thought for a while and also said.

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