Star-source Legend

Chapter 264: Gu Qian (Part 2)

At the same time, in the virtual space at this moment, in just an instant, Gu Qian's figure had already arrived in front of Zhang Fan, and at the same time, the dagger in her hand was pierced against Zhang Fan's body.

Seeing Gu Qian's speed, Zhang Fan was also taken aback. Gu Qian's speed had already rushed past, and this was already close to the speed that a warrior in the late stage of the Viscera Realm could reach.

Generally speaking, the speed of the junior warrior is 25ms, the speed of the intermediate is 40ms, and the speed of the advanced is no more than 50ms.

After reaching the state of the viscera and fu organs, due to the improvement in all aspects of oneself, the gap between the viscera and the realm is not small. Therefore, the best speed of the warrior in the early stage of the zangfu state can reach 60ms, and the speed of the warrior in the middle period can reach 80ms, the general speed basically does not exceed 100ms in the later period.

And Gu Qian's speed turned out to be close to the speed that can only be achieved in the later stage of the viscera stage, which surprised Zhang Fan, who has always been very fast.

Sure enough, no genius is simple.

However, Zhang Fan is obviously unlikely to be succeeded by Gu Qian, even if he does not run "Xuantian Devouring Soul", his own strength is far beyond the general middle zangfu realm.

Seeing Gu Qian rushing towards him, Zhang Fan smiled, his body retreated directly, avoiding Gu Qian's attack, and at the same time, when he moved his body, he immediately reached behind Gu Qian and slapped him directly. Past.

Of course, this palm Zhang Fan only used half of his own power. Facing a female student, he couldn't be cruel and could only find a way to make the other party admit defeat.

However, Gu Qian's reaction was not slow, sensing the crisis behind her, she turned around quickly, and the dagger in her hand swept towards Zhang Fan.

However, Zhang Fan had anticipated his blow long ago. He leaned back and hid himself. At this time, his palm was photographed on Gu Qian's chest, a special feeling. Passing to the palm of his hand, Zhang Fan also knew that he had taken the wrong position, and quickly retreated with an awkward expression.


As for Gu Qian, when Zhang Fan hit her chest with this palm, she couldn't help but stepped back several steps to stabilize her figure, but at this moment Gu Qian looked a little bit ashamed.

The whole person's neck and the top of his face turned red, and he pointed Zhang Fan with his fingers, not knowing what to say.

"Gu Qian, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Zhang Fan also hurriedly apologized at this time, he really didn't mean it, it was just a coincidence.

"Hmph, Zhang Fan, you are also a pervert, taking advantage of me. I don't care, unless you stand still and let me slap you, otherwise, I won't forgive you."

Gu Qian was actually not angry, but the position Zhang Fan just took was her sex. She also knew that Zhang Fan didn't mean it in the situation just now, but there was still something uncomfortable in her heart, and she could even feel it. There was some pain in my chest.

Although it is a virtual figure, all the feelings are very real. This is because she was touched by a man on her own part from childhood. Although it was unintentional, she still felt a little unable to get off the stage.

"Well, I stand still and take your palm. I really didn't mean it."

Hearing what Gu Qian said, Zhang Fan also nodded seriously.

When he wanted to come, he just took advantage of others, so it should be a palm.

"Then you be careful, I won't be merciful."

Seeing Zhang Fan's serious look, the shame in Gu Qian's heart was gone at the moment, but she would not take it back if she said it.

Therefore, when he moved his feet, the whole person turned into a phantom and rushed towards Zhang Fan. At the same time, he stretched out his tender white palm and patted Zhang Fan's chest.


Although there was a sound, Zhang Fan's body did not move back. At the same time, Zhang Fan was also looking at the opposite Gu Qian with a stunned expression.

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