Star-source Legend

Chapter 269: Dark horse appears (middle)

"Zhang Fan's strength is really amazing. After the full burst of power, it is estimated that he has reached the peak of the visceral realm? Once he breaks through to the late stage of the visceral realm, wouldn't it be comparable to the warriors in the early Wupu realm?

Now his strength is already stronger than some old students, which is really incredible. "

"Yes, but Murongtian, his opponent, is also good. It's just a little bit worse in terms of strength and speed. If you train it well, you will be a strong one in the future."

"And Liu Yun, Liu Hui, including the Hong Lie who suddenly lifted up. Compared to the past, this group of students has improved an average level. Each of these people is not inferior to other sacred places. Core disciple, it's really surprising."


In the meeting room, many people are constantly talking at the moment.

"This Hong Lie, what do you think? Is that physique?"

At this time, Furukawa also looked at Old Xu and asked seriously.

"Yeah, you're right, I just discovered this in combination with his performance just now. The Titan bloodline is really surprising. This bloodline has disappeared for more than a hundred years.

If he is known by the Temple of Light, he will surely be snatched away at all costs. This is one of the heritage bloodlines of the Temple of Light. With this kind of bloodline, he can reach the state of conquering the king the last time, and even for the first time. The realm of the king is enough to fight against the warriors in the later period of the king.

It seems that Afan is about to meet his opponent this time. "

Mr. Xu also nodded at this moment, and said solemnly.

Of course, at this time, they all rely on their thoughts to directly transmit their voices, because the blood of the Titans is really too important.

"I don’t have to say much about the importance of the Titan’s bloodline, Xiao Liang, and you’ll have to do it later to see if the teacher who brought this child here knows his identity. Remember, don’t hurt that person’s mind. No matter, if you know, think of a way to keep him secret, otherwise, if the news goes out, then our Martial Arts Guild can't say we will have a fierce conflict with the Temple of Light.

Now the guild leader has not fully recovered, facing the crazy temple of light, especially the Gemini, without the guild leader, none of us would be an opponent. "

Long Yun also had a solemn expression at this time, and then communicated with Liang Yu.

"Okay, leave it to me. Then do I need to let someone turn off this projection?"

Liang Yu nodded, and then asked.

"No, now Honglie’s Titan bloodline has not been activated. The reason why Furukawa and I can see it is because the old president once told us about the characteristics of people with Titan bloodline. After so many years, I feel that even In the Temple of Light, only the two guys, the Twin Stars, can recognize Hong Lie. Therefore, before Hong Lie grows up, we must try our best to ensure his safety. The most important thing is that he is from Huaxia. For this, We can't let him fall into the hands of the Temple of Light.

Also, pay attention to the Hades, they are more eager for special bloodlines. "

Old Xu also waved his hand and directly transmitted the voice.

The others also nodded solemnly.

The Temple of Light, a holy land in the West, has always been at odds with China, and the forces are also very terrifying. In the entire Guangming Temple, there is not only one main hall, but also twelve sub-halls, corresponding to the twelve main gods in Western myths and legends. Each of them is a powerful existence that has reached the state of kings, and the bright twin stars of the main hall, It is also the existence of the pinnacle of the Conferred King Realm, and because they are twins, they have the same mind, so the combined strength has exceeded the Conferred King Realm.

This is where they feel headaches.

Moreover, there is also the most powerful threat to them, and that is Hades. This is a super existence united by two great dark holy places long before the earth, one predecessor is called the Temple of the Lord, and the other predecessor is the dark temple of the west. The place where the underworld appears represents death. Over the years, I don’t know how many powerful beings have been refined into the battle puppets by the underworld.

The reason why Hades is also a great holy place is because it is a major force against monsters, and there are countless powerful monsters that have died in the hands of Hades.

If Hades can join forces with other holy places to deal with monsters, humans will not fall into this embarrassing situation. Unfortunately, there is justice and evil.

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