Star-source Legend

Chapter 294: Gather, visit (below)

"Teacher Mu, you are here."

"Good teacher Mu."

Seeing Mu Changfeng, everyone said hello respectfully.

They already knew that in the first year, Mu Changfeng would be their teacher, equivalent to the status of the head teacher of the high school, and everyone knew that Mu Changfeng's strength had reached the realm of martial spirit, this level The strong are not something they can offend.

Otherwise, let alone other things, at Gulan Academy, if you offend a faculty member, you will simply have trouble with yourself.

"Haha, hello, I think you should all have received the news. I will serve as your teacher in the next year. In the next period of time, except for public classes, what you don’t understand is all You can ask me at any time. Of course, even if I don't take you with you after a year, you can always find me.

Your student token is already being produced and will be handed over to you later, and the college will also equip each of you with a communication device and Internet device that can be used in the college.

Of course, it can only be in the academy. After the specifics, we will send you a copy of the "Instructions for Students" e-book. Then you will understand. Today I will mainly show you in a few unique places Look, let you have an understanding of the college. These places are also the most important places of Gulan College, and they will be inseparable from you in the next four or even ten years.

Now my identity is equivalent to a tour guide. Just follow me. I will introduce the rest to you. If you have any questions, you can also ask. "

Mu Changfeng also said hello to everyone, and then immediately said to everyone.

"Let's go, I will take you to the first place first."

After that, Mu Changfeng was walking in one direction first.

Zhang Fan and the others also followed at the first time. Everywhere they passed, Mu Changfeng would briefly introduce them to Zhang Fan, so that Zhang Fan and the others would have a general understanding of the structure of Gulan Academy.

On the way, Zhang Fan and others finally saw other old students.

When Zhang Fan and the others appeared, these veteran students all leaked the gentle smiles of seniors, and they all greeted Teacher Mu one by one.

"Don't be fooled by the smiles of these seniors. These guys are ghosts and ghosts. There used to be many new students who were fooled by their smiles. Of course, they will not bully you, just thinking about what you have in your hands. Points are nothing.

In Gulan Academy, points are the most important thing. With points, you have the best training resources. Any good thing in Gulan Academy, as long as you have points, can get it.

One point is equivalent to the thousand contribution points of the Warrior House, or even more. One can imagine the difficulty of obtaining it. So, remember one thing, you must be very careful when dealing with those seniors.

In particular, they may invite you to challenge with them. Our college has a challenge room dedicated to challenges. In the virtual space, you will be given the most basic body, including strength, which are exactly the same, but don’t think so. You will be able to defeat them successfully.

They have been in the academy longer than you, and they have cultivated a lot of martial arts themselves. These powerful martial arts have greatly improved their strength, and even the combat skills are much better than you.

Among the new students, there are only a few individuals who are qualified to fight against the veteran students. Others are probably unstoppable with one move. "

After waiting for a while, Mu Changfeng also reminded everyone.

Many people have leaked the color of surprise.

No wonder all the seniors I met have a standard smile. It seems that after a long time at Gulan Academy, all of them have become old foxes.

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