Star-source Legend

Chapter 302: Trial Building (Part 1)

"Teacher, what I want to ask is, what's the specific situation in the battle room, our current strength, we have a few tons of power in a single blow, if we fight with all our strength, then we must not guess the room. "

At this moment, a student asked a question, and suddenly, the others looked at him like a fool.

Even Zhang Fan couldn't help but smile.

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

This student was also confused at the moment.

"Haha, you kid, the problem is really true, think about it, since it is a confrontation room, let you use each other to improve, the materials used in the room are naturally the best, and the strength has even reached the A8A9 level. You said, do you think your strength can cause harm to the room?

I'm afraid I can't even leave a mark. "

Mu Changfeng was also smiling at this time, then looked at the student and said.

"Uh, that's it, I'm really an idiot with this question."

Hearing Mu Changfeng's explanation, and then looking at the eyes of the students around him looking at him, the Mingxue's face was also a little silly at the moment.

"The fourth layer is more important to you, because the fourth layer is dedicated to redeeming points for various resources. Of course, it is also a place where you can exchange other income for low points.

At that time, the fourth floor is the only floor that can be accessed without points.

Let’s go, I’ll take you directly to take the elevator to the fourth floor. You can come by yourself when you have time. "

Mu Changfeng also said something at this time, and then immediately walked into the trial building.

As soon as I entered, I walked directly to an elevator entrance on the left.

As for the others, they were all in a closed state, except for some medical staff walking around in protective clothing from the glass, nothing was found.

Take the elevator directly to the fourth floor, Zhang Fan and the others are also watching around.

At this moment, in the fourth floor, there are also many figures coming and going.

Just like a bank, everyone lined up in an orderly manner, and then showed their student sign. Some took out a bunch of things to redeem points, and some used the original points to exchange many of them. Unusual things include genetic medicines, various spiritual things, and even many high-level armors.

"Good teacher Mu."

"Teacher Mu, are these all new schoolmates? It's so cute."

"Teacher Mu, goodbye."

At this moment, many veteran students greeted Mu Changfeng one by one when they passed by Zhang Fan.

But what some people said made Zhang Fan and the others bewildered.

lovely? I'm a big man, you say cute? Does the conscience hurt?

For a time, many people are very speechless, especially male students.

If the eyes can kill people, the old student who said just now is probably dead a million times.

The most extreme thing is that when many veteran students passed by Zhang Fan and the others, their eyes started to glow green, as if they had discovered something amazing, which made Zhang Fan feel numb and uncomfortable scalp, even some people. There was an exaggerated shudder and goose bumps.

"Hehe, don't pay attention to them, one by one, they are almost crazy thinking about points, and they don't want to think about new students, where they got their points.

Let's go, you also know about this level, which is a place where you can exchange points or use points for various things that are helpful to your own strength.

The next few places we are going to are the most important areas of the trial building, and a place that many other holy sites are very envious of. "

After that, Mu Changfeng took Zhang Fan and the others to the fifth floor of the trial building.

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