Star-source Legend

Chapter 311: Start rushing to the tower (middle)

This war spear in his hand is not only weight but also comfortable, and basically the same as the black gold war spear he used.

Of course, it may be that Zhang Fan’s strength is getting higher and higher, so I also feel that the weight of the war spear in his hand is a little inappropriate. Wait for the opportunity to see if Gulan Academy has a place to build weapons, or have the opportunity to return to Star City to find Grandpa Mu help.

As for the combat uniform, Zhang Fan also directly chose a black combat uniform.

"After choosing, the test will begin in one minute."

The electronic voice came again.


As soon as one minute arrived, Zhang Fan discovered that the space he was in had changed in an instant, from the previous desert to an endless prairie.

"Zhang Fan." The electronic voice echoed in the entire space, "The first level test is that within ten minutes, ten giant wolves besieging you will be killed! If you die halfway, you will fail! Kill within ten minutes The number of giant wolves is less than 10, which is also a failure.

This is the first time you have entered the trial tower, so you have three minutes to prepare.

Hearing the request of the test, Zhang Fan looked shocked.

"How is this possible? That's a giant wolf. The strength of each head is not inferior to his current physical strength. One end needs to be entangled for a period of time, ten heads?"

Zhang Fan was a little sluggish.

Although his current physical strength seems to have reached the limit of the visceral realm, the speed of the giant wolf is not slow, and the strength even exceeds him. Ten existences similar to Zhang Fanxiang besieged him at the same time.

Moreover, he was only given ten minutes, that is to say, a giant wolf would be solved in one minute.

"Pervert, horror!"

This is still the lowest difficulty test of the first level, then the next level 2 and level 3 difficulty test, isn't it even more terrifying?

Zhang Fan couldn't imagine how those who broke into the seventh floor and the eighth floor did it. Obviously, these people were even more abnormal.

For the first time, Zhang Fan had doubts about his talent. What genius was almost like a dog.

In fact, Zhang Fan has fallen into a misunderstanding. Now, although he has practiced "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue", because of the difference in realm and the changes in his body, even if it is such a powerful technique that is one of the best between heaven and earth, It can only double his power, which is already very scary.

His only flaw now is in martial arts.

Although "The Secret of War Spear" is powerful, he only learned the basics of the first two styles because of his physical limitations. And once he can learn the third position, then the power of his every strike, coupled with "Xuantian Devouring Soul", is definitely not as simple as 1+1.

"Yes, I'll try to see if I can transfer "Xuantian Spirit Devouring Jue"."

At this moment, Zhang Fan suddenly thought of something.

For the first time, Zhang Fan was surprised to find that although the space of the trial tower limited his mind, the exercises were not limited. After all, the created body and the meridians in the body were not much different from normal people.

According to the operation mode of "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue", Zhang Fan could feel the strength in his body start to increase very soon. Even the spiritual power can be clearly felt, this kind of real feeling makes Zhang Fan leak a satisfied smile.

In fact, Zhang Fan didn't know that compared with other warriors, he added a plug-in-like existence.

Although many relics on the earth have been excavated, the techniques obtained are far incomparable with his "Xuantian Devouring Soul".

With Zhang Fan's continuous cultivation, the gap between Zhang Fan and the top powerhouses on the earth will soon become smaller and smaller. Coupled with the existence of the old star, it is impossible for Zhang Fan to lack powerful martial skills.

When the time comes, one move will be a direct outbreak of ten times a hundred times, that is the most terrifying.

Of course, for the time being, Zhang Fan still has to face reality.

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