Star-source Legend

Chapter 320: Staggering reward (middle)

"It turned out to be so, I understand, thank you faculty."

Hearing what Mu Changfeng said, Zhang Fan also found that what he said was basically consistent with what he had previously thought. He is only in the viscera realm. Although he has the existence of "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Power", he can temporarily store spiritual power in his body. Every time, all these spiritual powers are directly absorbed by one's own body. If you want to reappear, then you need constant Yuan Zhuan Gong method, each time it is equivalent to a one-time product, and there will be nothing when it is used up. , And on the other hand, because of the consumption of spiritual power, it delayed the progress of his improvement.

After the martial artist reaches the realm of martial arts, his body is equivalent to being reborn. With every breath, he can continuously absorb the spiritual energy in the air, and even every cell is playing a role. The body can accommodate spiritual power. The degree is far beyond before.

When a thought moves, the whole body can be directly covered by spiritual power in an instant, and the power exerted by oneself is naturally very large, and even if it consumes more, it can be replenished in time afterwards.

"Hehe, with your current strength, I believe it will not be long before you can rise to the martial spirit realm. At that time, your strength will definitely increase a lot.

Although the trial space limits physical fitness, it is impossible to limit the exercises and martial arts. The upper limit of your strength is far more than the current one.

Moreover, based on what I know about you, I believe you have not digested the gains in the ruins carving today, right? Otherwise, maybe you can successfully pass the second level 1 difficulty test directly. "

Mu Changfeng also patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder at this time, and then said.

"Yes, today I have a lot of insights in the ruins engraved map, because I will go to other places later, so I don't have much time to absorb these insights, I can only write them down temporarily."

Zhang Fan also nodded.

"Well, I'm here this time, first of all to tell you this reward, because you are the first time to pass the first floor of the trial tower as a new student, so you can get 1,000 points per year. Rewards, as well as an extra 1,000 points given by the Dean. Including the rewards that you got in the ranking first, a total of 3,000 points.

To be honest, 3000 points, even I am a little envious. If this is converted into wealth, you are already a billionaire.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. Three thousand points seem to be a lot, but there are a lot of points where you need to use points for training in Gulan Academy, especially at the redemption point on the fourth floor of the trial building. The good things can definitely attract you.

This is an e-book of "Instructions for Students" for admission. After you have time, you can read it. I believe it will be enough to have the most in-depth understanding of Gulan Academy.

Also, if you are ranked first, you can use the Gravity Room No. 1 for one hundred hours for free, you can see the engraving of the ruins for one hundred hours, you can soak in the Lingquan three times for free, and you can request any one of Gulan Academy A faculty member will give you pointers individually within a week.

I would like to remind you that the dean and elder Pang Taishang are all okay. This is the most exciting of all the rewards. Even if Nalandi will grow out of customs, you can apply to let the president and his elders give you one-on-one guidance. "

At this time, Mu Changfeng also informed Zhang Fan of the rewards. At the same time, he also gave Zhang Fan an e-book that looked like a notebook, which was marked with four notes for students but in large golden letters.

To be honest, these rewards are enough to drive any student into madness.

This is also the reason why the achievement of each group of new students will not be low as long as they don't fall midway.

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