Star-source Legend

Chapter 324: Old Xu's Past (Part 2)

"Teacher, who is the Deep Sea Dragon?"

Zhang Fan was also a little curious at this time, because he had never heard of the existence of the Deep Sea Devil Dragon, but thought it should be very powerful, so he asked for the first time.

"You don't know it is normal, the deep-sea monster is the most powerful monster in the sea, and it is a kind of dragon that evolved from the deep-sea giant snake in the sea.

In the entire sea area, the Deep Sea Demon Dragon Clan exists at an absolute dominance level. Each adult Deep Sea Demon Dragon has reached the King level, and the Deep Sea Demon Dragon King surpasses the existence of the king level. "

Mu Changfeng also explained at this moment.

"My God, isn't it dangerous for Xu Qing to meet the Deep Sea Demon Dragon King?"

Zhang Fan couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

"Yes, Xu Qing died in the hands of the Deep Sea Devil Dragon King. How could Xu Qing, who was seriously injured, be the opponent of the Deep Sea Devil Dragon King. Although it is a sea monster, since the name contains the word dragon, it means that the Deep Sea Devil Dragon He also had the ability to fly, especially with the existence of the Deep Sea Demon Dragon King that surpassed the king level, and Xu Qing, who was seriously injured, was directly swallowed by him.

It's a pity that such a supreme genius just died in the hands of the Demon Dragon King of the Deep Sea without even leaving his body. "

Mu Changfeng is also sad at this moment. This incident five years ago can be said to have caused a sensation on the entire planet.

"Dead, Xu Qing actually died? Then old Xu?"

Zhang Fan's complexion at this time also changed, and he couldn't imagine.

"With the strength of our Martial Artists Guild, it can be said that many parts of the entire earth have already been directly covered by Sky Eyes, and Xu Qing's fight with the Deep Sea Demon Dragon King, including the previous sneak attack scenes, was also recorded by the Martial Artists Guild Sky Eyes. .

After seeing the scene where Xu Qing was directly swallowed by the Deep Sea Demon Dragon King, Xu Lao didn’t say a word, but the look in his eyes, I still can’t forget.

There was no brightness in the entire eyes, like the eyes of death, and then, a terrifying killing intent, directly centered on Xu Lao, covering the entire Gulan Academy.

At that time, I was very close, and at that moment, I found that I felt as if I was trapped in a sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, unable to find my way back, and even my consciousness gradually became a little lost.

Many students fell into a coma in an instant.

At this time, President Nalandi who was in retreat was also awakened, and only then was Xu Lao who was about to fall into madness awakened.

And Xu Lao only said "Xiao Qing is dead", and the whole person disappeared.

When he appeared again, Mr. Xu had already come to the West.

The martial arts used by those five sneak attacks on Xu Qing were still recognized by Old Xu. It was the shadow hall, the most powerful force in the West at the time except for the Temple of Light.

This is a force composed of the world's most powerful assassin. There are at least seven powerhouses in the Conferred King Realm alone. Among them, the strength of the Hall Master of Shadow Hall has reached the late King Conquered Realm.

However, Old Xu didn't care about this. A person broke into the Shadow Hall headquarters and killed him. Even the master of the Shadow Hall didn't hold on to Xu Old for half an hour. He died directly in the hands of Old Xu.

The entire Shadow Hall, with the exception of some small characters, everyone above the Martial Soul Realm was directly destroyed by Old Xu.

This is an existence comparable to the Holy Land, so it was directly and completely obliterated by Old Xu, making many forces who assassinated Xu Qing felt fear.

Even at that time, the twin stars of the Temple of Light rushed to the Shadow Hall, trying to stop Xu Lao, but they still returned without success. This combat power silenced all the forces.

Originally, some forces thought that Old Xu was very inhuman, but after knowing why Old Xu was so angry, no one dared to stand up, and even the Temple of Light no longer made the slightest move. "

When Mu Changfeng thought of the scene five years ago, the whole person was a little enthusiastic.

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