Star-source Legend

Chapter 339: Surprise changes (below)

The spirit wood in Zhang Fan's hand looked like a brick, square.

Generally speaking, spirit trees are grown in areas with ample spiritual energy, especially those trees that are hundreds or even thousands of years old, even a small wood particle contains a lot of spiritual power.

The spirit trees that Zhang Fan bought were cut from rare tree species that had grown for hundreds of years, and hundreds of years of spiritual energy irrigation gave these trees a lot of spiritual power.

The price of this small piece of spirit wood in Zhang Fan's hand is one hundred thousand earth coins.

What's more, according to the description of "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue", the devouring of spirit wood and spirit mine is not only because of the spiritual power contained in them, but also because of their composition contains many elements that can help the body. .

When strengthening Zhang Fan's body through spiritual power, these components will be converted into beneficial components by "Xuantian Devouring Soul", continuously transforming Zhang Fan's body.

The more it absorbs, the stronger Zhang Fan's body will be. Even in the end, even the most powerful weapon on the planet cannot cause any damage to Zhang Fan.

Even a single piece of hair is far beyond comparison.

In the description of "Xuan Tian Zhi Ling Jue", after practicing to a certain level, he can even swallow the entire star and transform it into what he needs.

Swallowing all things is the ultimate expression of "Xuantian Devouring Spirits".

At this moment, Zhang Fan stared at the spirit wood in his hand motionlessly, feeling a little change.

One minute passed without any change.

After five minutes, there is still no change.


Ten minutes passed. Just as Zhang Fan was about to give up, suddenly, a burst of spiritual power was also transmitted from the spirit wood, causing Zhang Fan's eyes to open to their maximum in an instant, even covering their mental thoughts. Upon reaching the spirit wood, I felt the change.

The swallowing power in the hand is constantly increasing, and the spiritual power in the body is also constantly increasing, and under the coverage of Zhang Fan's mental thoughts, it is also discovered that the spiritual wood in his hand is getting smaller.

Half an hour later, the spirit wood in Zhang Fan's hand also completely disappeared, obviously, it had been completely swallowed.

And Zhang Fan, at this time, was also feeling the changes in his body. Absorbing the spiritual power produced by the spiritual wood, at this moment, with the passage of time, it is continuously absorbed by Zhang Fan's body. At the same time, in this spiritual power, Zhang Fan feels the existence of another breath.

In the end, this breath was absorbed along with spiritual power, and then disappeared.

Not knowing if it was an illusion, Zhang Fan discovered that after swallowing this piece of spirit wood, his body's defense power had increased a bit compared to before.

He picked up a piece of spirit wood again and gathered the swallowing power into his hand. After more than twenty minutes passed, the second piece of spirit wood was also completely swallowed by Zhang Fan.

"Yes, that's how it feels. This should be another heaven-defying effect of "Xuantian Spirit Devouring Jue", right?"

After carefully feeling the changes in his body, Zhang Fan also discovered that the defenses of his body have indeed increased a bit.

This kind of feeling cannot be told to outsiders. It can only be realized by oneself. The time is already late. You can only find time to experiment later to see if your feeling is wrong.

If correct, this will become another hole card for Zhang Fan.

"Time is up, please bring your personal belongings and leave the attic."

At this moment, an electronic sound also sounded in the attic where Zhang Fan was.

No longer thinking about it, Zhang Fan just got up and left the attic, came to the spiritual pond, waiting for others.

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