Star-source Legend

Chapter 441: The assessment begins (below)

At the same time, Zhang Fan continued to deepen as he entered the gathering place. Normally, the closer to the center of the city, the higher the level of the monster.

Unlike others, Zhang Fan needs to kill high-level late-stage monsters. At this level of monsters, their IQs have already risen to a very exaggerated level, and even some of them have IQs that are comparable to humans. Naturally, they will find them for you. A very concealed and safe habitat.

Along the way, Zhang Fan saw a lot of high-level monsters, but most of them were high-level early stage, intermediate stage, and late stage, but they have never seen it.

Before he knew it, Zhang Fan had already moved forward for at least 10 minutes.


At this time, Zhang Fan, who had been advancing constantly, also heard loud snoring sounds. After judging the source of the sound, he moved his feet and rushed towards the destination.

"Good guy, it turned out to be a short-tailed bear."

Seeing the monster enjoying a dream in an old supermarket not far in front of him, Zhang Fan was also a little surprised at this moment.

The bob-tailed bear, the powerful monster second only to the raging giant bear among the bear monsters, has the lowest adulthood to reach the advanced middle stage, and now he sees the bob-tailed bear, the fluctuations in the whole body have obviously reached the advanced stage. .

Compared to the raging giant bear, the Koburi looks smaller, but at least it is more than three meters tall. The reason why it is strong is that the Kobuk is very agile. It is a powerful monster with both speed and strength. Under the explosion, the speed is enough to reach 180ms. Among the high-level monsters, apart from flying monsters, there are really no land monsters that can have this speed.

"call out!"

Seeing the short-tailed bear in sleep, Zhang Fan was the first to run "Xuantian Devouring Soul". The powerful spiritual power also completely covered the battle spear at this moment. Then, he immediately dropped out and faced the short-tailed bear. Threw it over.

The speed of the war spear wrapped in spiritual power at this moment has reached its limit, turning into a light, carrying a sharp breath, entraining the power of breaking through the air, and shooting directly at the body of the short-tailed bear.

The surrounding space was a little turbulent, and the sound of an explosion that seemed to be violently rubbing against the air was also constantly coming out, shocking and unforgettable.


And this movement naturally awakened the sleeping short-tailed bear for the first time, and felt the crisis. When the short-tailed bear moved his body, he wanted to quickly escape in another direction.


However, it was still too late. The spear that was thrown out by Zhang Fan was very fast, which also made the power of the spear to an extreme. In an instant, the war spear plunged directly into the body of the short-tailed bear.

"Ang Roar!"

With a painful roar, the short-tailed bear was directly penetrated by Zhang Fan's war spear, and the whole body was hung on the war spear, and the spear head of the war spear also plunged into the ground.

The terrifying power caused the surrounding ground to burst immediately, and rubble splashed.

"My God, the strength of this kid is getting stronger and stronger. Although it is a sneak attack, the power of his attack is at least comparable to a powerhouse at the peak of the Martial Spirit Realm.

This is also the first time I have seen the true strength of this child Afan recently. "

At the same time, in the monitoring hall of Gulan Academy dedicated to monitoring the gathering places of 4 monsters, many figures were sitting at the moment.

Furukawa and the others were in the line, and beside Furukawa, there was a thin old man with a figure of about 1.7 meters. He was wearing a thin linen cloth and his face was old, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes. The light flashed by, people are also daunting.

No one else, it is Pang Long who has been guarding the engraving of the ruins, and one of the Supreme Elders of the Martial Arts Guild.

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