Star-source Legend

Chapter 444: Strong strength (below)

"Haha, what you said is not unreasonable. However, young people have a change of thinking. Let's wait for them to get along for a while. Now they are less than twenty years old. Don't worry."

Hearing what Furukawa said, Chu Wen also laughed and said.

"Xiao Liang, you have always been responsible for Zhang Fan's spiritual teacher training ability. What is his current specific strength?"

At this time, Pang Long also looked at Liang Yu who had been silent and asked.

"Pang Lao, A Fan's strength has risen very rapidly, and now, the power he has exploded with all his strength is already comparable to a powerhouse in the middle stage of the Martial Soul Realm.

Now, he is able to control five flying knives at the same time to reach the ultimate peak of strength. His current realm is in the Martial Soul Realm, so his spiritual master's strength has reached the early stage of the Martial Soul Realm, and it is a hit. The force also reached 300,000 jin, and when added up, it was already more than 1.5 million jin. As his own realm improved, this value also gradually increased.

Moreover, the total amount of Afan’s mental power is also very vigorous, far surpassing other spiritual masters. According to my estimation, once he breaks through to the martial spirit realm, his true full power will explode and his strength is comparable to Feng Feng. The strong man in the early stage of the kingdom. "

Liang Yu also said immediately.

After other people listened, their faces became very shocked, and their hearts were shocked.

"You deserve to be a spiritual teacher. With this kind of strength, if he lets go of his hands and feet, the high-level monsters in the entire gathering area will not be enough to kill.

But obviously, he didn't want to take the initiative to expose his identity for the time being, so he always relied on his martial arts strength to kill monsters. "

At this moment, even Pang Long sighed.

"You said, if Zhang Fan is established as the successor of the president of the Martial Arts Guild, will others have opinions?"

At this moment, Pang Long uttered a word that surprised everyone.

The heir of the president, this term hasn't appeared for a long time. There was Xu Qing before, but in the end it unfortunately fell.

As the elders of the martial arts guild, they understand what it means to be an heir. It can be said that to become an heir, then the entire guild basically belongs to Zhang Fan.

"I think most people will agree on this point. However, I don't think you should be anxious about this. The original Xu Qing child was established as the heir, coupled with his own terrifying talent. Tang succeeded in a sneak attack.

I think that when Zhang Fan has the power of the Conferred King Realm, he secretly confirms the identity of the heir, and when his own Martial Realm is upgraded to the Conferred King Realm, he will be announced.

With the ability of Zhang Fan’s spirit to be a teacher, once he can break through to the Conferred King Realm, his full strength will be comparable to the powerhouse of the late Conferred King Realm. I think unless it is a person at the level of the President or many King Conferred Realms. In the later period, the warriors besieged him, otherwise, it would be impossible to cause much damage to Zhang Fan. "

After being silent for a while, Furukawa also expressed his thoughts.

"Yeah, yes, Zhang Fan's current strength is still too low. Without guarantees of safety, the identity of the heir is a burden for him.

Now, he has attracted the attention of many hostile forces. Once his identity is revealed again, what awaits him will be endless assassinations. "

Chu Wen also nodded and said.

"I understand what you said. I just want to see how you feel about Zhang Fan becoming the heir. It seems that you should not object to Zhang Fan.

For the time being, this is just a proposal, specific things. After the president leaves customs, I will discuss with him and make a decision. Not to mention, let's continue. "

Pang Long also nodded at this moment, and then said something, then he turned his attention to the monitoring screen.

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