Star-source Legend

Chapter 462: Kill the purple dragon python (part 2)

"Ang Roar!"

The pain of the body made the eyes of the Zijin dragon python become extremely red at this moment, and immediately afterwards, it directly uttered a loud roar at the sky.

Later, in Zhang Fan’s surprised look, he found that the purple scales of the purple dragon python's whole body turned out to be extremely dazzling. Then, from around its body, a purple mist also emerged, covering the purple dragon python completely. .

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the injuries of the Zijin dragon python completely stopped in an instant, and he was continuously repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even many cracked scales are directly restored to a perfect state.

In less than a minute, even if Mu Changfeng and their attacks were very powerful, they still couldn't keep up with the recovery speed of the Purple Dragon Python.


At this time, the completely restored look of the purple golden dragon python also flashed the once very humane self-sufficient color, and then, with a roar, the huge body directly drew towards Mu Changfeng and the others quickly and incomparably.

Compared with the initial sluggish state, the Zijin dragon python at the moment looked very energetic.

"Clang clang!"

There was a loud collision, and Mu Changfeng and the others had to retreat temporarily. After all, although the realm of the Zijin Dragon Python is lower than theirs, they are now using the power of the Zijin Dragon Python with its talents. It is already a higher level than the previous state, coupled with their own body shape advantage, frontal collision, they ask themselves that they cannot resist.

"call out!"

It is a pity that Zijin Dragon Python overlooked one point, that is, the existence of Zhang Fan.

After placing Gu Qian in a very safe location, Zhang Fan rushed over immediately, waiting for the opportunity. Although he couldn't reveal his identity as a spiritual teacher, he was able to attach spiritual ideas to his war spear. This was another powerful ability that Xing Lao reminded him before.

Not only that, the mental power can even be attached to his feet, increasing his movement speed.

At this moment, Zhang Fan, who is already ready, has poured all the spirit vortexes into the battle spear in his hand, including his own spiritual power, and all converged to the battle spear in his hand, and added Add to your own powerful mental power.

The war spear that was thrown out by Zhang Fan with all his strength, at this moment's speed, is not even inferior to the speed of his throwing knife. It is like a meteor that flashes in an instant, directly in the incredible eyes of Mu Changfeng and others. He fell into one of the eyes of the Zijin dragon python.



At this moment, the spearhead of Zhang Fan's war spear had generally submerged from the eyes of the Zijin dragon python to its head, causing the Zijin dragon python to let out a huge roar.

It was immediately plunged into a frenzy, and its huge long tail was constantly sweeping around at this moment, and many surrounding buildings also completely collapsed in circles.

"Good opportunity, do it!"

Mu Changfeng and others will naturally not miss such a good opportunity. The crazy purple dragon python is no different from other normal monsters and has lost basic reason. This is the most important thing for Mu Changfeng and others. Good news.

Suddenly, the four directly attacked the injured part of the purple dragon python with all their strength.

The sword beams of several meters in size and the sword beams continuously act on the injured position of the purple golden dragon python, and the two instructors on the other side are directly relying on their own speed advantages at this moment, and they are constantly hitting at close range The head of the purple dragon python, fist and shadow shaking, spear like a dragon.

In less than a minute, at least half of the giant head of the purple dragon python had become pulpy.


In the end, an instructor holding a spear jumped into the air at this moment, and finally turned straight down. The spear in his hand directly penetrated the head of the purple dragon python.


With a roar of pain, the purple dragon python fell heavily to the ground, and a color of unwillingness and fear flashed in the remaining eye, which was slowly closed, and then There is no sound.

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