Star-source Legend

Chapter 466: Gulan New Residence (Part 1)

After returning to the college, Mu Changfeng also called everyone up to the cafeteria to have a meal together.

It can be regarded as seeing off a dozen students who are leaving.

At 12 o'clock, all the talents reluctantly left.

Some people are happy and some are worried, and some people are destined to not sleep this night.

The next day, Zhang Fan and all of them gathered together and watched the partner who had been with them for a year leave. Everyone looked a little bit sad.

However, this is reality. Survival of the fittest has always been the tradition of Gulan Academy.

"Let's go, starting today, we have become seniors in the eyes of others, and this is a new beginning for us."

Zhang Fan and the others have already cleaned up at this moment. Standing downstairs in the freshman dormitory, everyone is reluctant to give up. After all, this is where they stayed for a year, and it is fake to have no feelings.

The freshman dormitory also witnessed the growth of each of them.

Afterwards, everyone walked towards the location of the new residence that had spent 5000 points.

Along the way, everyone's depressed mood slowly recovered, talking and laughing.

Half an hour later, Zhang Fan and the others came to a three-story modern villa. The whole villa is surrounded by a four-meter-high wall. The whole villa is gray-black. It is not made of any materials, but there are lines on it, which looks very beautiful.

In the middle, there is a silver alloy gate that can only accommodate two people entering at the same time. There is also a pattern of flowers printed on the gate, which looks very beautiful.

In the middle of the gate, it is the location of the entrance guard.

After taking out the door card they had obtained and swiping them, Zhang Fan and the others opened the door and entered the courtyard of the villa one by one.

Around the courtyard, fragrant grasses and flowers of various shapes also decorate the entire courtyard very beautifully.

In the center of the courtyard, there is an antique-looking pavilion. Inside, there is a stone table and four stone benches. Each of them is carved with a lot of suddenness, which adds a lot to the entire pavilion. Style.

The pavement surrounding the villa is paved with colorful cobblestones, which also emit colorful light under the sunlight, which looks very beautiful.

"It looks good, let's go, let's go in and take a look at the 5,000-point residence. I really look forward to what kind of decoration will be inside."

Zhang Fan smiled, and then said to the others, then he pushed open the door of the villa and walked in.


Zhang Fan took out the door card and swiped it again. With a soft sound, the door of the villa opened directly. Then, Zhang Fan and the others walked in.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, it's not worth spending so many points, Qianqian, let's go, let's choose the room."

As soon as Zhang Fan entered, what was unexpected to Zhang Fan was that the entire huge living room was all a kind of antique architecture, and there was also a good spiritual power in the living room. Zhang Fan observed it through his own mind and was surprised. It was discovered that many tools in the living room were all made of various rare and rare woods.

Moreover, the source of these spirit trees is at least 500 years old.

The whole living room is full of the unique fragrance of spirit wood, which makes people smell very comfortable.

At this time, Chu Ying was also dragging Gu Qian to constantly shuttle through the entire villa. Did the laughter also add a lot of human touch to the entire villa.

"Let's go, let's take a look around and look at the introduction, this villa has everything you need, and it shouldn't let us down."

Zhang Fan also said to Hong Lie and the others at this time, and then walked along the stairs to the second floor of the villa.

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