Star-source Legend

Chapter 470: Hong Lie is promoted (middle)

"It's really enviable."

Hearing what Elder Xing said, looking at Hong Lie who was refining dragon blood in the distance, Zhang Fan also had a look of emotion.

"Hehe, you don’t have to be envious. With the help of "Xuantian Devouring Soul", your current body is no less inferior to those with special bloodlines, and your promotion is in all aspects, more than them. Swift and swift.

Theoretically, only if you have enough things to swallow, the speed at which your strength grows is to be able to maintain a steady speed and rise in a straight line. "

Xing Lao also said aloud at this time, giving Zhang Fan a lot of comfort.

However, what Xing Lao said is indeed true. If there is no "Xuan Tian Zhi Ling Jue", let alone enter Gu Lan Academy, now he can only go to some relatively ordinary colleges and universities for a lifetime. Able to reach the Martial Soul Realm, it is estimated that it will almost end.

What else can he not be satisfied with?

What's more, he now still has "Chaos Promise" given by Xing Lao, which gives him the same ability as a spiritual teacher.

"Old Xing, do you think Hong Lie will increase his body shape again after this upgrade? Once that happens, it is not good news for him. Any fool can see this characteristic."

Zhang Fan also suddenly thought of a situation at this time, and his expression was very worried, and then asked the old man Xing.

"Haha, don't worry, the Titan bloodline belongs to the human race. Normally, their height is determined by nature. And the giants in your imagination are actually another talented magical power of the Titans, as long as you don't use them Out, the normal state is no different from ordinary people, of course, the natural strength is still very powerful.

Although this little guy has the blood of Titans, it is not very pure, but it is similar to the monster like Zijin Dragon Python with a trace.

Of course, this thread is already very powerful for your earth. "

Xing Lao also explained with a smile.

"It turns out that this is the case, that's good, otherwise, if this guy suddenly becomes a giant, it's really bad."

Zhang Fan was also relieved.

At the same time, the aura of Hong Lie's body at this moment is also becoming stronger and stronger, and Zhang Fan once again felt the strong sense of oppression when he first fought against Hong Lie.

At the same time, at this moment, Hong Lie's body had already completely turned into a piece of gold, and even the spiritual fluid in the spiritual pool was gradually turning to gold.


At this moment, a powerful force erupted from various parts of Hong Lie's body, and Zhang Fan, who had been observing Hong Lie, also changed his complexion.

This power, vast and majestic, the moment it appeared, the surrounding space was jittered. In front of this power, Zhang Fan felt like a little ant, without resistance. idea.

The coercion in it even made Zhang Fan feel as if he was being oppressed by a ten-thousand-foot high mountain. For a moment, his face was extremely pale, and the steamed man's body was constantly trembling.

Involuntarily, in Zhang Fan's body, "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue" was running autonomously, which made Zhang Fan feel that the pressure on his body disappeared.

Suddenly, the whole person was like a broken bone, limp on the ground.

"It seems that the blood in this little guy's body is very good, at least one-thousandth of the blood of the real Titans. It's incredible.

It seems that Afan, soon this little guy will have a certain chance to get out of the earth. As his strength increases, the Titan bloodline in his body will become more and more. With the blood of a Titan, just relying on the power of the flesh, this little guy can directly survive in the universe.

In the future, you may be your most powerful helper. "

At this time, Old Xing's voice came over, and his tone was also a little surprised.

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